blob: 54e22e8a50c56072ceb70446603cee94f43561dc [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
import copy
import logging
import types
import time
import re
import scapy.all as scapy
import scapy as scapy
sys.exit("Need to install scapy for packet parsing")
import oftest
import oftest.controller
import oftest.dataplane
import oftest.parse
import oftest.ofutils
import ofp
global skipped_test_count
skipped_test_count = 0
_import_blacklist = set(locals().keys())
# Some useful defines
def delete_all_flows(ctrl):
Delete all flows on the switch
@param ctrl The controller object for the test
""""Deleting all flows")
msg = ofp.message.flow_delete()
if ofp.OFP_VERSION in [1, 2]:
msg.match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
msg.out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE
msg.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
elif ofp.OFP_VERSION >= 3:
msg.table_id = ofp.OFPTT_ALL
msg.buffer_id = ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER
msg.out_port = ofp.OFPP_ANY
msg.out_group = ofp.OFPG_ANY
return 0 # for backwards compatibility
def required_wildcards(parent):
w = test_param_get('required_wildcards', default='default')
if w == 'l3-l4':
return 0
def simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
Return a simple dataplane TCP packet
Supports a few parameters:
@param len Length of packet in bytes w/o CRC
@param eth_dst Destinatino MAC
@param eth_src Source MAC
@param dl_vlan_enable True if the packet is with vlan, False otherwise
@param vlan_vid VLAN ID
@param vlan_pcp VLAN priority
@param ip_src IP source
@param ip_dst IP destination
@param ip_tos IP ToS
@param ip_ttl IP TTL
@param tcp_dport TCP destination port
@param ip_sport TCP source port
Generates a simple TCP request. Users
shouldn't assume anything about this packet other than that
it is a valid ethernet/IP/TCP frame.
if MINSIZE > pktlen:
pktlen = MINSIZE
# Note is really CFI
if (dl_vlan_enable):
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.Dot1Q(prio=vlan_pcp, id=dl_vlan_cfi, vlan=vlan_vid)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, tos=ip_tos, ttl=ip_ttl, ihl=ip_ihl)/ \
scapy.TCP(sport=tcp_sport, dport=tcp_dport)
if not ip_options:
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, tos=ip_tos, ttl=ip_ttl, ihl=ip_ihl)/ \
scapy.TCP(sport=tcp_sport, dport=tcp_dport)
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, tos=ip_tos, ttl=ip_ttl, ihl=ip_ihl, options=ip_options)/ \
scapy.TCP(sport=tcp_sport, dport=tcp_dport)
pkt = pkt/("D" * (pktlen - len(pkt)))
return pkt
def simple_udp_packet(pktlen=100,
Return a simple dataplane UDP packet
Supports a few parameters:
@param len Length of packet in bytes w/o CRC
@param eth_dst Destination MAC
@param eth_src Source MAC
@param dl_vlan_enable True if the packet is with vlan, False otherwise
@param vlan_vid VLAN ID
@param vlan_pcp VLAN priority
@param ip_src IP source
@param ip_dst IP destination
@param ip_tos IP ToS
@param ip_ttl IP TTL
@param udp_dport UDP destination port
@param udp_sport UDP source port
Generates a simple UDP packet. Users shouldn't assume anything about
this packet other than that it is a valid ethernet/IP/UDP frame.
if MINSIZE > pktlen:
pktlen = MINSIZE
# Note is really CFI
if (dl_vlan_enable):
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.Dot1Q(prio=vlan_pcp, id=dl_vlan_cfi, vlan=vlan_vid)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, tos=ip_tos, ttl=ip_ttl, ihl=ip_ihl)/ \
scapy.UDP(sport=udp_sport, dport=udp_dport)
if not ip_options:
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, tos=ip_tos, ttl=ip_ttl, ihl=ip_ihl)/ \
scapy.UDP(sport=udp_sport, dport=udp_dport)
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, tos=ip_tos, ttl=ip_ttl, ihl=ip_ihl, options=ip_options)/ \
scapy.UDP(sport=udp_sport, dport=udp_dport)
pkt = pkt/("D" * (pktlen - len(pkt)))
return pkt
def simple_icmp_packet(pktlen=60,
Return a simple ICMP packet
Supports a few parameters:
@param len Length of packet in bytes w/o CRC
@param eth_dst Destinatino MAC
@param eth_src Source MAC
@param dl_vlan_enable True if the packet is with vlan, False otherwise
@param vlan_vid VLAN ID
@param vlan_pcp VLAN priority
@param ip_src IP source
@param ip_dst IP destination
@param ip_tos IP ToS
@param ip_ttl IP TTL
@param icmp_type ICMP type
@param icmp_code ICMP code
Generates a simple ICMP ECHO REQUEST. Users
shouldn't assume anything about this packet other than that
it is a valid ethernet/ICMP frame.
if MINSIZE > pktlen:
pktlen = MINSIZE
if (dl_vlan_enable):
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.Dot1Q(prio=vlan_pcp, id=0, vlan=vlan_vid)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, ttl=ip_ttl, tos=ip_tos)/ \
scapy.ICMP(type=icmp_type, code=icmp_code)
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, ttl=ip_ttl, tos=ip_tos)/ \
scapy.ICMP(type=icmp_type, code=icmp_code)
pkt = pkt/("0" * (pktlen - len(pkt)))
return pkt
def simple_arp_packet(pktlen=60,
Return a simple ARP packet
Supports a few parameters:
@param len Length of packet in bytes w/o CRC
@param eth_dst Destinatino MAC
@param eth_src Source MAC
@param arp_op Operation (1=request, 2=reply)
@param ip_snd Sender IP
@param ip_tgt Target IP
@param hw_snd Sender hardware address
@param hw_tgt Target hardware address
Generates a simple ARP REQUEST. Users
shouldn't assume anything about this packet other than that
it is a valid ethernet/ARP frame.
if MINSIZE > pktlen:
pktlen = MINSIZE
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.ARP(hwsrc=hw_snd, hwdst=hw_tgt, pdst=ip_tgt, psrc=ip_snd, op=arp_op)
pkt = pkt/("0" * (pktlen - len(pkt)))
return pkt
def simple_eth_packet(pktlen=60,
if MINSIZE > pktlen:
pktlen = MINSIZE
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src, type=eth_type)
pkt = pkt/("0" * (pktlen - len(pkt)))
return pkt
def qinq_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
Return a doubly tagged dataplane TCP packet
Supports a few parameters:
@param len Length of packet in bytes w/o CRC
@param eth_dst Destinatino MAC
@param eth_src Source MAC
@param dl_vlan_outer Outer VLAN ID
@param dl_vlan_pcp_outer Outer VLAN priority
@param dl_vlan_cfi_outer Outer VLAN cfi bit
@param vlan_vid Inner VLAN ID
@param vlan_pcp VLAN priority
@param dl_vlan_cfi VLAN cfi bit
@param ip_src IP source
@param ip_dst IP destination
@param ip_tos IP ToS
@param tcp_dport TCP destination port
@param ip_sport TCP source port
Generates a TCP request. Users
shouldn't assume anything about this packet other than that
it is a valid ethernet/IP/TCP frame.
if MINSIZE > pktlen:
pktlen = MINSIZE
# Note is really CFI
pkt = scapy.Ether(dst=eth_dst, src=eth_src)/ \
scapy.Dot1Q(prio=dl_vlan_pcp_outer, id=dl_vlan_cfi_outer, vlan=dl_vlan_outer)/ \
scapy.Dot1Q(prio=vlan_pcp, id=dl_vlan_cfi, vlan=vlan_vid)/ \
scapy.IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, tos=ip_tos, ttl=ip_ttl, ihl=ip_ihl)/ \
scapy.TCP(sport=tcp_sport, dport=tcp_dport)
pkt = pkt/("D" * (pktlen - len(pkt)))
return pkt
def do_barrier(ctrl, timeout=-1):
Do a barrier command
Return 0 on success, -1 on error
b = ofp.message.barrier_request()
(resp, pkt) = ctrl.transact(b, timeout=timeout)
if resp is None:
raise AssertionError("barrier failed")
# We'll trust the transaction processing in the controller that xid matched
return 0 # for backwards compatibility
def port_config_get(controller, port_no):
Get a port's configuration
Gets the switch feature configuration and grabs one port's
@returns (hwaddr, config, advert) The hwaddress, configuration and
advertised values
if ofp.OFP_VERSION <= 3:
request = ofp.message.features_request()
reply, _ = controller.transact(request)
if reply is None:
logging.warn("Get feature request failed")
return None, None, None
ports = reply.ports
request = ofp.message.port_desc_stats_request()
# TODO do multipart correctly
reply, _ = controller.transact(request)
if reply is None:
logging.warn("Port desc stats request failed")
return None, None, None
ports = reply.entries
for port in ports:
if port.port_no == port_no:
return (port.hw_addr, port.config, port.advertised)
logging.warn("Did not find port number for port config")
return None, None, None
def port_config_set(controller, port_no, config, mask):
Set the port configuration according the given parameters
Gets the switch feature configuration and updates one port's
configuration value according to config and mask
""""Setting port " + str(port_no) + " to config " + str(config))
hw_addr, _, _ = port_config_get(controller, port_no)
mod = ofp.message.port_mod()
mod.port_no = port_no
if hw_addr != None:
mod.hw_addr = hw_addr
mod.config = config
mod.mask = mask
mod.advertise = 0 # No change
return 0
def receive_pkt_check(dp, pkt, yes_ports, no_ports, assert_if):
Check for proper receive packets across all ports
@param dp The dataplane object
@param pkt Expected packet; may be None if yes_ports is empty
@param yes_ports Set or list of ports that should recieve packet
@param no_ports Set or list of ports that should not receive packet
@param assert_if Object that implements assertXXX
# Wait this long for packets that we don't expect to receive.
# 100ms is (rarely) too short for positive tests on slow
# switches but is definitely not too short for a negative test.
negative_timeout = 0.1
exp_pkt_arg = None
if oftest.config["relax"]:
exp_pkt_arg = pkt
for ofport in yes_ports:
logging.debug("Checking for pkt on port " + str(ofport))
(rcv_port, rcv_pkt, pkt_time) = dp.poll(
port_number=ofport, exp_pkt=exp_pkt_arg)
assert_if.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None,
"Did not receive pkt on " + str(ofport))
if not oftest.dataplane.match_exp_pkt(pkt, rcv_pkt):
logging.debug("Expected %s" % format_packet(pkt))
logging.debug("Received %s" % format_packet(rcv_pkt))
assert_if.assertTrue(oftest.dataplane.match_exp_pkt(pkt, rcv_pkt),
"Received packet does not match expected packet " +
"on port " + str(ofport))
if len(no_ports) > 0:
for ofport in no_ports:
logging.debug("Negative check for pkt on port " + str(ofport))
(rcv_port, rcv_pkt, pkt_time) = dp.poll(
port_number=ofport, timeout=0, exp_pkt=exp_pkt_arg)
assert_if.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is None,
"Unexpected pkt on port " + str(ofport))
def receive_pkt_verify(parent, egr_ports, exp_pkt, ing_port):
Receive a packet and verify it matches an expected value
@param egr_port A single port or list of ports
parent must implement dataplane, assertTrue and assertEqual
exp_pkt_arg = None
if oftest.config["relax"]:
exp_pkt_arg = exp_pkt
if type(egr_ports) == type([]):
egr_port_list = egr_ports
egr_port_list = [egr_ports]
# Expect a packet from each port on egr port list
for egr_port in egr_port_list:
check_port = egr_port
if egr_port == ofp.OFPP_IN_PORT:
check_port = ing_port
(rcv_port, rcv_pkt, pkt_time) = parent.dataplane.poll(
port_number=check_port, exp_pkt=exp_pkt_arg)
if rcv_pkt is None:
logging.error("ERROR: No packet received from " +
parent.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None,
"Did not receive packet port " + str(check_port))
logging.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " +
if str(exp_pkt) != str(rcv_pkt):
logging.error("ERROR: Packet match failed.")
logging.debug("Expected len " + str(len(exp_pkt)) + ": "
+ str(exp_pkt).encode('hex'))
logging.debug("Received len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + ": "
+ str(rcv_pkt).encode('hex'))
logging.debug("Expected packet: " + inspect_packet(scapy.Ether(str(exp_pkt))))
logging.debug("Received packet: " + inspect_packet(scapy.Ether(str(rcv_pkt))))
parent.assertEqual(str(exp_pkt), str(rcv_pkt),
"Packet match error on port " + str(check_port))
def match_verify(parent, req_match, res_match):
Verify flow matches agree; if they disagree, report where
parent must implement assertEqual
Use str() to ensure content is compared and not pointers
parent.assertEqual(req_match.wildcards, res_match.wildcards,
'Match failed: wildcards: ' + hex(req_match.wildcards) +
" != " + hex(res_match.wildcards))
parent.assertEqual(req_match.in_port, res_match.in_port,
'Match failed: in_port: ' + str(req_match.in_port) +
" != " + str(res_match.in_port))
parent.assertEqual(str(req_match.eth_src), str(res_match.eth_src),
'Match failed: eth_src: ' + str(req_match.eth_src) +
" != " + str(res_match.eth_src))
parent.assertEqual(str(req_match.eth_dst), str(res_match.eth_dst),
'Match failed: eth_dst: ' + str(req_match.eth_dst) +
" != " + str(res_match.eth_dst))
parent.assertEqual(req_match.vlan_vid, res_match.vlan_vid,
'Match failed: vlan_vid: ' + str(req_match.vlan_vid) +
" != " + str(res_match.vlan_vid))
parent.assertEqual(req_match.vlan_pcp, res_match.vlan_pcp,
'Match failed: vlan_pcp: ' +
str(req_match.vlan_pcp) + " != " +
parent.assertEqual(req_match.eth_type, res_match.eth_type,
'Match failed: eth_type: ' + str(req_match.eth_type) +
" != " + str(res_match.eth_type))
if (not(req_match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE)
and (req_match.eth_type == IP_ETHERTYPE)):
parent.assertEqual(req_match.ip_dscp, res_match.ip_dscp,
'Match failed: ip_dscp: ' + str(req_match.ip_dscp) +
" != " + str(res_match.ip_dscp))
parent.assertEqual(req_match.ip_proto, res_match.ip_proto,
'Match failed: ip_proto: ' + str(req_match.ip_proto) +
" != " + str(res_match.ip_proto))
parent.assertEqual(req_match.ipv4_src, res_match.ipv4_src,
'Match failed: ipv4_src: ' + str(req_match.ipv4_src) +
" != " + str(res_match.ipv4_src))
parent.assertEqual(req_match.ipv4_dst, res_match.ipv4_dst,
'Match failed: ipv4_dst: ' + str(req_match.ipv4_dst) +
" != " + str(res_match.ipv4_dst))
if (not(req_match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO)
and ((req_match.ip_proto == TCP_PROTOCOL)
or (req_match.ip_proto == UDP_PROTOCOL))):
parent.assertEqual(req_match.tcp_src, res_match.tcp_src,
'Match failed: tcp_src: ' +
str(req_match.tcp_src) +
" != " + str(res_match.tcp_src))
parent.assertEqual(req_match.tcp_dst, res_match.tcp_dst,
'Match failed: tcp_dst: ' +
str(req_match.tcp_dst) +
" != " + str(res_match.tcp_dst))
def packet_to_flow_match(parent, packet):
match = oftest.parse.packet_to_flow_match(packet)
if ofp.OFP_VERSION in [1, 2]:
match.wildcards |= required_wildcards(parent)
# TODO remove incompatible OXM entries
return match
def flow_msg_create(parent, pkt, ing_port=None, action_list=None, wildcards=None,
egr_ports=None, egr_queue=None, check_expire=False, in_band=False):
Create a flow message
Match on packet with given wildcards.
See flow_match_test for other parameter descriptoins
@param egr_queue if not None, make the output an enqueue action
@param in_band if True, do not wildcard ingress port
@param egr_ports None (drop), single port or list of ports
match = oftest.parse.packet_to_flow_match(pkt)
parent.assertTrue(match is not None, "Flow match from pkt failed")
if wildcards is None:
wildcards = required_wildcards(parent)
if in_band:
wildcards &= ~ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT
match.wildcards = wildcards
match.in_port = ing_port
if type(egr_ports) == type([]):
egr_port_list = egr_ports
egr_port_list = [egr_ports]
request = ofp.message.flow_add()
request.match = match
request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
if check_expire:
request.flags |= ofp.OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM
request.hard_timeout = 1
if action_list is not None:
for act in action_list:
logging.debug("Adding action " +
# Set up output/enqueue action if directed
if egr_queue is not None:
parent.assertTrue(egr_ports is not None, "Egress port not set")
act = ofp.action.enqueue()
for egr_port in egr_port_list:
act.port = egr_port
act.queue_id = egr_queue
elif egr_ports is not None:
for egr_port in egr_port_list:
act = ofp.action.output()
act.port = egr_port
return request
def flow_msg_install(parent, request, clear_table_override=None):
Install a flow mod message in the switch
@param parent Must implement controller, assertEqual, assertTrue
@param request The request, all set to go
@param clear_table If true, clear the flow table before installing
clear_table = test_param_get('clear_table', default=True)
if(clear_table_override != None):
clear_table = clear_table_override
if clear_table:
logging.debug("Clear flow table")
logging.debug("Insert flow")
def flow_match_test_port_pair(parent, ing_port, egr_ports, wildcards=None,
vlan_vid=-1, pkt=None, exp_pkt=None,
Flow match test on single TCP packet
@param egr_ports A single port or list of ports
Run test with packet through switch from ing_port to egr_port
See flow_match_test for parameter descriptions
if wildcards is None:
wildcards = required_wildcards(parent)"Pkt match test: " + str(ing_port) + " to " +
logging.debug(" WC: " + hex(wildcards) + " vlan: " + str(vlan_vid))
if pkt is None:
pkt = simple_tcp_packet(dl_vlan_enable=(vlan_vid >= 0), vlan_vid=vlan_vid)
request = flow_msg_create(parent, pkt, ing_port=ing_port,
wildcards=wildcards, egr_ports=egr_ports,
flow_msg_install(parent, request)
logging.debug("Send packet: " + str(ing_port) + " to " +
parent.dataplane.send(ing_port, str(pkt))
if exp_pkt is None:
exp_pkt = pkt
receive_pkt_verify(parent, egr_ports, exp_pkt, ing_port)
def flow_match_test_pktout(parent, ing_port, egr_ports,
vlan_vid=-1, pkt=None, exp_pkt=None,
Packet-out test on single TCP packet
@param egr_ports A single port or list of ports
Run test sending packet-out to egr_ports. The goal is to test the actions
taken on the packet, not the matching which is of course irrelevant.
See flow_match_test for parameter descriptions
if pkt is None:
pkt = simple_tcp_packet(dl_vlan_enable=(vlan_vid >= 0), vlan_vid=vlan_vid)
msg = ofp.message.packet_out()
msg.in_port = ing_port
msg.buffer_id = 0xffffffff = str(pkt)
if action_list is not None:
for act in action_list:
# Set up output action
if egr_ports is not None:
for egr_port in egr_ports:
act = ofp.action.output()
act.port = egr_port
if exp_pkt is None:
exp_pkt = pkt
receive_pkt_verify(parent, egr_ports, exp_pkt, ing_port)
def get_egr_list(parent, of_ports, how_many, exclude_list=[]):
Generate a list of ports avoiding those in the exclude list
@param parent Supplies logging
@param of_ports List of OF port numbers
@param how_many Number of ports to be added to the list
@param exclude_list List of ports not to be used
@returns An empty list if unable to find enough ports
if how_many == 0:
return []
count = 0
egr_ports = []
for egr_idx in range(len(of_ports)):
if of_ports[egr_idx] not in exclude_list:
count += 1
if count >= how_many:
return egr_ports
logging.debug("Could not generate enough egress ports for test")
return []
def flow_match_test(parent, port_map, wildcards=None, vlan_vid=-1, pkt=None,
exp_pkt=None, action_list=None,
max_test=0, egr_count=1, ing_port=False):
Run flow_match_test_port_pair on all port pairs and packet-out
@param max_test If > 0 no more than this number of tests are executed.
@param parent Must implement controller, dataplane, assertTrue, assertEqual
and logging
@param pkt If not None, use this packet for ingress
@param wildcards For flow match entry
@param vlan_vid If not -1, and pkt is None, create a pkt w/ VLAN tag
@param exp_pkt If not None, use this as the expected output pkt; els use pkt
@param action_list Additional actions to add to flow mod
@param egr_count Number of egress ports; -1 means get from config w/ dflt 2
if wildcards is None:
wildcards = required_wildcards(parent)
of_ports = port_map.keys()
parent.assertTrue(len(of_ports) > 1, "Not enough ports for test")
test_count = 0
if egr_count == -1:
egr_count = test_param_get('egr_count', default=2)
for ing_idx in range(len(of_ports)):
ingress_port = of_ports[ing_idx]
egr_ports = get_egr_list(parent, of_ports, egr_count,
if ing_port:
if len(egr_ports) == 0:
parent.assertTrue(0, "Failed to generate egress port list")
flow_match_test_port_pair(parent, ingress_port, egr_ports,
wildcards=wildcards, vlan_vid=vlan_vid,
pkt=pkt, exp_pkt=exp_pkt,
test_count += 1
if (max_test > 0) and (test_count > max_test):"Ran " + str(test_count) + " tests; exiting")
if not test_param_get('pktout_actions', default=True):
ingress_port = of_ports[0]
egr_ports = get_egr_list(parent, of_ports, egr_count,
if ing_port:
flow_match_test_pktout(parent, ingress_port, egr_ports,
pkt=pkt, exp_pkt=exp_pkt,
def test_param_get(key, default=None):
Return value passed via test-params if present
@param key The lookup key
@param default Default value to use if not found
If the pair 'key=val' appeared in the string passed to --test-params
on the command line, return val (as interpreted by exec). Otherwise
return default value.
eg egr_count, not egr-count.
exec oftest.config["test_params"]
return default
s = "val = " + str(key)
exec s
return val
return default
def action_generate(parent, field_to_mod, mod_field_vals):
Create an action to modify the field indicated in field_to_mod
@param parent Must implement, assertTrue
@param field_to_mod The field to modify as a string name
@param mod_field_vals Hash of values to use for modified values
act = None
if field_to_mod in ['pktlen']:
return None
if field_to_mod == 'eth_dst':
act = ofp.action.set_dl_dst()
act.dl_addr = oftest.parse.parse_mac(mod_field_vals['eth_dst'])
elif field_to_mod == 'eth_src':
act = ofp.action.set_dl_src()
act.dl_addr = oftest.parse.parse_mac(mod_field_vals['eth_src'])
elif field_to_mod == 'dl_vlan_enable':
if not mod_field_vals['dl_vlan_enable']: # Strip VLAN tag
act = ofp.action.strip_vlan()
# Add VLAN tag is handled by vlan_vid field
# Will return None in this case
elif field_to_mod == 'vlan_vid':
act = ofp.action.set_vlan_vid()
act.vlan_vid = mod_field_vals['vlan_vid']
elif field_to_mod == 'vlan_pcp':
act = ofp.action.set_vlan_pcp()
act.vlan_pcp = mod_field_vals['vlan_pcp']
elif field_to_mod == 'ip_src':
act = ofp.action.set_nw_src()
act.nw_addr = oftest.parse.parse_ip(mod_field_vals['ip_src'])
elif field_to_mod == 'ip_dst':
act = ofp.action.set_nw_dst()
act.nw_addr = oftest.parse.parse_ip(mod_field_vals['ip_dst'])
elif field_to_mod == 'ip_tos':
act = ofp.action.set_nw_tos()
act.nw_tos = mod_field_vals['ip_tos']
elif field_to_mod == 'tcp_sport':
act = ofp.action.set_tp_src()
act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['tcp_sport']
elif field_to_mod == 'tcp_dport':
act = ofp.action.set_tp_dst()
act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['tcp_dport']
elif field_to_mod == 'udp_sport':
act = ofp.action.set_tp_src()
act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['udp_sport']
elif field_to_mod == 'udp_dport':
act = ofp.action.set_tp_dst()
act.tp_port = mod_field_vals['udp_dport']
parent.assertTrue(0, "Unknown field to modify: " + str(field_to_mod))
return act
def pkt_action_setup(parent, start_field_vals={}, mod_field_vals={},
mod_fields=[], tp="tcp", check_test_params=False):
Set up the ingress and expected packet and action list for a test
@param parent Must implement assertTrue
@param start_field_values Field values to use for ingress packet (optional)
@param mod_field_values Field values to use for modified packet (optional)
@param mod_fields The list of fields to be modified by the switch in the test.
@params check_test_params If True, will check the parameters vid, add_vlan
and strip_vlan from the command line.
Returns a triple: pkt-to-send, expected-pkt, action-list
new_actions = []
base_pkt_params = {}
base_pkt_params['pktlen'] = 100
base_pkt_params['eth_dst'] = '00:DE:F0:12:34:56'
base_pkt_params['eth_src'] = '00:23:45:67:89:AB'
base_pkt_params['dl_vlan_enable'] = False
base_pkt_params['vlan_vid'] = 2
base_pkt_params['vlan_pcp'] = 0
base_pkt_params['ip_src'] = ''
base_pkt_params['ip_dst'] = ''
base_pkt_params['ip_tos'] = 0
if tp == "tcp":
base_pkt_params['tcp_sport'] = 1234
base_pkt_params['tcp_dport'] = 80
elif tp == "udp":
base_pkt_params['udp_sport'] = 1234
base_pkt_params['udp_dport'] = 80
for keyname in start_field_vals.keys():
base_pkt_params[keyname] = start_field_vals[keyname]
mod_pkt_params = {}
mod_pkt_params['pktlen'] = 100
mod_pkt_params['eth_dst'] = '00:21:0F:ED:CB:A9'
mod_pkt_params['eth_src'] = '00:ED:CB:A9:87:65'
mod_pkt_params['dl_vlan_enable'] = False
mod_pkt_params['vlan_vid'] = 3
mod_pkt_params['vlan_pcp'] = 7
mod_pkt_params['ip_src'] = ''
mod_pkt_params['ip_dst'] = ''
mod_pkt_params['ip_tos'] = 0xf0
if tp == "tcp":
mod_pkt_params['tcp_sport'] = 4321
mod_pkt_params['tcp_dport'] = 8765
elif tp == "udp":
mod_pkt_params['udp_sport'] = 4321
mod_pkt_params['udp_dport'] = 8765
for keyname in mod_field_vals.keys():
mod_pkt_params[keyname] = mod_field_vals[keyname]
# Check for test param modifications
strip = False
if check_test_params:
add_vlan = test_param_get('add_vlan')
strip_vlan = test_param_get('strip_vlan')
vid = test_param_get('vid')
if add_vlan and strip_vlan:
parent.assertTrue(0, "Add and strip VLAN both specified")
if vid:
base_pkt_params['dl_vlan_enable'] = True
base_pkt_params['vlan_vid'] = vid
if 'vlan_vid' in mod_fields:
mod_pkt_params['vlan_vid'] = vid + 1
if add_vlan:
base_pkt_params['dl_vlan_enable'] = False
mod_pkt_params['dl_vlan_enable'] = True
mod_pkt_params['pktlen'] = base_pkt_params['pktlen'] + 4
if 'vlan_vid' not in mod_fields:
elif strip_vlan:
base_pkt_params['dl_vlan_enable'] = True
mod_pkt_params['dl_vlan_enable'] = False
mod_pkt_params['pktlen'] = base_pkt_params['pktlen'] - 4
if tp == "tcp":
packet_builder = simple_tcp_packet
elif tp == "udp":
packet_builder = simple_udp_packet
raise NotImplementedError("unknown transport protocol %s" % tp)
# Build the ingress packet
ingress_pkt = packet_builder(**base_pkt_params)
# Build the expected packet, modifying the indicated fields
for item in mod_fields:
base_pkt_params[item] = mod_pkt_params[item]
act = action_generate(parent, item, mod_pkt_params)
if act:
expected_pkt = packet_builder(**base_pkt_params)
return (ingress_pkt, expected_pkt, new_actions)
# Generate a simple "drop" flow mod
# If in_band is true, then only drop from first test port
def flow_mod_gen(port_map, in_band):
request = ofp.message.flow_add()
request.match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
if in_band:
request.match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL - ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT
for of_port, ifname in port_map.items(): # Grab first port
request.match.in_port = of_port
request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
return request
def skip_message_emit(parent, s):
Print out a 'skipped' message to stderr
@param s The string to print out to the log file
global skipped_test_count
skipped_test_count += 1"Skipping: " + s)
if oftest.config["debug"] < logging.WARNING:
sys.stderr.write("(skipped) ")
def all_stats_get(parent):
Get the aggregate stats for all flows in the table
@param parent Test instance with controller connection and assert
@returns dict with keys flows, packets, bytes, active (flows),
lookups, matched
stat_req = ofp.message.aggregate_stats_request()
stat_req.match = ofp.match()
stat_req.match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
stat_req.table_id = 0xff
stat_req.out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE
rv = {}
(reply, pkt) = parent.controller.transact(stat_req)
parent.assertTrue(len(reply.entries) == 1, "Did not receive flow stats reply")
for obj in reply.entries:
(rv["flows"], rv["packets"], rv["bytes"]) = (obj.flow_count,
obj.packet_count, obj.byte_count)
request = ofp.message.table_stats_request()
(reply , pkt) = parent.controller.transact(request)
(rv["active"], rv["lookups"], rv["matched"]) = (0,0,0)
for obj in reply.entries:
rv["active"] += obj.active_count
rv["lookups"] += obj.lookup_count
rv["matched"] += obj.matched_count
return rv
FILTER=''.join([(len(repr(chr(x)))==3) and chr(x) or '.'
for x in range(256)])
def hex_dump_buffer(src, length=16):
Convert src to a hex dump string and return the string
@param src The source buffer
@param length The number of bytes shown in each line
@returns A string showing the hex dump
result = ["\n"]
for i in xrange(0, len(src), length):
chars = src[i:i+length]
hex = ' '.join(["%02x" % ord(x) for x in chars])
printable = ''.join(["%s" % ((ord(x) <= 127 and
FILTER[ord(x)]) or '.') for x in chars])
result.append("%04x %-*s %s\n" % (i, length*3, hex, printable))
return ''.join(result)
def format_packet(pkt):
return "Packet length %d \n%s" % (len(str(pkt)),
def inspect_packet(pkt):
Wrapper around scapy's show() method.
@returns A string showing the dissected packet.
from cStringIO import StringIO
out = None
backup = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = StringIO()
out = sys.stdout.getvalue()
sys.stdout = backup
return out
def nonstandard(cls):
Testcase decorator that marks the test as being non-standard.
These tests are not automatically added to the "standard" group.
cls._nonstandard = True
return cls
def disabled(cls):
Testcase decorator that marks the test as being disabled.
These tests are not automatically added to the "standard" group or
their module's group.
cls._disabled = True
return cls
def group(name):
Testcase decorator that adds the test to a group.
def fn(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, "_groups"):
cls._groups = []
return cls
return fn
def version(ver):
Testcase decorator that specifies which versions of OpenFlow the test
supports. The default is 1.0+. This decorator may only be used once.
Supported syntax:
1.0 -> 1.0
1.0,1.2,1.3 -> 1.0, 1.2, 1.3
1.0+ -> 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
versions = parse_version(ver)
def fn(cls):
cls._versions = versions
return cls
return fn
def parse_version(ver):
allowed_versions = ["1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3"]
if re.match("^1\.\d+$", ver):
versions = set([ver])
elif re.match("^(1\.\d+)\+$", ver):
if not ver[:-1] in allowed_versions:
raise ValueError("invalid OpenFlow version %s" % ver[:-1])
versions = set()
if ver != "1.1+": versions.add("1.0")
if ver != "1.2+": versions.add("1.1")
if ver != "1.3+": versions.add("1.2")
versions = set(ver.split(','))
for version in versions:
if not version in allowed_versions:
raise ValueError("invalid OpenFlow version %s" % version)
return versions
assert(parse_version("1.0") == set(["1.0"]))
assert(parse_version("1.0,1.2,1.3") == set(["1.0", "1.2", "1.3"]))
assert(parse_version("1.0+") == set(["1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3"]))
def get_stats(test, req):
Retrieve a list of stats entries. Handles OFPSF_REPLY_MORE.
stats = []
reply, _ = test.controller.transact(req)
test.assertTrue(reply is not None, "No response to stats request")
while reply.flags & ofp.OFPSF_REPLY_MORE != 0:
reply, pkt = self.controller.poll(exp_msg=ofp.OFPT_STATS_REPLY)
test.assertTrue(reply is not None, "No response to stats request")
return stats
def get_flow_stats(test, match, table_id=0xff, out_port=None):
Retrieve a list of flow stats entries.
if out_port == None:
out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE
req = ofp.message.flow_stats_request(match=match,
return get_stats(test, req)
def get_port_stats(test, port_no):
Retrieve a list of port stats entries.
req = ofp.message.port_stats_request(port_no=port_no)
return get_stats(test, req)
def get_queue_stats(test, port_no, queue_id):
Retrieve a list of queue stats entries.
req = ofp.message.queue_stats_request(port_no=port_no, queue_id=queue_id)
return get_stats(test, req)
def verify_flow_stats(test, match, table_id=0xff,
pkts=None, bytes=None):
Verify that flow stats changed as expected.
Optionally takes an 'initial' list of stats entries, as returned by
get_flow_stats(). If 'initial' is not given the counters are assumed to
begin at 0.
if out_port == None:
out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE
def accumulate(stats):
pkts_acc = bytes_acc = 0
for stat in stats:
pkts_acc += stat.packet_count
bytes_acc += stat.byte_count
return (pkts_acc, bytes_acc)
pkts_before, bytes_before = accumulate(initial)
# Wait 10s for counters to update
pkt_diff = byte_diff = None
for i in range(0, 100):
stats = get_flow_stats(test, match, table_id=table_id, out_port=out_port)
pkts_after, bytes_after = accumulate(stats)
pkt_diff = pkts_after - pkts_before
byte_diff = bytes_after - bytes_before
if (pkts == None or pkt_diff >= pkts) and \
(bytes == None or byte_diff >= bytes):
if pkts != None:
test.assertEquals(pkt_diff, pkts, "Flow packet counter not updated properly (expected increase of %d, got increase of %d)" % (pkts, pkt_diff))
if bytes != None:
test.assertTrue(byte_diff >= bytes and byte_diff <= bytes*1.1,
"Flow byte counter not updated properly (expected increase of %d, got increase of %d)" % (bytes, byte_diff))
def verify_port_stats(test, port,
tx_pkts=None, rx_pkts=None,
tx_bytes=None, rx_bytes=None):
Verify that port stats changed as expected.
Optionally takes an 'initial' list of stats entries, as returned by
get_port_stats(). If 'initial' is not given the counters are assumed to
begin at 0.
def accumulate(stats):
tx_pkts_acc = rx_pkts_acc = tx_bytes_acc = rx_bytes_acc = 0
for stat in stats:
tx_pkts_acc += stat.tx_packets
rx_pkts_acc += stat.rx_packets
tx_bytes_acc += stat.tx_bytes
rx_bytes_acc += stat.rx_bytes
return (tx_pkts_acc, rx_pkts_acc, tx_bytes_acc, rx_bytes_acc)
tx_pkts_before, rx_pkts_before, \
tx_bytes_before, rx_bytes_before = accumulate(initial)
# Wait 10s for counters to update
for i in range(0, 100):
stats = get_port_stats(test, port)
tx_pkts_after, rx_pkts_after, \
tx_bytes_after, rx_bytes_after = accumulate(stats)
tx_pkts_diff = tx_pkts_after - tx_pkts_before
rx_pkts_diff = rx_pkts_after - rx_pkts_before
tx_bytes_diff = tx_bytes_after - tx_bytes_before
rx_bytes_diff = rx_bytes_after - rx_bytes_before
if (tx_pkts == None or tx_pkts == tx_pkts_diff) and \
(rx_pkts == None or rx_pkts == rx_pkts_diff) and \
(tx_bytes == None or tx_bytes <= tx_bytes_diff) and \
(rx_bytes == None or rx_bytes <= rx_bytes_diff):
if (tx_pkts != None):
test.assertEqual(tx_pkts,tx_pkts_diff,"Port TX packet counter is not updated correctly (expected increase of %d, got increase of %d)" % (tx_pkts, tx_pkts_diff))
if (rx_pkts != None):
test.assertEqual(rx_pkts,rx_pkts_diff,"Port RX packet counter is not updated correctly (expected increase of %d, got increase of %d)" % (rx_pkts, rx_pkts_diff))
if (tx_bytes != None):
test.assertTrue(tx_bytes_diff >= tx_bytes and tx_bytes_diff <= tx_bytes*1.1,
"Port TX byte counter is not updated correctly (expected increase of %d, got increase of %d)" % (tx_bytes, tx_bytes_diff))
if (rx_bytes != None):
test.assertTrue(rx_bytes_diff >= rx_bytes and rx_bytes_diff <= rx_bytes*1.1,
"Port RX byte counter is not updated correctly (expected increase of %d, got increase of %d)" % (rx_bytes, rx_bytes_diff))
def verify_queue_stats(test, port_no, queue_id,
pkts=None, bytes=None):
Verify that queue stats changed as expected.
Optionally takes an 'initial' list of stats entries, as returned by
get_queue_stats(). If 'initial' is not given the counters are assumed to
begin at 0.
def accumulate(stats):
pkts_acc = bytes_acc = 0
for stat in stats:
pkts_acc += stat.tx_packets
bytes_acc += stat.tx_bytes
return (pkts_acc, bytes_acc)
pkts_before, bytes_before = accumulate(initial)
# Wait 10s for counters to update
pkt_diff = byte_diff = None
for i in range(0, 100):
stats = get_queue_stats(test, port_no, queue_id)
pkts_after, bytes_after = accumulate(stats)
pkt_diff = pkts_after - pkts_before
byte_diff = bytes_after - bytes_before
if (pkts == None or pkt_diff >= pkts) and \
(bytes == None or byte_diff >= bytes):
if pkts != None:
test.assertEquals(pkt_diff, pkts, "Queue packet counter not updated properly (expected increase of %d, got increase of %d)" % (pkts, pkt_diff))
if bytes != None:
test.assertTrue(byte_diff >= bytes and byte_diff <= bytes*1.1,
"Queue byte counter not updated properly (expected increase of %d, got increase of %d)" % (bytes, byte_diff))
def packet_in_match(msg, data, in_port=None, reason=None):
Check whether the packet_in message 'msg' has fields matching 'data',
'in_port', and 'reason'.
This function handles truncated packet_in data. The 'in_port' and 'reason'
parameters are optional.
@param msg packet_in message
@param data Expected packet_in data
@param in_port Expected packet_in in_port, or None
@param reason Expected packet_in reason, or None
if in_port and in_port != msg.in_port:
logging.debug("Incorrect packet_in in_port (expected %d, received %d)", in_port, msg.in_port)
return False
if reason and reason != msg.reason:
logging.debug("Incorrect packet_in reason (expected %d, received %d)", reason, msg.reason)
return False
# Check that one of the packets is a prefix of the other.
# The received packet may be either truncated or padded, but not both.
# (Some of the padding may be truncated but that's irrelevant). We
# need to check that the smaller packet is a prefix of the larger one.
# Note that this check succeeds if the switch sends a zero-length
# packet-in.
compare_len = min(len(, len(data))
if data[:compare_len] !=[:compare_len]:
logging.debug("Incorrect packet_in data")
logging.debug("Expected %s" % format_packet(data[:compare_len]))
logging.debug("Received %s" % format_packet([:compare_len]))
return False
return True
def verify_packet_in(test, data, in_port, reason, controller=None):
Assert that the controller receives a packet_in message matching data 'data'
from port 'in_port' with reason 'reason'. Does not trigger the packet_in
itself, that's up to the test case.
@param test Instance of base_tests.SimpleProtocol
@param pkt String to expect as the packet_in data
@param in_port OpenFlow port number to expect as the packet_in in_port
@param reason One of OFPR_* to expect as the packet_in reason
@param controller Controller instance, defaults to test.controller
@returns The received packet-in message
if controller == None:
controller = test.controller
end_time = time.time() + oftest.ofutils.default_timeout
while True:
msg, _ = controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_PACKET_IN, end_time - time.time())
if not msg:
# Timeout
elif packet_in_match(msg, data, in_port, reason):
# Found a matching message
test.assertTrue(msg is not None, 'Packet in message not received on port %d' % in_port)
return msg
def verify_no_packet_in(test, data, in_port, controller=None):
Assert that the controller does not receive a packet_in message matching
data 'data' from port 'in_port'.
@param test Instance of base_tests.SimpleProtocol
@param pkt String to expect as the packet_in data
@param in_port OpenFlow port number to expect as the packet_in in_port
@param controller Controller instance, defaults to test.controller
if controller == None:
controller = test.controller
# Negative test, need to wait a short amount of time before checking we
# didn't receive the message.
# Check every packet_in queued in the controller
while True:
msg, _ = controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_PACKET_IN, timeout=0)
if msg == None:
# No more queued packet_in messages
elif packet_in_match(msg, data, in_port, None):
# Found a matching message
test.assertTrue(msg == None, "Did not expect a packet-in message on port %d" % in_port)
__all__ = list(set(locals()) - _import_blacklist)