blob: a79c9f939a2951e87e99a8087f7c7dfba25a4d63 [file] [log] [blame]
Flow query test case.
Attempts to fill switch to capacity with randomized flows, and ensure that
they all are read back correctly.
# Name: wildcards
# Type: number
# Description:
# Overrides bitmap of supported wildcards reported by switch
# Default: none
# Name: wildcards_force
# Type: number
# Description:
# Bitmap of wildcards to always be set
# Default: none
# Name: actions
# Type: number
# Description:
# Overrides bitmap of supported actions reported by switch
# Default: none
# Name: actions_force
# Type: number
# Description:
# Bitmap of actions to always be used
# Default: none
# Name: ports
# Type: list of OF port numbers
# Description:
# Override list of OF port numbers reported by switch
# Default: none
# Name: conservative_ordered_actions
# Type: boolean (True or False)
# Description:
# Compare flow actions lists as unordered
# Default: True
import math
import logging
import unittest
import random
import oftest.controller as controller
import oftest.cstruct as ofp
import oftest.message as message
import oftest.dataplane as dataplane
import oftest.action as action
import oftest.action_list as action_list
import oftest.parse as parse
import pktact
import basic
from testutils import *
from time import sleep
#@var port_map Local copy of the configuration map from OF port
# numbers to OS interfaces
fq_port_map = None
#@var fq_logger Local logger object
fq_logger = None
#@var fq_config Local copy of global configuration data
fq_config = None
# For test priority
test_prio = {}
def test_set_init(config):
Set up function for packet action test classes
@param config The configuration dictionary; see oft
global fq_port_map
global fq_logger
global fq_config
fq_logger = logging.getLogger("flowq")"Initializing test set")
fq_port_map = config["port_map"]
fq_config = config
def flip_coin():
return random.randint(1, 100) <= 50
def shuffle(list):
n = len(list)
lim = n * n
i = 0
while i < lim:
a = random.randint(0, n - 1)
b = random.randint(0, n - 1)
temp = list[a]
list[a] = list[b]
list[b] = temp
i = i + 1
return list
def rand_pick(list):
return list[random.randint(0, len(list) - 1)]
def rand_dl_addr():
return [random.randint(0, 255) & ~1,
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255)
def rand_nw_addr():
return random.randint(0, (1 << 32) - 1)
class Flow_Info:
# Members:
# priorities - list of flow priorities
# dl_addrs - list of MAC addresses
# vlans - list of VLAN ids
# ethertypes - list of Ethertypes
# ip_addrs - list of IP addresses
# ip_tos - list of IP TOS values
# ip_protos - list of IP protocols
# l4_ports - list of L4 ports
def __init__(self):
priorities = []
dl_addrs = []
vlans = []
ethertypes = []
ip_addrs = []
ip_tos = []
ip_protos = []
l4_ports = []
def rand(self, n):
self.priorities = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.priorities.append(random.randint(1, 65534))
i = i + 1
self.dl_addrs = []
i = 0
while i < n:
i = i + 1
self.vlans = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.vlans.append(random.randint(1, 4094))
i = i + 1
self.ethertypes = [0x0800, 0x0806]
i = 0
while i < n:
self.ethertypes.append(random.randint(0, (1 << 16) - 1))
i = i + 1
self.ethertypes = shuffle(self.ethertypes)[0 : n]
self.ip_addrs = []
i = 0
while i < n:
i = i + 1
self.ip_tos = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.ip_tos.append(random.randint(0, (1 << 8) - 1) & ~3)
i = i + 1
self.ip_protos = [1, 6, 17]
i = 0
while i < n:
self.ip_protos.append(random.randint(0, (1 << 8) - 1))
i = i + 1
self.ip_protos = shuffle(self.ip_protos)[0 : n]
self.l4_ports = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.l4_ports.append(random.randint(0, (1 << 16) - 1))
i = i + 1
def rand_priority(self):
return rand_pick(self.priorities)
def rand_dl_addr(self):
return rand_pick(self.dl_addrs)
def rand_vlan(self):
return rand_pick(self.vlans)
def rand_ethertype(self):
return rand_pick(self.ethertypes)
def rand_ip_addr(self):
return rand_pick(self.ip_addrs)
def rand_ip_tos(self):
return rand_pick(self.ip_tos)
def rand_ip_proto(self):
return rand_pick(self.ip_protos)
def rand_l4_port(self):
return rand_pick(self.l4_ports)
# TBD - These don't belong here
all_wildcards_list = [ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT,
# TBD - Need this because there are duplicates in ofp.ofp_flow_wildcards_map
# -- FIX
all_wildcard_names = {
64 : 'OFPFW_TP_SRC',
128 : 'OFPFW_TP_DST',
1048576 : 'OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP',
2097152 : 'OFPFW_NW_TOS'
def wildcard_set(x, w, val):
result = x
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK:
result = (result & ~ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) \
| (val << ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT)
elif w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK:
result = (result & ~ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) \
| (val << ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT)
elif val == 0:
result = result & ~w
result = result | w
return result
def wildcard_get(x, w):
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK:
return (x & ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) >> ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK:
return (x & ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) >> ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT
return 1 if (x & w) != 0 else 0
all_actions_list = [ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT,
def dl_addr_to_str(a):
return "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x" % tuple(a)
def ip_addr_to_str(a, n):
if n is not None:
a = a & ~((1 << (32 - n)) - 1)
result = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (a >> 24, \
(a >> 16) & 0xff, \
(a >> 8) & 0xff, \
a & 0xff \
if n is not None:
result = result + ("/%d" % (n))
return result
class Flow_Cfg:
# Members:
# - match
# - idle_timeout
# - hard_timeout
# - priority
# - action_list
def __init__(self):
self.priority = 0
self.match = parse.ofp_match()
self.match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
self.idle_timeout = 0
self.hard_timeout = 0
self.actions = action_list.action_list()
# {pri, match} is considered a flow key
def key_equal(self, x):
if self.priority != x.priority:
return False
# TBD - Should this logic be moved to ofp_match.__eq__()?
if self.match.wildcards != x.match.wildcards:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0 \
and self.match.in_port != x.match.in_port:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_dst != x.match.dl_dst:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_src != x.match.dl_src:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_vlan != x.match.dl_vlan:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_vlan_pcp != x.match.dl_vlan_pcp:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_type != x.match.dl_type:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0 \
and self.match.nw_tos != x.match.nw_tos:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0 \
and self.match.nw_proto != x.match.nw_proto:
return False
n = wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK)
if n < 32:
m = ~((1 << n) - 1)
if (self.match.nw_src & m) != (x.match.nw_src & m):
return False
n = wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK)
if n < 32:
m = ~((1 << n) - 1)
if (self.match.nw_dst & m) != (x.match.nw_dst & m):
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0 \
and self.match.tp_src != x.match.tp_src:
return False
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0 \
and self.match.tp_dst != x.match.tp_dst:
return False
return True
def non_key_equal(self, x):
if self.cookie != x.cookie:
return False
if self.idle_timeout != x.idle_timeout:
return False
if self.hard_timeout != x.hard_timeout:
return False
if True:
# For now, compare actions lists as unordered
aa = copy.deepcopy(x.actions.actions)
for a in self.actions.actions:
i = 0
while i < len(aa):
if a == aa[i]:
i = i + 1
if i < len(aa):
return False
return aa == []
return self.actions == x.actions
def key_str(self):
result = "priority=%d" % self.priority
# TBD - Would be nice if was better behaved
# (no newlines), and more intuitive (things in hex where approprate), etc.
result = result + (", wildcards=0x%x={" % (self.match.wildcards))
sep = ""
for w in all_wildcards_list:
if (self.match.wildcards & w) == 0:
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK:
n = wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, w)
if n > 0:
result = result + sep + ("OFPFW_NW_SRC(%d)" % (n))
elif w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK:
n = wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, w)
if n > 0:
result = result + sep + ("OFPFW_NW_DST(%d)" % (n))
result = result + sep + all_wildcard_names[w]
sep = ", "
result = result +"}"
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0:
result = result + (", in_port=%d" % (self.match.in_port))
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_dst=%s" \
% (dl_addr_to_str(self.match.dl_dst)) \
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_src=%s" \
% (dl_addr_to_str(self.match.dl_src)) \
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_vlan=%d" % (self.match.dl_vlan))
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_vlan_pcp=%d" % (self.match.dl_vlan_pcp))
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_type=0x%x" % (self.match.dl_type))
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0:
result = result + (", nw_tos=0x%x" % (self.match.nw_tos))
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0:
result = result + (", nw_proto=%d" % (self.match.nw_proto))
n = wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK)
if n < 32:
result = result + (", nw_src=%s" % \
(ip_addr_to_str(self.match.nw_src, 32 - n)) \
n = wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK)
if n < 32:
result = result + (", nw_dst=%s" % \
(ip_addr_to_str(self.match.nw_dst, 32 - n)) \
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0:
result = result + (", tp_src=%d" % self.match.tp_src)
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0:
result = result + (", tp_dst=%d" % self.match.tp_dst)
return result
def __eq__(self, x):
return (self.key_equal(x) and self.non_key_equal(x))
def __str__(self):
result = self.key_str()
result = result + (", cookie=%d" % self.cookie)
result = result + (", idle_timeout=%d" % self.idle_timeout)
result = result + (", hard_timeout=%d" % self.hard_timeout)
for a in self.actions.actions:
result = result + (", action=%s" % ofp.ofp_action_type_map[a.type])
if a.type == ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
result = result + ("(%d)" % (a.port))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID:
result = result + ("(%d)" % (a.vlan_vid))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP:
result = result + ("(%d)" % (a.vlan_pcp))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC or a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST:
result = result + ("(%s)" % (dl_addr_to_str(a.dl_addr)))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC or a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_DST:
result = result + ("(%s)" % (ip_addr_to_str(a.nw_addr, None)))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS:
result = result + ("(0x%x)" % (a.nw_tos))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC or a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_DST:
result = result + ("(%d)" % (a.tp_port))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_ENQUEUE:
result = result + ("(port=%d,queue=%d)" % (a.port, a.queue_id))
return result
def rand_actions_ordered(self, fi, valid_actions, valid_ports):
# Action lists are ordered, so pick an ordered random subset of
# supported actions
actions_force = test_param_get(fq_config, "actions_force", 0)
ACTION_MAX_LEN = 65535 # @fixme Should be test param?
supported_actions = []
for a in all_actions_list:
if ((1 << a) & valid_actions) != 0:
actions \
= shuffle(supported_actions)[0 : random.randint(1, len(supported_actions))]
for a in all_actions_list:
if ((1 << a) & actions_force) != 0:
actions = shuffle(actions)
self.actions = action_list.action_list()
for a in actions:
act = None
if a == ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
pass # OUTPUT actions must come last
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID:
act = action.action_set_vlan_vid()
act.vlan_vid = fi.rand_vlan()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP:
act = action.action_set_vlan_pcp()
act.vlan_pcp = random.randint(0, (1 << 3) - 1)
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN:
act = action.action_strip_vlan()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC:
act = action.action_set_dl_src()
act.dl_addr = fi.rand_dl_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST:
act = action.action_set_dl_dst()
act.dl_addr = fi.rand_dl_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC:
act = action.action_set_nw_src()
act.nw_addr = fi.rand_ip_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_DST:
act = action.action_set_nw_dst()
act.nw_addr = fi.rand_ip_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS:
act = action.action_set_nw_tos()
act.nw_tos = fi.rand_ip_tos()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC:
act = action.action_set_tp_src()
act.tp_port = fi.rand_l4_port()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_DST:
act = action.action_set_tp_dst()
act.tp_port = fi.rand_l4_port()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_ENQUEUE:
pass # Enqueue actions must come last
if act:
act.max_len = ACTION_MAX_LEN
p = random.randint(1, 100)
if (((1 << ofp.OFPAT_ENQUEUE) & actions_force) != 0 or p <= 33) \
and ofp.OFPAT_ENQUEUE in actions:
# In not forecd, one third of the time, include ENQUEUE actions
# at end of list
# At most 1 ENQUEUE action
act = action.action_enqueue()
act.port = rand_pick(valid_ports)
# TBD - Limits for queue number?
act.queue_id = random.randint(0, 7)
act.max_len = ACTION_MAX_LEN
if (((1 << ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT) & actions_force) != 0 \
or (p > 33 and p <= 66) \
) \
and ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT in actions:
# One third of the time, include OUTPUT actions at end of list
port_idxs = shuffle(range(len(valid_ports)))
# Only 1 output action allowed if IN_PORT wildcarded
n = 1 if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) != 0 \
else random.randint(1, len(valid_ports))
port_idxs = port_idxs[0 : n]
for pi in port_idxs:
act = action.action_output()
act.port = valid_ports[pi]
act.max_len = ACTION_MAX_LEN
if act.port != ofp.OFPP_IN_PORT \
or wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0:
# OUTPUT(IN_PORT) only valid if OFPFW_IN_PORT not wildcarded
# One third of the time, include neither
# Randomize flow data for flow modifies (i.e. cookie and actions)
def rand_mod(self, fi, valid_actions, valid_ports):
self.cookie = random.randint(0, (1 << 53) - 1)
# By default, test with conservative ordering conventions
# This should probably be indicated in a profile
if test_param_get(fq_config, "conservative_ordered_actions", True):
self.rand_actions_ordered(fi, valid_actions, valid_ports)
return self
actions_force = test_param_get(fq_config, "actions_force", 0)
ACTION_MAX_LEN = 65535 # @fixme Should be test param?
supported_actions = []
for a in all_actions_list:
if ((1 << a) & valid_actions) != 0:
actions \
= shuffle(supported_actions)[0 : random.randint(1, len(supported_actions))]
for a in all_actions_list:
if ((1 << a) & actions_force) != 0:
actions = shuffle(actions)
self.actions = action_list.action_list()
for a in actions:
if a == ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
# TBD - Output actions are clustered in list, spread them out?
port_idxs = shuffle(range(len(valid_ports)))
port_idxs = port_idxs[0 : random.randint(1, len(valid_ports))]
for pi in port_idxs:
act = action.action_output()
act.port = valid_ports[pi]
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID:
act = action.action_set_vlan_vid()
act.vlan_vid = fi.rand_vlan()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP:
act = action.action_set_vlan_pcp()
act.vlan_pcp = random.randint(0, (1 << 3) - 1)
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN:
act = action.action_strip_vlan()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC:
act = action.action_set_dl_src()
act.dl_addr = fi.rand_dl_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST:
act = action.action_set_dl_dst()
act.dl_addr = fi.rand_dl_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC:
act = action.action_set_nw_src()
act.nw_addr = fi.rand_ip_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_DST:
act = action.action_set_nw_dst()
act.nw_addr = fi.rand_ip_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS:
act = action.action_set_nw_tos()
act.nw_tos = fi.rand_ip_tos()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC:
act = action.action_set_tp_src()
act.tp_port = fi.rand_l4_port()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_DST:
act = action.action_set_tp_dst()
act.tp_port = fi.rand_l4_port()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_ENQUEUE:
# TBD - Enqueue actions are clustered in list, spread them out?
port_idxs = shuffle(range(len(valid_ports)))
port_idxs = port_idxs[0 : random.randint(1, len(valid_ports))]
for pi in port_idxs:
act = action.action_enqueue()
act.port = valid_ports[pi]
# TBD - Limits for queue number?
act.queue_id = random.randint(0, 7)
return self
# Randomize flow cfg
def rand(self, fi, valid_wildcards, valid_actions, valid_ports):
wildcards_force = test_param_get(fq_config, "wildcards_force", 0)
# Start with no wildcards, i.e. everything specified
self.match.wildcards = 0
if wildcards_force != 0:
exact = False
# Make approx. 5% of flows exact
exact = (random.randint(1, 100) <= 5)
# For each qualifier Q,
# if (wildcarding is not supported for Q,
# or an exact flow is specified
# or a coin toss comes up heads),
# specify Q
# else
# wildcard Q
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.in_port = rand_pick(valid_ports)
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.dl_dst = fi.rand_dl_addr()
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.dl_src = fi.rand_dl_addr()
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.dl_vlan = fi.rand_vlan()
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.dl_vlan_pcp = random.randint(0, (1 << 3) - 1)
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.dl_type = fi.rand_ethertype()
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
n = wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK)
if n == 0:
if exact or flip_coin():
n = 0
n = wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK)
if n > 32:
n = 32
n = random.randint(0, n)
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
n \
if n < 32:
self.match.nw_src = fi.rand_ip_addr() & ~((1 << n) - 1)
# Specifying any IP address match other than all bits
# don't care requires that Ethertype is one of {IP, ARP}
if flip_coin():
self.match.dl_type = rand_pick([0x0800, 0x0806])
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
0 \
n = wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK)
if n == 0:
if exact or flip_coin():
n = 0
n = wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK)
if n > 32:
n = 32
n = random.randint(0, n)
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
n \
if n < 32:
self.match.nw_dst = fi.rand_ip_addr() & ~((1 << n) - 1)
# Specifying any IP address match other than all bits
# don't care requires that Ethertype is one of {IP, ARP}
if flip_coin():
self.match.dl_type = rand_pick([0x0800, 0x0806])
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
0 \
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.nw_tos = fi.rand_ip_tos()
# Specifying a TOS value requires that Ethertype is IP
if flip_coin():
self.match.dl_type = 0x0800
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
0 \
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
# Known issue on OVS with specifying nw_proto w/o dl_type as IP
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.nw_proto = fi.rand_ip_proto()
# Specifying an IP protocol requires that Ethertype is IP
if flip_coin():
self.match.dl_type = 0x0800
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
0 \
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0 \
or exact\
or flip_coin() \
self.match.tp_src = fi.rand_l4_port()
# Specifying a L4 port requires that IP protcol is
# one of {ICMP, TCP, UDP}
if flip_coin():
self.match.nw_proto = rand_pick([1, 6, 17])
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
0 \
# Specifying a L4 port requirues that Ethertype is IP
self.match.dl_type = 0x0800
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
0 \
if self.match.nw_proto == 1:
self.match.tp_src = self.match.tp_src & 0xff
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(wildcards_force, ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0 \
and (wildcard_get(valid_wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0 \
or exact \
or flip_coin() \
self.match.tp_dst = fi.rand_l4_port()
# Specifying a L4 port requires that IP protcol is
# one of {ICMP, TCP, UDP}
if flip_coin():
self.match.nw_proto = rand_pick([1, 6, 17])
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
0 \
# Specifying a L4 port requirues that Ethertype is IP
self.match.dl_type = 0x0800
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
0 \
if self.match.nw_proto == 1:
self.match.tp_dst = self.match.tp_dst & 0xff
self.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(self.match.wildcards, \
1 \
# If nothing is wildcarded, it is an exact flow spec -- some switches
# (Open vSwitch, for one) *require* that exact flow specs
# have priority 65535.
self.priority = 65535 if self.match.wildcards == 0 \
else fi.rand_priority()
# N.B. Don't make the timeout too short, else the flow might
# disappear before we get a chance to check for it.
t = random.randint(0, 65535)
self.idle_timeout = 0 if t < 60 else t
t = random.randint(0, 65535)
self.hard_timeout = 0 if t < 60 else t
self.rand_mod(fi, valid_actions, valid_ports)
return self
# Return flow cfg in canonical form
# - There are dependencies between flow qualifiers, e.g. it only makes
# sense to qualify nw_proto if dl_type is qualified to be 0x0800 (IP).
# The canonical form of flow match criteria will "wildcard out"
# all such cases.
def canonical(self):
result = copy.deepcopy(self)
if wildcard_get(result.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) != 0:
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(result.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) != 0 \
or result.match.dl_type not in [0x0800, 0x0806]:
# dl_tyoe is wildcarded, or specified as something other
# than IP or ARP
# => nw_src, nw_dst, nw_proto cannot be specified,
# must be wildcarded
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
32 \
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
32 \
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(result.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) != 0 \
or result.match.dl_type != 0x0800:
# dl_type is wildcarded, or specified as something other than IP
# => nw_tos, tp_src and tp_dst cannot be specified,
# must be wildcarded
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
1 \
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
1 \
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
1 \
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
32 \
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
32 \
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
1 \
if wildcard_get(result.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) != 0 \
or result.match.nw_proto not in [1, 6, 17]:
# nw_proto is wildcarded, or specified as something other than ICMP,
# TCP or UDP
# => tp_src and tp_dst cannot be specified, must be wildcarded
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
1 \
result.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(result.match.wildcards, \
1 \
return result
# Overlap check
# delf == True <=> Check for delete overlap, else add overlap
# "Add overlap" is defined as there exists a packet that could match both the
# receiver and argument flowspecs
# "Delete overlap" is defined as the specificity of the argument flowspec
# is greater than or equal to the specificity of the receiver flowspec
def overlaps(self, x, delf):
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0:
if self.match.in_port != x.match.in_port:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0:
if self.match.dl_vlan != x.match.dl_vlan:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0:
if self.match.dl_src != x.match.dl_src:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0:
if self.match.dl_dst != x.match.dl_dst:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0:
if self.match.dl_type != x.match.dl_type:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Recevier more specific
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0:
if self.match.nw_proto != x.match.nw_proto:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0:
if self.match.tp_src != x.match.tp_src:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0:
if self.match.tp_dst != x.match.tp_dst:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
na = wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK)
nb = wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK)
if delf and na < nb:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (na < 32 and nb < 32):
m = ~((1 << na) - 1) & ~((1 << nb) - 1)
if (self.match.nw_src & m) != (x.match.nw_src & m):
return False # Overlapping bits not equal
na = wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK)
nb = wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK)
if delf and na < nb:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (na < 32 and nb < 32):
m = ~((1 << na) - 1) & ~((1 << nb) - 1)
if (self.match.nw_dst & m) != (x.match.nw_dst & m):
return False # Overlapping bits not equal
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0:
if self.match.dl_vlan_pcp != x.match.dl_vlan_pcp:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if wildcard_get(self.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0:
if wildcard_get(x.match.wildcards, ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0:
if self.match.nw_tos != x.match.nw_tos:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
return True # Flows overlap
def to_flow_mod_msg(self, msg):
msg.match = self.match
msg.cookie = self.cookie
msg.idle_timeout = self.idle_timeout
msg.hard_timeout = self.hard_timeout
msg.priority = self.priority
msg.actions = self.actions
return msg
def from_flow_stat(self, msg):
self.match = msg.match
self.cookie = msg.cookie
self.idle_timeout = msg.idle_timeout
self.hard_timeout = msg.hard_timeout
self.priority = msg.priority
self.actions = msg.actions
def from_flow_rem(self, msg):
self.match = msg.match
self.idle_timeout = msg.idle_timeout
self.priority = msg.priority
class Flow_Tbl:
def clear(self):
self.dict = {}
def __init__(self):
def find(self, f):
return self.dict.get(f.key_str(), None)
def insert(self, f):
self.dict[f.key_str()] = f
def delete(self, f):
del self.dict[f.key_str()]
def values(self):
return self.dict.values()
def count(self):
return len(self.dict)
def rand(self, sw, fi, num_flows):
i = 0
tbl = 0
j = 0
while i < num_flows:
fc = Flow_Cfg()
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[tbl].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fc = fc.canonical()
if self.find(fc):
fc.send_rem = False
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
if j >= sw.tbl_stats.stats[tbl].max_entries:
tbl = tbl + 1
j = 0
error_msgs = []
removed_msgs = []
def error_handler(self, msg, rawmsg):
fq_logger.debug("Got an ERROR message, type=%d, code=%d" \
% (msg.type, msg.code) \
fq_logger.debug("Message header:")
global error_msgs
def removed_handler(self, msg, rawmsg):
fq_logger.debug("Got a REMOVED message")
fq_logger.debug("Message header:")
global removed_msgs
class Switch:
# Members:
# controller - switch's test controller
# sw_features - switch's OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY message
# valid_ports - list of valid port numbers
# tbl_stats - switch's OFPT_STATS_REPLY message, for table stats request
# flow_stats - switch's OFPT_STATS_REPLY message, for flow stats request
# flow_tbl - (test's idea of) switch's flow table
def __init__(self):
self.controller = None
self.sw_features = None
self.valid_ports = []
self.tbl_stats = None
self.flow_stats = None
self.flow_tbl = Flow_Tbl()
def controller_set(self, controller):
self.controller = controller
# Register error message handler
global error_msgs
error_msgs = []
controller.register(ofp.OFPT_ERROR, error_handler)
controller.register(ofp.OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED, removed_handler)
def features_get(self):
# Get switch features
request = message.features_request()
(self.sw_features, pkt) = self.controller.transact(request, timeout=2)
if self.sw_features is None:
return False
self.valid_ports = map(lambda x: x.port_no, self.sw_features.ports)
# TBD - OFPP_LOCAL is returned by OVS is switch features --
# is that universal?
# TBD - There seems to be variability in which switches support which
# ports; need to sort that out
# TBD - Is it legal to enqueue to a special port? Depends on switch?
# self.valid_ports.extend([ofp.OFPP_IN_PORT, \
# ofp.OFPP_NORMAL, \
# ofp.OFPP_FLOOD, \
# ofp.OFPP_ALL, \
# ] \
# )
actions_override = test_param_get(fq_config, "actions", -1)
if actions_override != -1:
self.sw_features.actions = actions_override
ports_override = test_param_get(fq_config, "ports", [])
if ports_override != []:
self.valid_ports = ports_override
return True
def tbl_stats_get(self):
# Get table stats
request = message.table_stats_request()
(self.tbl_stats, pkt) = self.controller.transact(request, timeout=2)
if self.tbl_stats is None:
return False
for ts in self.tbl_stats.stats:
wildcards_override = test_param_get(fq_config, "wildcards", -1)
if wildcards_override != -1:
ts.wildcards = wildcards_override
return True
def flow_stats_get(self, limit = 10000):
request = message.flow_stats_request()
query_match = ofp.ofp_match()
query_match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
request.match = query_match
request.table_id = 0xff
request.out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE;
if self.controller.message_send(request) == -1:
return False
# <TBD>
# Glue together successive reponse messages for stats reply.
# Looking at the "more" flag and performing re-assembly
# should be a part of the infrastructure.
# </TBD>
n = 0
while True:
(resp, pkt) = self.controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_STATS_REPLY, 4)
if resp is None:
return False # Did not get expected response
if n == 0:
self.flow_stats = resp
n = n + 1
if len(self.flow_stats.stats) > limit:
fq_logger.error("Too many flows returned")
return False
if (resp.flags & 1) == 0:
break # No more responses expected
return (n > 0)
def flow_add(self, flow_cfg, overlapf = False):
flow_mod_msg = message.flow_mod()
flow_mod_msg.command = ofp.OFPFC_ADD
flow_mod_msg.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
if overlapf:
flow_mod_msg.flags = flow_mod_msg.flags | ofp.OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP
if flow_cfg.send_rem:
flow_mod_msg.flags = flow_mod_msg.flags | ofp.OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM
flow_mod_msg.header.xid = random.randrange(1,0xffffffff)
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow_mod(add), xid=%d"
% (flow_mod_msg.header.xid)
return (self.controller.message_send(flow_mod_msg) != -1)
def flow_mod(self, flow_cfg, strictf):
flow_mod_msg = message.flow_mod()
flow_mod_msg.command = ofp.OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT if strictf \
flow_mod_msg.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
flow_mod_msg.header.xid = random.randrange(1,0xffffffff)
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow_mod(mod), xid=%d"
% (flow_mod_msg.header.xid)
return (self.controller.message_send(flow_mod_msg) != -1)
def flow_del(self, flow_cfg, strictf):
flow_mod_msg = message.flow_mod()
flow_mod_msg.command = ofp.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT if strictf \
flow_mod_msg.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
# TBD - "out_port" filtering of deletes needs to be tested
flow_mod_msg.out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE
flow_mod_msg.header.xid = random.randrange(1,0xffffffff)
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow_mod(del), xid=%d"
% (flow_mod_msg.header.xid)
return (self.controller.message_send(flow_mod_msg) != -1)
def barrier(self):
barrier = message.barrier_request()
(resp, pkt) = self.controller.transact(barrier, 20)
return (resp is not None)
def errors_verify(self, num_exp, type = 0, code = 0):
result = True
global error_msgs
fq_logger.debug("Expecting %d error messages" % (num_exp))
num_got = len(error_msgs)
fq_logger.debug("Got %d error messages" % (num_got))
if num_got != num_exp:
fq_logger.error("Incorrect number of error messages received")
result = False
if num_exp == 0:
return result
elif num_exp == 1:
fq_logger.debug("Expecting error message, type=%d, code=%d" \
% (type, code) \
f = False
for e in error_msgs:
if e.type == type and e.code == code:
fq_logger.debug("Got it")
f = True
if not f:
fq_logger.error("Did not get it")
result = False
fq_logger.error("Can't expect more than 1 error message type")
result = False
return result
def removed_verify(self, num_exp):
result = True
global removed_msgs
fq_logger.debug("Expecting %d removed messages" % (num_exp))
num_got = len(removed_msgs)
fq_logger.debug("Got %d removed messages" % (num_got))
if num_got != num_exp:
fq_logger.error("Incorrect number of removed messages received")
result = False
if num_exp < 2:
return result
fq_logger.error("Can't expect more than 1 error message type")
return False
# fq_logger.debug("Expecting %d error messages" % (num))
# if num > 0:
# fq_logger.debug("with type=%d code=%d" % (type, code))
# result = True
# n = 0
# while True:
# (errmsg, pkt) = self.controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_ERROR, 1)
# if errmsg is None:
# break
# fq_logger.debug("Got error message, type=%d, code=%d" \
# % (errmsg.type, errmsg.code) \
# )
# if num == 0 or errmsg.type != type or errmsg.code != code:
# fq_logger.debug("Unexpected error message")
# result = False
# n = n + 1
# if n != num:
# fq_logger.error("Received %d error messages" % (n))
# result = False
# return result
def flow_tbl_verify(self):
result = True
# Verify flow count in switch
fq_logger.debug("Reading table stats")
fq_logger.debug("Expecting %d flows" % (self.flow_tbl.count()))
if not self.tbl_stats_get():
fq_logger.error("Get table stats failed")
return False
n = 0
for ts in self.tbl_stats.stats:
n = n + ts.active_count
fq_logger.debug("Table stats reported %d active flows" \
% (n) \
if n != self.flow_tbl.count():
fq_logger.error("Incorrect number of active flows reported")
result = False
# Read flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Retrieving flows from switch")
fq_logger.debug("Expecting %d flows" % (self.flow_tbl.count()))
if not self.flow_stats_get():
fq_logger.error("Get flow stats failed")
return False
fq_logger.debug("Retrieved %d flows" % (len(self.flow_stats.stats)))
# Verify flows returned by switch
if len(self.flow_stats.stats) != self.flow_tbl.count():
fq_logger.error("Switch reported incorrect number of flows")
result = False
fq_logger.debug("Verifying received flows")
for fc in self.flow_tbl.values():
fc.matched = False
for fs in self.flow_stats.stats:
flow_in = Flow_Cfg()
fq_logger.debug("Received flow:")
fc = self.flow_tbl.find(flow_in)
if fc is None:
fq_logger.error("does not match any defined flow")
result = False
elif fc.matched:
fq_logger.error("re-matches defined flow:")
result = False
if not flow_in == fc:
fq_logger.error("Non-key portions of flow do not match")
result = False
fc.matched = True
for fc in self.flow_tbl.values():
if not fc.matched:
fq_logger.error("Defined flow:")
fq_logger.error("was not returned by switch")
result = False
return result
# Add flows to switch, read back and verify flow configurations
# - Test acceptance of flow adds
# - Test ability of switch to process additions to flow table in random
# priority order
# - Test correctness of flow configuration responses
# Name: num_flows
# Type: number
# Description:
# Number of flows to define; 0 => maximum number of flows, as determined
# from switch capabilities
# Default: 100
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Generate <num_flows> distinct flow configurations
# 3. Send <num_flows> flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 2 above
# 4. Verify that no OFPT_ERROR responses were generated by switch
# 5. Retrieve flow stats from switch
# 6. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
# 7. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 3 above are returned
# in step 5 above; else test FAILED
class Flow_Add_5(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_ADD_5 from draft top-half test plan
num_flows - Number of flows to generate
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_5 TEST BEGIN")
num_flows = test_param_get(fq_config, "num_flows", 100)
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
if num_flows == 0:
# Number of flows requested was 0
# => Generate max number of flows
for ts in sw.tbl_stats.stats:
num_flows = num_flows + ts.max_entries
fq_logger.debug("Generating %d flows" % (num_flows))
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
fi.rand(max(2 * int(math.log(num_flows)), 1))
# Create a flow table
ft = Flow_Tbl()
ft.rand(sw, fi, num_flows)
# Send flow table to switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow adds to switch")
for fc in ft.values(): # Randomizes order of sending
fq_logger.debug("Adding flow:")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Add_5 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_5 TEST PASSED")
# FLOW ADD 5_1
# Verify handling of non-canonical flows
# - Test that switch detects and correctly responds to a non-canonical flow
# definition. A canonical flow is one that satisfies all match qualifier
# dependencies; a non-canonical flow is one that does not.
# - None
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Generate 1 flow definition, which is different from its canonicalization
# 3. Send flow to switch
# 4. Retrieve flow from switch
# 5. Compare returned flow to canonical form of defined flow
# 7. Test PASSED iff flow received in step 4 above is identical to canonical form of flow defined in step 3 above
# Disabled.
# Should be DUT dependent.
test_prio["Flow_Add_5_1"] = -1
class Flow_Add_5_1(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_ADD_5.1 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_5_1 TEST BEGIN")
num_flows = test_param_get(fq_config, "num_flows", 100)
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Dream up a flow config that will be canonicalized by the switch
while True:
fc = Flow_Cfg()
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[0].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fcc = fc.canonical()
if fcc.match != fc.match:
ft = Flow_Tbl()
# Send it to the switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add to switch:")
fq_logger.debug("should be canonicalized as:")
fc.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Add_5_1 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_5_1 TEST PASSED")
# Test flow table capacity
# - Test switch can accept as many flow definitions as it claims
# - Test that attempting to create flows beyond capacity does not corrupt
# flow table
# None
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# to determine flow table size, N
# 3. Generate (N + 1) distinct flow configurations
# 4. Send N flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 3 above
# 5. Verify flow table in switch
# 6. Send one more flow add to switch
# response was generated by switch, for last flow mod sent
# 7. Retrieve flow stats from switch
# 8. Verify flow table in switch
# 9. Test PASSED iff:
# - error message received, for correct flow
# - last flow definition sent to switch is not in flow table
# else test FAILED
# Disabled because of bogus capacity reported by OVS.
# Should be DUT dependent.
test_prio["Flow_Add_6"] = -1
class Flow_Add_6(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_ADD_6 from draft top-half test plan
num_flows - Number of flows to generate
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_6 TEST BEGIN")
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
num_flows = 0
for ts in sw.tbl_stats.stats:
num_flows = num_flows + ts.max_entries
fq_logger.debug("Switch capacity is %d flows" % (num_flows))
fq_logger.debug("Generating %d flows" % (num_flows))
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
fi.rand(max(2 * int(math.log(num_flows)), 1))
# Create a flow table, to switch's capacity
ft = Flow_Tbl()
ft.rand(sw, fi, num_flows)
# Send flow table to switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow adds to switch")
for fc in ft.values(): # Randomizes order of sending
fq_logger.debug("Adding flow:")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Dream up one more flow
fq_logger.debug("Creating one more flow")
while True:
fc = Flow_Cfg()
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[0].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fc = fc.canonical()
if not ft.find(fc):
# Send one-more flow
fc.send_rem = False
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add switch")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
# Check for expected error message
if not sw.errors_verify(1, \
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_add_6 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_add_6 TEST PASSED")
# Test flow redefinition
# Verify that successive flow adds with same priority and match criteria
# overwrite in flow table
# None
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Generate flow definition F1
# 3. Generate flow definition F2, with same key (priority and match) as F1,
# but with different actions
# 4. Send flow adds for F1 and F2 to switch
# 5. Verify flow definitions in switch
# 6. Test PASSED iff 1 flow returned by switch, matching configuration of F2;
# else test FAILED
class Flow_Add_7(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_ADD_7 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_7 TEST BEGIN")
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Dream up a flow config
fc = Flow_Cfg()
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[0].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fc = fc.canonical()
# Send it to the switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add to switch:")
ft = Flow_Tbl()
fc.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Dream up some different actions, with the same flow key
fc2 = copy.deepcopy(fc)
while True:
fc2.rand_mod(fi, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
if fc2 != fc:
# Send that to the switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add to switch:")
fc2.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc2), "Failed to add flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Add_7 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_7 TEST PASSED")
# Add overlapping flows to switch, verify that overlapping flows are rejected
# - Test detection of overlapping flows by switch
# - Test generation of OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED/OFPFMFC_OVERLAP messages
# - Test rejection of overlapping flows
# - Test defining overlapping flows does not corrupt flow table
# None
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Generate flow definition F1
# 3. Generate flow definition F2, with key overlapping F1
# 4. Send flow add to switch, for F1
# 5. Send flow add to switch, for F2, with OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP set
# 6. Verify that OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED/OFPFMFC_OVERLAP error response
# was generated by switch
# 7. Verifiy flows configured in swtich
# 8. Test PASSED iff:
# - error message received, for overlapping flow
# - overlapping flow is not in flow table
# else test FAILED
class Flow_Add_8(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_ADD_8 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_8 TEST BEGIN")
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Dream up a flow config, with at least 1 qualifier specified
fc = Flow_Cfg()
while True:
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[0].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fc = fc.canonical()
if fc.match.wildcards != ofp.OFPFW_ALL:
# Send it to the switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add to switch:")
ft = Flow_Tbl()
fc.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Wildcard out one qualifier that was specified, to create an
# overlapping flow
fc2 = copy.deepcopy(fc)
for wi in shuffle(range(len(all_wildcards_list))):
w = all_wildcards_list[wi]
if (fc2.match.wildcards & w) == 0:
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK:
elif w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK:
wn = all_wildcard_names[w]
fq_logger.debug("Wildcarding out %s" % (wn))
fc2.match.wildcards = fc2.match.wildcards | w
fc2 = fc2.canonical()
# Send that to the switch, with overlap checking
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add to switch:")
fc2.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc2, True), "Failed to add flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for expected error message
if not sw.errors_verify(1, \
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Add_8 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Add_8 TEST PASSED")
# Strict modify of single existing flow
# - Verify that strict flow modify operates only on specified flow
# - Verify that flow is correctly modified
# None
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Generate 1 flow F
# 3. Send flow add to switch, for flow F
# 4. Generate new action list for flow F, yielding F'
# 5. Send strict flow modify to switch, for flow F'
# 6. Verify flow table in switch
# 7. Test PASSED iff flow returned by switch is F'; else FAILED
class Flow_Mod_1(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_MOD_1 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Mod_1 TEST BEGIN")
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Dream up a flow config
fc = Flow_Cfg()
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[0].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fc = fc.canonical()
# Send it to the switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add to switch:")
ft = Flow_Tbl()
fc.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Dream up some different actions, with the same flow key
fc2 = copy.deepcopy(fc)
while True:
fc2.rand_mod(fi, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
if fc2 != fc:
fc2.cookie = fc.cookie
# Send that to the switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending strict flow mod to switch:")
fc2.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_mod(fc2, True), "Failed to modify flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Mod_1 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Mod_1 TEST PASSED")
# Loose modify of mutiple flows
# - Verify that loose flow modify operates only on matching flows
# - Verify that matching flows are correctly modified
# Name: num_flows
# Type: number
# Description:
# Number of flows to define
# Default: 100
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Generate <num_flows> distinct flow configurations
# 3. Send <num_flows> flow adds to switch
# 4. Pick 1 defined flow F at random
# 5. Create overlapping loose flow mod match criteria by repeatedly
# wildcarding out qualifiers in match of F => F',
# and create new actions list A' for F'
# 6. Send loose flow modify for F' to switch
# 7. Verify flow table in swtich
# 8. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in steps 3 and 6 above,
# are returned in step 7 above, each with correct (original or modified)
# action list;
# else test FAILED
class Flow_Mod_2(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_MOD_2 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Mod_2 TEST BEGIN")
num_flows = test_param_get(fq_config, "num_flows", 100)
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Shrunk, to increase chance of meta-matches
fi.rand(max(int(math.log(num_flows)) / 2, 1))
# Dream up some flows
ft = Flow_Tbl()
ft.rand(sw, fi, num_flows)
# Send flow table to switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow adds to switch")
for fc in ft.values(): # Randomizes order of sending
fq_logger.debug("Adding flow:")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
# Pick a random flow as a basis
mfc = copy.deepcopy(ft.values()[0])
mfc.rand_mod(fi, sw.sw_features.actions, sw.valid_ports)
# Repeatedly wildcard qualifiers
for wi in shuffle(range(len(all_wildcards_list))):
w = all_wildcards_list[wi]
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK or w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK:
n = wildcard_get(mfc.match.wildcards, w)
if n < 32:
mfc.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(mfc.match.wildcards, \
w, \
random.randint(n + 1, 32) \
if wildcard_get(mfc.match.wildcards, w) == 0:
mfc.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(mfc.match.wildcards, w, 1)
mfc = mfc.canonical()
# Count the number of flows that would be modified
n = 0
for fc in ft.values():
if mfc.overlaps(fc, True) and not mfc.non_key_equal(fc):
n = n + 1
# If more than 1, we found our loose delete flow spec
if n > 1:
fq_logger.debug("Modifying %d flows" % (n))
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow mod to switch:")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_mod(mfc, False), "Failed to modify flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
# Check for error message
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Apply flow mod to local flow table
for fc in ft.values():
if mfc.overlaps(fc, True):
fc.actions = mfc.actions
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Mod_2 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Mod_2 TEST PASSED")
# Strict modify of non-existent flow
# Verify that strict modify of a non-existent flow is equivalent to a flow add
# None
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Send single flow mod, as strict modify, to switch
# 3. Verify flow table in switch
# 4. Test PASSED iff flow defined in step 2 above verified; else FAILED
class Flow_Mod_3(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_MOD_3 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Mod_3 TEST BEGIN")
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Dream up a flow config
fc = Flow_Cfg()
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[0].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fc = fc.canonical()
# Send it to the switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow mod to switch:")
ft = Flow_Tbl()
fc.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_mod(fc, True), "Failed to modify flows")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Mod_3 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Mod_3 TEST PASSED")
# Strict delete of single flow
# Verify correct operation of strict delete of single defined flow
# None
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Send flow F to switch
# 3. Send strict flow delete for F to switch
# 4. Verify flow table in swtich
# 6. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 2 above,
# less flow removed in step 3 above, are returned in step 4 above;
# else test FAILED
class Flow_Del_1(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_DEL_1 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Del_1 TEST BEGIN")
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Dream up a flow config
fc = Flow_Cfg()
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[0].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fc = fc.canonical()
# Send it to the switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add to switch:")
ft = Flow_Tbl()
fc.send_rem = False
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Dream up some different actions, with the same flow key
fc2 = copy.deepcopy(fc)
while True:
fc2.rand_mod(fi, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
if fc2 != fc:
# Delete strictly
fq_logger.debug("Sending strict flow del to switch:")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_del(fc2, True), "Failed to delete flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Del_1 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Del_1 TEST PASSED")
# Loose delete of multiple flows
# - Verify correct operation of loose delete of multiple flows
# Name: num_flows
# Type: number
# Description:
# Number of flows to define
# Default: 100
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Generate <num_flows> distinct flow configurations
# 3. Send <num_flows> flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 2 above
# 4. Pick 1 defined flow F at random
# 5. Repeatedly wildcard out qualifiers in match of F, creating F', such that
# F' will match more than 1 existing flow key
# 6. Send loose flow delete for F' to switch
# 7. Verify flow table in switch
# 8. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 3 above, less flows
# removed in step 6 above (i.e. those that match F'), are returned
# in step 7 above;
# else test FAILED
class Flow_Del_2(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_DEL_2 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Del_2 TEST BEGIN")
num_flows = test_param_get(fq_config, "num_flows", 100)
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Shrunk, to increase chance of meta-matches
fi.rand(max(int(math.log(num_flows)) / 2, 1))
# Dream up some flows
ft = Flow_Tbl()
ft.rand(sw, fi, num_flows)
# Send flow table to switch
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow adds to switch")
for fc in ft.values(): # Randomizes order of sending
fq_logger.debug("Adding flow:")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for any error messages
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
# Pick a random flow as a basis
dfc = copy.deepcopy(ft.values()[0])
dfc.rand_mod(fi, sw.sw_features.actions, sw.valid_ports)
# Repeatedly wildcard qualifiers
for wi in shuffle(range(len(all_wildcards_list))):
w = all_wildcards_list[wi]
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK or w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK:
n = wildcard_get(dfc.match.wildcards, w)
if n < 32:
dfc.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(dfc.match.wildcards, \
w, \
random.randint(n + 1, 32) \
if wildcard_get(dfc.match.wildcards, w) == 0:
dfc.match.wildcards = wildcard_set(dfc.match.wildcards, w, 1)
dfc = dfc.canonical()
# Count the number of flows that would be deleted
n = 0
for fc in ft.values():
if dfc.overlaps(fc, True):
n = n + 1
# If more than 1, we found our loose delete flow spec
if n > 1:
fq_logger.debug("Deleting %d flows" % (n))
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow del to switch:")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_del(dfc, False), "Failed to delete flows")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
# Check for error message
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
# Apply flow mod to local flow table
for fc in ft.values():
if dfc.overlaps(fc, True):
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Del_2 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Del_2 TEST PASSED")
# Flow removed messages
# Verify that switch generates OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED/OFPRR_DELETE response
# messages when deleting flows that were added with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag
# None
# 1. Delete all flows from switch
# 2. Send flow add to switch, with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM set
# 3. Send strict flow delete of flow to switch
# 4. Verify that OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED/OFPRR_DELETE message is received from switch
# 5. Verify flow table in switch
# 6. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 2 above, less flow
# removed in step 3 above, are returned in step 5 above, and that
# asynch message was received; else test FAILED
class Flow_Del_4(basic.SimpleProtocol):
Test FLOW_DEL_4 from draft top-half test plan
def runTest(self):
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Del_4 TEST BEGIN")
# Clear all flows from switch
fq_logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, fq_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get switch capabilites
fq_logger.debug("Getting switch capabilities")
sw = Switch()
self.assertTrue(sw.features_get(), "Get switch features failed")
self.assertTrue(sw.tbl_stats_get(), "Get table stats failed")
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = Flow_Info()
# Dream up a flow config
fc = Flow_Cfg()
fc.rand(fi, \
sw.tbl_stats.stats[0].wildcards, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
fc = fc.canonical()
# Send it to the switch. with "notify on removed"
fq_logger.debug("Sending flow add to switch:")
ft = Flow_Tbl()
fc.send_rem = True
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_add(fc), "Failed to add flow")
# Dream up some different actions, with the same flow key
fc2 = copy.deepcopy(fc)
while True:
fc2.rand_mod(fi, \
sw.sw_features.actions, \
sw.valid_ports \
if fc2 != fc:
# Delete strictly
fq_logger.debug("Sending strict flow del to switch:")
self.assertTrue(sw.flow_del(fc2, True), "Failed to delete flow")
# Do barrier, to make sure all flows are in
self.assertTrue(sw.barrier(), "Barrier failed")
result = True
# Check for expected "removed" message
if not sw.errors_verify(0):
result = False
if not sw.removed_verify(1):
result = False
# Verify flow table
sw.flow_tbl = ft
if not sw.flow_tbl_verify():
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow_Del_4 TEST FAILED")
fq_logger.debug("Flow_Del_4 TEST PASSED")