blob: 7b3c0b2c490f62555a73ec6818aab16646a713c9 [file] [log] [blame]
*********** Conformance Test-suite ****************
OF-Switch-1.0.0-TestCases detailed testing methodology
**** Openflow protocol messages ****
1. Features Request
Test Description: Check features request is implemented
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: FeaturesRequest
Ports: I (Control Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST from controller.
b) Verify OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY is received without errors
2. Configuration request
Test Description: Check basic get configuration request is implemented
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ConfigurationRequest
Ports: I (Control Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
b) Verify OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY is received without errors.
3. Modify State (ADD)
Test Description: Check basic Flow ADD request is implemented
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyStateAdd
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD, command = OFPFC_ADD
b) Send ofp_table_stats request
c) Verify that active_count=1 in the reply
4. Modify State (DELETE)
Test Description: Check basic Flow Delete request is implemented
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyStateDelete
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD, command = OFPFC_ADD
b) Send ofp_table_stats request
c) Verify that active_count=1 in the reply
e) Send ofp_table_stats request
f) Verify active _count=0 in the reply
5. Modify State (MODIFY)
Test Description: Check basic Flow Modify request is implemented
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyStateModify
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane and 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD , command = OFPFC_ADD, action A
b) Send ofp_table_stats request, Verify active_count=1
c) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD , command = OFPFC_MODIFY, action A’
d) Send Test Packet matching the flow
e) Verify packet implements action A’
6. Read State
Test Description: Check basic Read State is implemented
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ReadState
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane, 2 dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD, command = OFPFC_ADD
b) Create a OFPC_FLOW_STATS message and send it
c) Verify switch replies without errors
7. Send packet
Test Description: Check basic Send-Packet is implemented.
Send-Packet: These are used by the controller to send packets out of a specified port on the switch.
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: SendPacket
Ports: 5 (1 Control Plane, 4 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send OFPT_PACKET_OUT out message from controller to switch for every dataplane port.
b) Verify the packet appears on the each dataplane port
c) Verify sent packet matches the received packet
8. Barrier Request
Test Description: This test checks that a basic barrier request does not generate an error.
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: BarrierRequestReply
Ports: I (Control Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
c) Verify OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY is received on the control plane.
9. Packet In
Test Description: Check packet_in is implemented. This test just checks that non matched dataplane packets
generate a packet_in
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: PacketIn
Ports: 2 (1 Control Plane and 1 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send a packet to dataplane port , without inserting a flow entry
b) Verify a OFPT_PACKET_IN is generated on the control plane
10. Hello
Test Description: This test checks for basic Hello message generation with correct version field.
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: Hello
Ports: 1 (Control Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection Setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send OFPT_HELLO from controller to switch
b) Verify switch also sends OFPT_HELLO message in response
c) Verify version field in the hello message is set to Openflow version 1.0.0
11. Echo
Test Description: This test checks for basic Echo Reply message generation with correct version field with
same transaction id.
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: EchoWithoutBody
Ports: 1 (Control Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST from the controller side.
b) Verify switch responds back with OFPT_ECHO_REPLY with same xid.
c) Verify Openflow version in header is set to Openflow version 1.0.0.
**** Detailed controller to switch messages ****
1. Overlap checking
Test Description: Verify that if overlap check flag is set in the flow entry and an overlapping flow is
inserted then an error is generated and switch refuses flow entry
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: OverlapChecking
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
a) Generate Flow F1--> Wildcard All
b) Send ofp_table_stats request , verify active_count=1
c) Generate overlapping flow F2 --> Wildcard All Except Ingress Port ( with flag OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP set)
d) Verify that switch generates OFPT_ERROR msg.
2. No overlap checking
Test Description: Verify that without overlap check flag set, overlapping flows can be created.
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: NoOverlapchecking
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane, 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Generate Flow F1--> Wildcard All.
b) Send ofp_table_stats request , verify active_count=1
e) Generate overlapping flow F2 --> Wildcard All Except Ingress Port ( without flag OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP set)
c) Send a ofp_table_stats request, verify active_count=2
3. Identical flows
Test Description: Verify that adding two identical flows overwrites the existing one and clears counters
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: IdenticalFlows
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane), (2 dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Generate Flow F1.
b) Send ofp_table_stats request , verify active_count=1
b) Increment counters (packet_count, byte_count) by sending a packet matching flow F1.
C) Send ofp_flow_stats request. Verify flow counters: byte_count and packet_count
c) Create identical flow F2
d) Send a ofp_table_stats request, verify active_count=1
e) Send ofp_flow_stats request. Verify flow counters: byte_count and packet_count are reset
4. No table to add (Written in oftest—Need to add to conformance Test-Suites)
5. Never valid port (TBD)
6. Currently not existing port Version A and B (TBD)
7. Emergency flow with timeout values
Test Description: Timeout values are not allowed for emergency flows
Test Title: EmerFlowTimeout
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 3 (1 control plane, 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test Notes:
a) Generate a flow F with OFPFF_EMERG set in flag and timeout values assigned.
b) Verify switch generates an OFPT_ERROR msg, Type: OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, Code OFPFMFC_BAD_EMERG_TIMEOUT
8. Missing modify adds
Test Description: If a modify does not match an existing flow, the flow gets added.
Title: MissingModifyAdd
Test mode: Automated
Ports:3 (1 control plane,2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Generate a flow-mod , command OFPC_MODIFY (Note: There should be no flows matching this flow_mod modify command)
b) Send a ofp_table_stats request, verify active_count=1
9. Modify changes action, preserves counters
Test Description: A modified flow preserves counters
Title: ModifyAction
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 4(1 control plane, 3 Dataplane)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Create a flow_mod F-1 with command OFPC_ADD, action A
b) Send a test Packet matching the flow
c) Send an ofp_flow_stats request, verify byte_count and packet_count
e) Create flow_mod with command OFPC_MODIFY ,action A’ and modify action of flow F-1
f) Send a ofp_flow_stats request, verify flow counters are preserved
g) Send test packet, verify it implements action A’
10. Strict Modify changes action, preserves counters
Test Description: Strict Modify Flow also changes action preserves counters
Title: StrictModifyAction
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 4(1 control plane, 3 Dataplane)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Create two overlapping flows: F --> Match on all, except one wildcarded (src address). Action A. Priority=100
F’ --> Match on ingress_port = port [0], wildcarded rest. Action A. Priority=10
b) Send a ofp_table_stats request, verify active_count=2
c) Send Packet (it would have matched both the flows, since they are overlapping flows but it would match Flow-F1 as it has higher priority.)
d) Send ofp_flow_stats request for Flow-1 and verify counters packet_count and byte_count
e) Create flow_mod ,command OFPC_STRICT_MODIFY,match on all except src address ,priority 100 action A’
f) Send test packet , verify action is modified
g) Send ofp_flow_stats request, verify counters are preserved.
11. Delete non existing flow
Test Description: Request deletion of non-existing flow
Title: DeleteNonexistingFlow
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 1(1 control plane)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Issue a delete command, with no flows inserted
b) Make sure no error is generated on the control plane
12. Delete flows with and without removed message
Test Description: Check deletion of flows happens and generates messages as configured. i.e. if ‘Send Flow removed message’Flag
is set in the flow entry, the flow deletion of that respective flow should generate the flow removed message,
vice versa also exists
Test Title: SendFlowRem
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 3 (1 control plane, 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Connection setup, Default (clear switch state)
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Generate a flow F without OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag set
b) Issue a delete command OFPFC_DELETE
c) Verify that OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED message is not generated.
c) Generate a flow F’ with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag set
d) Issue a delete command OFPFC_DELETE
e) Verify that OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED message is generated
13. Delete emergency flow
Test Description: Delete emergency flow and verify no message is generated.An emergency flow deletion will not generate
flow-removed messages even if ‘Send Flow removed message’ flag was set during the emergency flow entry.
Title: DeleteEmerFlow
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 3 (1 control plane, 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State (default)
a) Insert a flow with OFPFF_EMERG flag set.
b) Delete the added flow with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag set
c) Test successful if no flow removed message is generated.
14. Delete and verify strict and non-strict
Test Description: Delete and verify strict and non-strict behaviors
This test compares the behavior of delete strict and non-strict.
Title: StrictVsNonstrict
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 3 (1 control plane, 2 dataplane)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
a) Insert Flow F with an exact match.
b) Issue Non-strict Delete command, verify F gets deleted.
c) Insert F with an exact Match
d) Issue Strict Delete Command, verify F gets deleted.
e) Insert Flow T with match on all, except one wildcarded (say src address).
f) Insert another flow T' with match on ingress_port, wildcarded rest.
g) Issue Non-strict Delete ( match on ingress_port). Verify T+T' gets deleted.
h) Insert T and T' again. Issue Strict Delete (match on ingress port), verify only T' gets deleted
i) Insert T, add Priority P (say 100)
j) Insert T' add priority (200).
k) Insert T' again add priority 300 --> T”
l) Issue Non-Strict Delete (match on ingress port). Verify T+T’+T’’ gets deleted.
m) Insert T, T’, T’’ again, Issue Strict Delete (match on ingress_port) with priority = 200. Verify only T’ gets deleted
15. Delete flows with constraint out_port
Test Description: Delete flows filtered by action output.DELETE and DELETE STRICT commands can be optionally filtered by output port.
If the out_port field contains a value other than OFPP_NONE, it introduces a constraint when matching.
This constraint is that the rule must contain an output action directed at that port.
Title: Outport1
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 3 (1 control plane, 2 Dataplanes)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
a) Insert a flow F with output action = port x
b) Send a delete command matching flow F ,but out_port =port y
c) Send a table_stats request , verify no flow gets deleted i.e. active_count=1
d) Send a delete command matching flow F ,outport = port x
e) Send a table_stats request, verify flow F gets deleted.
16. Add, modify flows with constraint output
Test Description: Add, modify flows with outport set. This field is ignored by ADD, MODIFY, and MODIFY STRICT messages.
Title: Outport2
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 4 (1 control plane, 3 Data planes)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
a) Insert a flow F with action A (output --> port x) , but out_port field in the flow mod set as port y
b) Send Table_Stats_Request, Verify Flow gets inserted. ( Flow add ignores out_port field)
c) Modify the action in flow F , action A’ ( output -->port z ), but out_port field in the flow mod set as port y
d) Send test packet matching the flow F
e) Verify packet implements action A’ (flow modify ignores out_port field)
17. Verify that idle timeout is implemented
Test Description: Verify that idle timeout is implemented
Title: IdleTimeout
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 3 (1 control plane, 2 Dataplanes)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
a) Add a flow with idle timeout set and with OFPP_SEND_FLOW_REM bit set
b) Verify flow removed message is received.
c) Verify flow removed reason was idle_timeout
d) Verify the duration_sec field is 1 sec
18. Verify that hard timeout is implemented
Test Description: Verify that hard timeout is implemented
Title: HardTimeout
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 3 (1 control plane, 2 Dataplanes)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
a) Add a flow with hard timeout =1 set and with OFPP_SEND_FLOW_REM bit set
b) Verify flow removed message is received.
c) Verify flow removed reason was hard_timeout
d) Verify the duration_sec field is 1 sec
19. Verify that messages are generated as expected
Test Description: Verify that Flow removed messages are generated as expected
/* Since “flow removed messages being generated when flag is set” is already tested in the above tests
So here, we test the vice-versa condition.*/
Title: FlowTimeout
Test mode: Automated
Ports: 3 (1control plane, 1dataplane)
Initial State: Connection setup, Clear Switch State
Test-Field: Mandatory
a) Generate and install a flow with idle_timeout = 1 set no OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag set.
b) Verify no flow removed message is received.
c) Send table_stats_request message and verify active_count=0
*** Actions ***
1. No Action drops packet
Test Description: If no forward actions are present, the packet is dropped.
Required Action: Drop.
A flow-entry with no specified action indicates that all matching packets should be dropped.
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: NoAction
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send Flow mod message without any action specified
b) Send N packets matching the flow
c) Verify packets are not received on any of the dataplane ports
d) Verify packets are not even sent to the controller
2. Get supported actions from switch
Test Description: Get the supported actions from switch and make sanity checks.
/*When connecting to the controller, a switch indicate which of the “Optional Actions” it supports*/
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: Announcement
Ports: 1 (Control Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send features_request .
b) Verify response is OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY
c) Verify reply has supported action list specified
3. Forward All
Test Description: Packet is sent to all dataplane ports except ingress port when output action.port = OFPP_ALL
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ForwardAll
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Install a flow with output action.port = OFPP_ALL.
b) Verify packets are forwarded to all ports except ingress port.
4. Forward Controller
Test Description: Packet is sent to controller output.port = OFPP_CONTROLLER
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ForwardController
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action output port = OFPP_CONTROLLER
b) Send packets matching the flow
c) Verify packet received on the control plane as a packet_in message
5. Forward Local (TBD – Verification of packet being received at local networking stack)
Test Description: Packet is sent to switch’s local networking stack if output.port = OFPP_LOCAL
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ForwardLocal
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action output port = OFPP_LOCAL
b) Send packets matching the flow
c) Verify packet received in the switch’s local networking stack.
6. Forward Table
Test Description: Perform actions in flow table. Only for packet-out messages.
/*If the output action.port in the packetout message = OFP.TABLE, then the packet implements the action
specified in the matching flow of the FLOW-TABLE*/
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ForwardTable
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow F with action output.port = egress_port
b) Send a OFPT_PACKET_OUT message with out port=OFPP_TABLE matching flow F
c) Verify packet received on egress_port (i.e packetout message implemented the action specified in the matching flow of the Table)
7. Forward In Port
Test Description: Packet is sent to input port if output.port = OFPP_INPORT
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ForwardInport
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action output port = OFPP_INPORT
b) Send packets matching the flow
c) Verify packet received on all dataplane ports except for input port
8. Forward Flood
Test Description:Flood the packet along the minimum spanning tree, not including the incoming interface.
Packet is sent all the dataplane ports except the input port if output.port = OFPP_FLOOD
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: Forward_Flood
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action output port = OFPP_FLOOD
b) Send packets matching the flow
c) Verify packet received on all dataplane ports except for input port
9. Multiple Ports -- TBD
10. Forward Enqueue --- TBD
11. Set VLAN Id
Test Description: Attach VLAN ID to untagged packet.
If no VLAN is present, a new header is added with the specified VLAN ID and priority of zero.
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: AddVlanId
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID , vlan_vid = x
b) Send packet (length = 100 bytes) matching the flow
b) Verify packet received has vlan id added to it. (I.e length of packet with vid is 104 bytes, dl_vlan_enable = True, dl_vlan= x, dl_vlan_pcp=0)
12. Modify VLAN Id
Test Description: Modifies Vlan Tag for a tagged packet
If a VLAN header already exists, the VLAN ID is replaced with the specified value
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyVlanId
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID , vlan_vid = x
b) Send packet (length = 100 bytes) matching the flow
c) Verify packet received has vlan id rewritten. (I.e length of 104 bytes, dl_vlan_enable = True, dl_vlan=x)
13. Add VLAN Priority to an untagged packet
Test Description: Attach VLAN priority to an untagged packet.
Since, no VLAN ID is present; a new header is added with the specified priority and a VLAN ID of zero.\
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: VlanPrio1
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP , dl_vlan_pcp =x
b) Send untagged packet matching the flow
c) Verify packet received has vlan priority added to it along with a vid value of zero added by default (dl_vlan_enable , dl_vlan = 0 , dl_vlan_pcp =x )
14. Rewrite existing VLAN priority
Test Description: Modify VLAN priority for a tagged packet.
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: VlanPrio2
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP , dl_vlan_pcp =new_vlan_pcp
b) Send tagged packet matching the flow (dl_vlan = old_vlan_id , dl_vlan_pcp = old_vlan_pcp)
c) Verify packet received has vlan id added to it. (dl_vlan_enable , dl_vlan = 0 , dl_vlan_pcp = new_vlan_pcp)
15. Modify L2 Src Address
Test Description: Modify Ethernet Src Address of a packet
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyL2Src
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC , dl_src =new_dl_src
b) Send packet matching the flow (dl_dst = old_dl_src )
c) Verify packet received has src address rewritten. (dl_src= new_dl_src)
16. Modify L2 Destination Address
Test Description: Modify Ethernet Destination Address of a packet
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyL2Dst
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_DL_DST , dl_dst =new_dl_dst
b) Send packet matching the flow (dl_dst = old_dl_src )
c) Verify packet received has destination address rewritten. (dl_src= new_dl_src)
17. Strip VLAN header – (In oftest, need to add in conformance test-suite )
18. Modify L3 Src Address
Test Description: Modify Network Src Address of a packet
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyL3Src
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC , nw_src =new_nw_src
b) Send packet matching the flow (nw_src = old_nw_src )
c) Verify packet received has nw address rewritten. (nw_src= new_nw_src)
19. Modify L3 Dst Address
Test Description: Modify Network Dst Address of a packet
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyL3Dst
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_NW_DST , nw_dst =new_nw_dst
b) Send packet matching the flow (nw_dst = old_nw_dst )
c) Verify packet received has nw destination address rewritten. (nw_dst= new_nw_dst)
20. Modify L4 Src Address
Test Description: Modify TCP Source Port of a packet
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyL4Src
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC , tcp_sport =new_tcp_sport
b) Send packet matching the flow (tcp_sport = old_tcp_sport )
c) Verify packet received has tcp source port rewritten. (tcp_sport = new_tcp_sport)
21. Modify L4 Dst Address
Test Description: Modify TCP Destination Port of a packet
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyL4Dst
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_TP_DST , tcp_dport =new_tcp_dport
b) Send packet matching the flow (tcp_dport = old_tcp_dport )
c) Verify packet received has tcp destination port rewritten. (tcp_sport = new_tcp_sport)
22. Modify TOS
Test Description: Modify Network Type of service
Test mode: Automated
Test Title: ModifyTos
Ports: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Dataplane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with action = OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS, ip_tos =new_ip_tos
b) Send packet matching the flow (ip_tos= old_ip_tos)
c) Verify packet received has tcp destination port rewritten. (ip_tos= new_ip_tos)
23. Order Not possible -- TBD
24. Sequential execution -- TBD
**** Counters ****
1. Received Packets per Flow
Test Description: Verify that packet_count in the Flow_Stats reply increments in accordance with the packets in flow
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: FlowCounter1
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow , match = ingress_port
b) Send N packet matching the flow i.e packets should be sent on ingress_port
c) Send flow_stats_request for the flow
d) Verify packet_count = N in the flow_stats_reply
2. Received Bytes per Flow
Test Description: Verify that byte_count in the Flow_Stats reply increments in accordance with the bytes in flow
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: FlowCounter1
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow , match = ingress_port
b) Send N packet matching the flow i.e packets should be sent on ingress_port
c) Send flow_stats_request for the flow
d) Verify byte_count = N*(no. of bytes in one packet) in the flow_stats_reply
3. Duration in sec per Flow
Test Description: Verify that duration_sec in the Flow_Stats reply increments in accordance with the time that flow was alive in sec
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: FlowCounter2
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a any flow
b) Send flow_stats_request for that flow periodically after n sec intervals upto timeout of y
c) Verify each flow_stats_reply has duration_sec field incrementing as n , 2n , 3n .. y
4. Duration in nsec per flow
Test Description: Verify that duration_nsec in the flow_stats repl increments in accordance with the time flow has been alive in nanoseconds
beyond duration_sec.
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: FlowCounter2
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert any flow
b) Send flow_stats_request periodically after n sec intervals upto timeout of y
c) Verify each flow_stats_reply has duration_sec field incrementing as n , 2n , 3n .. y and read out duration_nsec field ( Verification of nsec field
is out of scope)
5. Received packets per port
Test Description: Verify that rx_packets in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the packets recieved on that port
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: PortCounter1
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with match on ingress_port
b) Send N packets on the ingress_port
c) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
d) Verify port_stats_reply has rx_packet=N
6. Transmitted packets per port
Test Description: Verify that tx_packets in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the packets transmitted from a port
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: PortCounter2
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with match on ingress_port, action output = egress_port
b) Send N packets on the ingress_port
c) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
d) Verify port_stats_reply had tx_packets=N
7. Received Bytes per port
Test Description: Verify that rx_bytes in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the bytes recieved on a port
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: PortCounter3
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with match on ingress_port, action output = egress_port
b) Send N packet matching the flow
c) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
d) Verify port_stats_reply had rx_bytes=N*(no. of bytes in a packet)
8. Transmitted Bytes per port
Test Description: Verify that tx_bytes in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the bytes transmitted from a port
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: PortCounter4
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with match on ingress_port, action output = egress_port
b) Send N packet matching the flow
c) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
d) Verify port_stats_reply had tx_bytes=N*(no. of bytes in a packet)
9. Recieve Drops per port (TBD ---> Verification of counter incrementing correctly)
Test Description: Verify that rx_dropped counters in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the packets dropped by RX
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: RxDrops
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes :
a) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
b) Verify port_stats reply has rx_dropped count
10. Transmit Drops per port (TBD ---> Verification of counter incrementing correctly)
Test Description: Verify that tx_dropped counters in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the packets dropped by TX
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: TxDrops
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Manadatory
a) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
b) Verify port_stats reply has tx_dropped count
11. Recieve Errors (TBD ---> Verification of counter incrementing correctly)
Test Description: Verify that rx_errors counters in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with number of recieved error
This is a super-set of more specific receive errors and should be greater than or equal to the sum of all
rx_*_err values.
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: RxErrors
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
b) Verify port_stats reply has rx_errors count
12. Transmit Errors (TBD ---> Verification of counter incrementing correctly)
Test Description: Verify that tx_errors counters in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with number of trasmit errors
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: TxErrors
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
b) Verify port_stats reply has tx_errors count
13. Recieve Frame Errors (TBD ---> Verification of counter incrementing correctly)
Test Description: Verify that rx_frm_err counters in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the number of frame alignment errors
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: RxFrameErr
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
b) Verify port_stats reply has rx_frame_err count
14. Recieve Overrun Errors (TBD ---> Verification of counter incrementing correctly)
Test Description: Verify that rx_over_err counters in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the number of with RX overrun
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: RxOErr
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
b) Verify port_stats reply has rx_over_err count
15. CRC Errors (TBD ---> Verification of counter incrementing correctly)
Test Description: Verify that rx_crc_err counters in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the number of crc errors
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: RxCrcErr
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Manadatory
Test Notes:
a) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
b) Verify port_stats reply has rx_crc_err count
16. Collisions (TBD ---> Verification of counter incrementing correctly)
Test Description: Verify that collisons counters in the Port_Stats reply increments in accordance with the collisions encountered by the switch
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: Collisions
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Send port_stats request for port=ingress_port
b) Verify port_stats reply has collisions count
17. Active Entries per Table
Test Description: Verify that active_count in the table increments in accordance with the flows inserted in the table
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: TableCounter1
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow
b) Send table_stats_request
c) Verify active_count=1
18. Packet Lookup per Table
Test Description: Verify that lookup_count in the Table_Stats reply increments in accordance with the number of packets looked up in table
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: TableCounter2
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with match on ingress_port
b) Send N packets on ingress_port (matching the flow)
c) Send N' packets on x port (Not matching the flow)
d) Send table_stats_request
e) Verify lookup_count = N+N'
19. Packets matched per Table
Test Description: Verify that matched_count in the Table_Stats reply increments in accordance with the number of packets matched with the table
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: TableCounter2
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Mandatory
Test Notes:
a) Insert a flow with match on ingress_port
b) Send N packets on ingress_port (matching the flow)
c) Send N' packets on x port (Not matching the flow)
d) Send table_stats_request
e) Verify matched_count = N
20. Transmit Packets per Queue
Test Description: Verify that tx_packets in the queue_stats reply increments in accordance with the number of transmitted packets
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: QueueCounter1
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Send queue_stats request for ports=ofp.OFPP_ALL and queue_ids=ofp.OFPQ_ALL (i.e all ports and all queues)
b) Send queue_stats request for egress_port[0] and queue_id[0] and note the tx_packets count in the reply
c) Insert a flow entry with enqueue action , port = egress_port[0] queue_id= queue_id[0]
d) Send packet matching the flow
e) Send queue_stats request again, verify tx_packet count incremented
f) Repeat b , c , d , e for all the queue_ids configured for egress_port[0]
h) Repeat b , c , d , e , f for all the egress_ports available
21. Transmit Bytes per Queue
Test Description: Verify that tx_bytes in the queue_stats reply increments in accordance with the number of transmitted bytes
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: QueueCounter2
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Send queue_stats request for ports=ofp.OFPP_ALL and queue_ids=ofp.OFPQ_ALL (i.e all ports and all queues)
b) Send queue_stats request for egress_port[0] and queue_id[0] and note the tx_bytes count in the reply
c) Insert a flow entry with enqueue action , port = egress_port[0] queue_id= queue_id[0]
d) Send packet matching the flow
e) Send queue_stats request again, verify tx_byte count incremented
f) Repeat b , c , d , e for all the queue_ids configured for egress_port[0]
h) Repeat b , c , d , e , f for all the egress_ports available
22. Transmit Overrun Errors per queue (TBD ----> Verification of tx_error count being incremented correctly)
Test Description: Verify that tx_errors in the queue_stats reply increments in accordance with the number of packets dropped due to overrun.
Test mode: Automated
Test Tile: QueueCounter3
POrts: 3 (1 Control Plane 2 Data Plane)
Initial State: Default (Clear switch state), Connection setup
Test-Field: Optional
Test Notes:
a) Send queue_stats request for port=egress_port and queue_ids=ofp.OFPQ_ALL
B) send queue_stats request for egress_port and queue_id[0] (i.e first queue configured for egress_port)
c) Verify reply has tx_errors count .
d) Repear b , c for the all queue_ids of egress_port