blob: ce4e6ad478aea8664c064d3d5b8023d852283fc1 [file] [log] [blame]
Utilities for the OpenFlow test framework
import random
import time
def gen_xid():
return random.randrange(1,0xffffffff)
Wait on a condition variable until the given function returns non-None or a timeout expires.
The condition variable must already be acquired.
The timeout value -1 means use the default timeout.
There is deliberately no support for an infinite timeout.
TODO: get the default timeout from configuration
def timed_wait(cv, fn, timeout=-1):
if timeout == -1:
# TODO make this configurable
timeout = 2
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while True:
val = fn()
if val != None:
return val
remaining_time = end_time - time.time()
if time.time() > end_time:
return None