blob: 4262ca990dae6e0dd629da345b989bdd3900ea91 [file] [log] [blame]
OpenFlow Test Framework
Controller class
Provide the interface to the control channel to the switch under test.
Class inherits from thread so as to run in background allowing
asynchronous callbacks (if needed, not required). Also supports
The controller thread maintains a queue. Incoming messages that
are not handled by a callback function are placed in this queue for
poll calls.
Callbacks and polling support specifying the message type
@todo Support transaction semantics via xid
@todo Set up reasonable logging facility
from oft_config import *
import os
import socket
import time
from threading import Thread
from threading import Lock
from threading import Condition
from message import *
from parse import *
from netutils import *
from ofutils import *
class Controller(Thread):
Class abstracting the control interface to the switch.
For receiving messages, two mechanism will be implemented. First,
query the interface with poll. Second, register to have a
function called by message type. The callback is passed the
message type as well as the raw packet (or message object)
One of the main purposes of this object is to translate between network
and host byte order. 'Above' this object, things should be in host
byte order.
@todo Consider using SocketServer for listening socket
@todo Test transaction code
@var rcv_size The receive size to use for receive calls
@var max_pkts The max size of the receive queue
@var keep_alive If true, listen for echo requests and respond w/
echo replies
@var host The host to use for connect
@var port The port to connect on
@var packets_total Total number of packets received
@var packets_expired Number of packets popped from queue as queue full
@var packets_handled Number of packets handled by something
@var dbg_state Debug indication of state
def __init__(self, max_pkts=1024):
self.rcv_size = RCV_SIZE_DEFAULT
self.socket_errors = 0
self.parse_errors = 0
self.connected = False
self.running = False
self.max_pkts = max_pkts
self.packets_total = 0
self.packets = []
self.sync = Lock()
self.handlers = {}
self.keep_alive = False = controller_host
self.port = controller_port
self.passive = True
self.packets_expired = 0
self.packets_handled = 0
self.dbg_state = "init"
self.listen_socket = None
self.switch_socket = None
self.switch_addr = None
self.debug_level = DEBUG_VERBOSE
# Transaction variables
# xid_cv: Condition variable (semaphore) for transaction
# xid: Transaction ID being waited on
# xid_response: Transaction response message
self.xid_cv = Condition()
self.xid = None
self.xid_response = None
# Connection condition variable to notify anyone waiting for a cxn
self.connect_cv = Condition()
def dbg(self, level, string):
debug_log("CTRL", self.debug_level, level, string)
def connect(self):
Open the socket connection
@param host The host address to use for the socket
@param port The port number to use for the socket
@param passive If True, use passive cxn: Not yet supported.
@return Boolean where True indicates success
If already connected, will close the current connection
oldstate = self.dbg_state
self.dbg_state = "connecting"
if self.connected:
self.dbg(DEBUG_WARN, "Disconnect when already connected")
if not self.passive:
print "Error in controller init: Active cxn not supported"
# raise unsupported
self.dbg_state = oldstate
return False
# FIXME: add error handling; try SocketServer?
self.dbg(DEBUG_INFO, "open ctl host: >" + str( + "< port " +
if not self.listen_socket:
self.listen_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self.listen_socket.bind((, self.port))
self.dbg_state = "listening"
(self.switch_socket, self.switch_addr) = self.listen_socket.accept()
if not self.switch_socket:
self.socket_errors += 1
self.dbg(DEBUG_WARN, "Failed on accept")
self.dbg_state = "error"
return False
self.connected = True
self.dbg_state = "connected"
self.dbg(DEBUG_INFO, "Got connection to " + str(self.switch_addr))
return True
def disconnect(self):
Disconnect the switch socket
self.dbg_state = "disconnecting"
if not self.connected:
self.dbg(DEBUG_INFO, "disconnect when not connected")
self.dbg_state = "disconnected"
self.connected = False
self.dbg_state = "disconnected"
def _pkt_handler_check(self, pkt):
Check for packet handling before being enqueued
This includes checking for an ongoing transaction (see transact())
an echo request in case keep_alive is true, followed by
registered message handlers.
@param pkt The raw packet (string)
@return (handled, msg) where handled is a boolean indicating
the message was handled; msg if None is the parsed message
# Parse the header to get type
hdr = of_header_parse(pkt)
if not hdr:
self.dbg(DEBUG_INFO, "Could not parse header, pkt len", len(pkt))
self.parse_errors += 1
return (True, None)
if self.debug_level <= DEBUG_VERBOSE:
self.dbg(DEBUG_VERBOSE, "message: len %d. type %s. hdr.len %d" %
(len(pkt), ofp_type_map[hdr.type], hdr.length))
msg = of_message_parse(pkt)
if not msg:
self.parse_errors += 1
self.dbg(DEBUG_WARN, "Could not parse message")
return (True, None)
# Check if transaction is waiting
if self.xid:
if hdr.xid == self.xid:
self.xid_response = msg
return (True, None)
# Check if keep alive is set; if so, respond to echo requests
if self.keep_alive:
if hdr.type == OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST:
rep = echo_reply()
rep.header.xid = hdr.xid
# Ignoring additional data
return (True, None)
# Now check for message handlers; preference is given to
# handlers for a specific packet
handled = False
if hdr.type in self.handlers.keys():
handled = self.handlers[hdr.type](self, msg, pkt)
if not handled and ("all" in self.handlers.keys()):
handled = self.handlers["all"](self, msg, pkt)
return (handled, msg)
def run(self):
Activity function for class
Loops until stop is called (or self.running is set to False).
If the connection drops, it connects again. It then receives
a message on the socket and checks for handlers, queuing the
packet if no one handles the packet.
self.running = True
while self.running:
if not self.connected:
if not self.connect():
"Controller thread error connecting; exit")
# Notify anyone waiting that a connection is made
pkt = self.switch_socket.recv(self.rcv_size)
if len(pkt) == 0:
self.dbg(DEBUG_WARN, "length 0 pkt in")
(handled, msg) = self._pkt_handler_check(pkt)
if handled:
self.packets_handled += 1
# Not handled, enqueue
if len(self.packets) >= self.max_pkts:
self.packets_expired += 1
self.packets.append((msg, pkt))
self.packets_total += 1
except socket.error:
print "Controller socket read error"
self.socket_errors += 1
def stop(self):
Stop the running loop and disconnect the socket
self.running = False
# Is there something to do to switch_socket to stop an inprogress
# connect?
def register(self, msg_type, handler):
Register a callback to receive a specific message type.
Only one handler may be registered for a given message type.
@param msg_type The type of message to receive. May be DEFAULT
for all non-handled packets. The special type, the string "all"
will send all packets to the handler.
@param handler The function to call when a message of the given
type is received.
# Should check type is valid
if not handler and msg_type in self.handlers.keys():
del self.handlers[msg_type]
self.handlers[msg_type] = handler
def poll(self, exp_msg=None, timeout=None):
Wait for the next OF message received from the switch.
@param exp_msg If set, return only when this type of message
is received.
@retval A pair (msg, pkt) where msg is a message object and pkt
the string representing the packet as received from the socket.
This allows additional parsing by the receiver if necessary.
The data members in the message are in host endian order.
If an error occurs, None is returned
# For now do not support time out;
if timeout:
print "DEBUG WARNING: poll time out not supported"
while len(self.packets) > 0:
(msg, pkt) = self.packets.pop(0)
if not exp_msg or (exp_msg and (msg.header.type == exp_msg)):
return msg, pkt
def transact(self, msg, timeout=None, zero_xid=False):
Run a message transaction with the switch
Send the message in msg and wait for a reply with a matching
transaction id. Transactions have the highest priority in
received message handling.
@param msg The message object to send; must not be a string
@param timeout The timeout in seconds (?)
@param zero_xid Normally, if the XID is 0 an XID will be generated
for the message. Set xero_xid to override this behavior
@return The matching message object or None if unsuccessful
if not zero_xid and msg.header.xid == 0:
msg.header.xid = gen_xid()
if self.xid:
"Can only run one transaction at a time")
return None
self.xid = msg.header.xid
self.xid_response = None
msg = self.xid_response
self.xid_response = None
return msg
def message_send(self, msg):
Send the message to the switch
@param msg An OpenFlow message object to be forwarded to the switch.
@return None on success
if type(msg) != type(""):
# Sending a string indicates the message is ready to go
self.dbg(DEBUG_INFO, "message_send requires packet as string")
return 0
self.dbg(DEBUG_INFO, "Sending pkt of len " + str(len(msg)))
return self.switch_socket.sendall(msg)
def __str__(self):
string = "Controller:\n"
string += " connected " + str(self.connected) + "\n"
string += " state " + self.dbg_state + "\n"
string += " running " + str(self.running) + "\n"
string += " switch_addr " + str(self.switch_addr) + "\n"
string += " pending pkts " + str(len(self.packets)) + "\n"
string += " total pkts " + str(self.packets_total) + "\n"
string += " expired pkts " + str(self.packets_expired) + "\n"
string += " handled pkts " + str(self.packets_handled) + "\n"
string += " parse errors " + str(self.parse_errors) + "\n"
string += " sock errrors " + str(self.socket_errors) + "\n"
string += " max pkts " + str(self.max_pkts) + "\n"
string += " host " + str( + "\n"
string += " port " + str(self.port) + "\n"
string += " keep_alive " + str(self.keep_alive) + "\n"
return string
def show(self):
print str(self)
def connect_to_switch(self, timeout=None, send_hello=True):
Connect to switch
Block until a connection to a switch
is established or a timeout occurs. Sends a hello message
once established.
@param timeout Timeout in seconds
@param send_hello If True, will send hello when connection established
@return True if successful, False otherwise
h = hello()
print "x1"
if self.connected:
print "x2"
return True
print "x3"
print "x4"
if send_hello:
print "x5"
return self.connected
def sample_handler(controller, msg, pkt):
Sample message handler
This is the prototype for functions registered with the controller
class for packet reception
@param controller The controller calling the handler
@param msg The parsed message object
@param pkt The raw packet that was received on the socket. This is
in case the packet contains extra unparsed data.
@returns Boolean value indicating if the packet was handled. If
not handled, the packet is placed in the queue for pollers to received