blob: e5ff539822a820847bded6e3185979e5560dee9d [file] [log] [blame]
OpenFlow Testing Framework
February, 2010
This is still experimental and it requires root privilege to
control the dataplane ports. As a consequence, there are
some serious risks to the machine on which this is running.
Use caution.
This is still preliminary work and there are bugs in the
framework that need to be ironed out. Please report any issues
Quick Start
# cd <oftest>/tools/munger
# make install
# cd <oftest>/tests
# ./oft --list
# ./oft
# ./oft --test-spec=<mod> --debug=info --platform=remote --host=...
Longer Start
1. Pre-requisites:
* Root privilege on host
* Python 2.5 (or so)
* oftest checked out (called <oftest> here)
* scapy installed:
* Doxygen and doxypy for document generation (optional)
* lint for source checking (optional)
2. Build the OpenFlow Python message classes
Important: The OF version used by the controller is based on
the file in <oftest>/tools/pylibopenflow/include/openflow.h
This is currently the 1.0 release file.
* cd <oftest>/tools/munger
* make install
This places files in <oftest>/src/python/oftest/src and then
calls setuptools to install on the local host
3. Edit configuration if necessary
Local platforms work with veth interface pairs and default to
four ports. You can adjust this a bit with the command line
parameters port_count, base_of_port and base_if_index.
Starting from as a simple example, you can add your
own <platform>.py file and then have it imported with
--platform=<platform> on the command line.
4. Start the switch to test
The switch must be running and actively attempting to
connect to the controller at the host/port specified above.
5. Run oft
See Warning above; requires sudo to control the dataplane
* cd <oftest>/tests
* sudo ./oft --help
The directory structure is currently:
|-- doc
|-- src
| `-- python
| `-- oftest
|-- tests
| `-- oft and files with test cases
`-- tools
|-- munger
`-- pylibopenflow
The tools directory is what processes the OpenFlow header
files to produce Python classes representing OpenFlow messages.
The results are placed in src/python/oftest and currently
include: The main API providing OF message classes Subclasses for error messages Subclasses for action specification Direct representation of C structures in Python Addition info about C structures
In addition, the following Python files are present in
src/python/oftest: The controller representation The dataplane representation Action list class e.g., set promisc on sockets Utilities related to OpenFlow messages Test framework level assertion
Tests are run from the tests directory. The file oft is the
top level entry point for tests. Try ./oft --help for some more.
Important Notes
1. If you edit any of the files in src/python/oftest or any of the
scripts in tools/munger/scripts, you MUST re-run make install. This
is easy to forget.
2. If your running into issues with transactions, and it appears that
OpenFlow messages aren't quite right, start by looking at any length
fields in the packets. With the local platform, you can use wireshark
on the loopback interface as well as the dataplane veth interfaces.
Adding Your Own Test Cases
You can:
* Add cases to an existing file
* Add a new file
If you add cases to an existing file, each case should be its own
class. It must inherit from unittest.TestCase or one of its
derivatives and define runTest (that's how test cases are discovered).
If you add a new file, it must implement a top level function called
test_set_init which takes a configuration dictionary. See
for an example. The main point of this is to pass the port map
object to the test cases. But you can access any configuration
parameters this way. Each test case in the new file must derive
from unittest.TestCase.
Other Info
* Build doc with
+ cd <oftest>/tools/munger
+ make doc
Places the results in <oftest>/doc/html
* Run lint on sources
+ cd <oftest>/tools/munger
+ make lint
Places results in <oftest>/lint/*.log
The file controller.log currently has some errors indicated
To Do
* Need to have an overview of the components of the test, how they
connect and how they are managed by the test framework.
* See the Regression Test component on trac:
* Make the framework work with OF versions other than 1.0?