blob: 7a2e8cd9e03cb9f1932c663fd782e642737a5ae6 [file] [log] [blame]
OpenFlow Test Framework
Dataplane class
Provide the interface to the control the set of ports being used
to stimulate the switch under test.
See the class dataplaneport for more details. This class wraps
a set of those objects allowing general calls and parsing
from dataplaneport import *
class DataPlane:
Class defining access primitives to the data plane
Controls a list of DataPlanePort objects
def __init__(self):
self.port_list = {}
def port_add(self, interface_name, port_number):
Add a port to the dataplane
TBD: Max packets for queue?
@param interface_name The name of the physical interface like eth1
@param port_number The port number used to refer to the port
self.port_list[port_number] = DataPlanePort(interface_name)
def send(self, port_number, packet):
Send a packet to the given port
@param port_number The port to send the data to
@param packet Raw packet data to send to port
bytes = self.port_list[port_number].send(packet)
if bytes != len(packet):
print "Unhandled send error, length mismatch %d != %d" % \
(bytes, len(packet))
return bytes
def flood(self, packet):
Send a packet to all ports
@param packet Raw packet data to send to port
for port_number in self.port_list.keys():
bytes = self.port_list[port_number].send(packet)
if bytes != len(packet):
print "Unhandled send error" + \
", port %d, length mismatch %d != %d" % \
(port_number, bytes, len(packet))
def packet_get(self, port_number=None):
Get a packet from the data plane
If port_number is given, get the packet from that port.
Otherwise, find the port with the oldest packet and return
that packet.
@param port_number If set, get packet from this port
@retval The triple port_number, packet, pkt_time where packet
is received from port_number at time pkt_time.
if port_number:
if self.port_list[port_number].packets_pending != 0:
pkt, time = self.port_list[port_number].dequeue()
return port_number, pkt, time
return None, None, None
# Find port with oldest packet
min_time = 0
min_port = -1
for port_number in self.port_list.keys():
ptime = self.port_list[port_number].timestamp_head()
if ptime:
if (min_port == -1) or (ptime < min_time):
min_time = ptime
min_port = port_number
if min_port == -1:
return None, None, None
pkt, time = self.port_list[min_port].dequeue()
return min_port, pkt, time
def kill(self):
for port_number in self.port_list.keys():
print "DataPlane shutdown"