blob: 113640aaa4b4badc9a539142bd724b572c2ba88a [file] [log] [blame]
Basic protocol and dataplane test cases
It is recommended that these definitions be kept in their own
namespace as different groups of tests will likely define
similar identifiers.
Current Assumptions:
The switch is actively attempting to contact the controller at the address
indicated in oftest.config.
import time
import sys
import logging
import unittest
import random
from oftest import config
import oftest.controller as controller
import oftest.cstruct as ofp
import oftest.message as message
import oftest.dataplane as dataplane
import oftest.action as action
import oftest.base_tests as base_tests
import oftest.illegal_message as illegal_message
from oftest.testutils import *
class Echo(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Test echo response with no data
def runTest(self):
request = message.echo_request()
response, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
self.assertTrue(response is not None,
"Did not get echo reply")
self.assertEqual(response.header.type, ofp.OFPT_ECHO_REPLY,
'response is not echo_reply')
self.assertEqual(request.header.xid, response.header.xid,
'response xid != request xid')
self.assertEqual(len(, 0, 'response data non-empty')
class EchoWithData(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Test echo response with short string data
def runTest(self):
request = message.echo_request() = 'OpenFlow Will Rule The World'
response, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
self.assertTrue(response is not None,
"Did not get echo reply (with data)")
self.assertEqual(response.header.type, ofp.OFPT_ECHO_REPLY,
'response is not echo_reply')
self.assertEqual(request.header.xid, response.header.xid,
'response xid != request xid')
'response data does not match request')
class PacketIn(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
Test packet in function
Send a packet to each dataplane port and verify that a packet
in message is received from the controller for each
def runTest(self):
# Construct packet to send to dataplane
# Send packet to dataplane, once to each port
# Poll controller with expect message type packet in
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
self.assertEqual(do_barrier(self.controller), 0, "Barrier failed")
vid = test_param_get('vid', default=TEST_VID_DEFAULT)
for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
for pkt, pt in [
(simple_tcp_packet(), "simple TCP packet"),
"simple tagged TCP packet"),
(simple_eth_packet(), "simple Ethernet packet"),
(simple_eth_packet(pktlen=40), "tiny Ethernet packet")]:"PKT IN test with %s, port %s" % (pt, of_port))
self.dataplane.send(of_port, str(pkt))
#@todo Check for unexpected messages?
count = 0
while True:
(response, raw) = self.controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_PACKET_IN)
if not response: # Timeout
if dataplane.match_exp_pkt(pkt, # Got match
if not config["relax"]: # Only one attempt to match
count += 1
if count > 10: # Too many tries
self.assertTrue(response is not None,
'Packet in message not received on port ' +
if not dataplane.match_exp_pkt(pkt,
logging.debug("Sent %s" % format_packet(pkt))
logging.debug("Resp %s" % format_packet(
'Response packet does not match send packet' +
' for port ' + str(of_port))
class PacketInDefaultDrop(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
Test packet in function
Send a packet to each dataplane port and verify that a packet
in message is received from the controller for each
priority = -1
def runTest(self):
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
self.assertEqual(do_barrier(self.controller), 0, "Barrier failed")
for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
pkt = simple_tcp_packet()
self.dataplane.send(of_port, str(pkt))
count = 0
while True:
(response, raw) = self.controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_PACKET_IN)
if not response: # Timeout
if dataplane.match_exp_pkt(pkt, # Got match
if not config["relax"]: # Only one attempt to match
count += 1
if count > 10: # Too many tries
self.assertTrue(response is None,
'Packet in message received on port ' +
class PacketInBroadcastCheck(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
Check if bcast pkts leak when no flows are present
Clear the flow table
Send in a broadcast pkt
Look for the packet on other dataplane ports.
priority = -1
def runTest(self):
# Need at least two ports
self.assertTrue(len(config["port_map"]) > 1, "Too few ports for test")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
self.assertEqual(do_barrier(self.controller), 0, "Barrier failed")
of_ports = config["port_map"].keys()
d_port = of_ports[0]
pkt = simple_eth_packet(dl_dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')"BCast Leak Test, send to port %s" % d_port)
self.dataplane.send(d_port, str(pkt))
(of_port, pkt_in, pkt_time) = self.dataplane.poll(exp_pkt=pkt)
self.assertTrue(pkt_in is None,
'BCast packet received on port ' + str(of_port))
class PacketOut(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
Test packet out function
Send packet out message to controller for each dataplane port and
verify the packet appears on the appropriate dataplane port
def runTest(self):
# Construct packet to send to dataplane
# Send packet to dataplane
# Poll controller with expect message type packet in
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# These will get put into function
of_ports = config["port_map"].keys()
for dp_port in of_ports:
for outpkt, opt in [
(simple_tcp_packet(), "simple TCP packet"),
(simple_eth_packet(), "simple Ethernet packet"),
(simple_eth_packet(pktlen=40), "tiny Ethernet packet")]:"PKT OUT test with %s, port %s" % (opt, dp_port))
msg = message.packet_out() = str(outpkt)
act = action.action_output()
act.port = dp_port
self.assertTrue(msg.actions.add(act), 'Could not add action to msg')"PacketOut to: " + str(dp_port))
rv = self.controller.message_send(msg)
self.assertTrue(rv == 0, "Error sending out message")
exp_pkt_arg = None
exp_port = None
if config["relax"]:
exp_pkt_arg = outpkt
exp_port = dp_port
(of_port, pkt, pkt_time) = self.dataplane.poll(port_number=exp_port,
self.assertTrue(pkt is not None, 'Packet not received')"PacketOut: got pkt from " + str(of_port))
if of_port is not None:
self.assertEqual(of_port, dp_port, "Unexpected receive port")
if not dataplane.match_exp_pkt(outpkt, pkt):
logging.debug("Sent %s" % format_packet(outpkt))
logging.debug("Resp %s" % format_packet(
self.assertEqual(str(outpkt), str(pkt)[:len(str(outpkt))],
'Response packet does not match send packet')
class PacketOutMC(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
Test packet out to multiple output ports
Send packet out message to controller for 1 to N dataplane ports and
verify the packet appears on the appropriate ports
def runTest(self):
# Construct packet to send to dataplane
# Send packet to dataplane
# Poll controller with expect message type packet in
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# These will get put into function
of_ports = config["port_map"].keys()
for num_ports in range(1,len(of_ports)+1):
for outpkt, opt in [
(simple_tcp_packet(), "simple TCP packet"),
(simple_eth_packet(), "simple Ethernet packet"),
(simple_eth_packet(pktlen=40), "tiny Ethernet packet")]:
dp_ports = of_ports[0:num_ports]"PKT OUT test with " + opt +
", ports " + str(dp_ports))
msg = message.packet_out() = str(outpkt)
act = action.action_output()
for i in range(0,num_ports):
act.port = dp_ports[i]
'Could not add action to msg')"PacketOut to: " + str(dp_ports))
rv = self.controller.message_send(msg)
self.assertTrue(rv == 0, "Error sending out message")
receive_pkt_check(self.dataplane, outpkt, dp_ports,
class FlowStatsGet(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Get stats
Simply verify stats get transaction
priority = -1
def runTest(self):"Running StatsGet")"Inserting trial flow")
request = flow_mod_gen(config["port_map"], True)
rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Failed to insert test flow")"Sending flow request")
request = message.flow_stats_request()
request.out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE
request.table_id = 0xff
request.match.wildcards = 0 # ofp.OFPFW_ALL
response, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
self.assertTrue(response is not None,
"Did not get response for flow stats")
class TableStatsGet(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Get table stats
Simply verify table stats get transaction
def runTest(self):"Running TableStatsGet")"Inserting trial flow")
request = flow_mod_gen(config["port_map"], True)
rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Failed to insert test flow")"Sending table stats request")
request = message.table_stats_request()
response, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
self.assertTrue(response is not None,
"Did not get reply for table stats")
class DescStatsGet(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Get stats
Simply verify stats get transaction
def runTest(self):"Running DescStatsGet")"Sending stats request")
request = message.desc_stats_request()
response, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
self.assertTrue(response is not None,
"Did not get reply for desc stats")
class FlowMod(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Insert a flow
Simple verification of a flow mod transaction
def runTest(self):"Running " + str(self))
request = flow_mod_gen(config["port_map"], True)
rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")
class PortConfigMod(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Modify a bit in port config and verify changed
Get the switch configuration, modify the port configuration
and write it back; get the config again and verify changed.
Then set it back to the way it was.
def runTest(self):"Running " + str(self))
for of_port, ifname in config["port_map"].items(): # Grab first port
(hw_addr, port_config, advert) = \
port_config_get(self.controller, of_port)
self.assertTrue(port_config is not None, "Did not get port config")
logging.debug("No flood bit port " + str(of_port) + " is now " +
str(port_config & ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD))
rv = port_config_set(self.controller, of_port,
port_config ^ ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD, ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD)
self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error sending port mod")
# Verify change took place with same feature request
(hw_addr, port_config2, advert) = \
port_config_get(self.controller, of_port)
logging.debug("No flood bit port " + str(of_port) + " is now " +
str(port_config2 & ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD))
self.assertTrue(port_config2 is not None, "Did not get port config2")
self.assertTrue(port_config2 & ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD !=
port_config & ofp.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD,
"Bit change did not take")
# Set it back
rv = port_config_set(self.controller, of_port, port_config,
self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error sending port mod")
class PortConfigModErr(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Modify a bit in port config on an invalid port and verify
error message is received.
def runTest(self):"Running " + str(self))
# pick a random bad port number
bad_port = random.randint(1, ofp.OFPP_MAX)
count = 0
while (count < 50) and (bad_port in config["port_map"].keys()):
bad_port = random.randint(1, ofp.OFPP_MAX)
count = count + 1
self.assertTrue(count < 50, "Error selecting bad port")"Select " + str(bad_port) + " as invalid port")
rv = port_config_set(self.controller, bad_port,
self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error sending port mod")
# poll for error message
while True:
(response, raw) = self.controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_ERROR)
if not response: # Timeout
if response.code == ofp.OFPPMFC_BAD_PORT:"Received error message with OFPPMFC_BAD_PORT code")
if not config["relax"]: # Only one attempt to match
count += 1
if count > 10: # Too many tries
self.assertTrue(response is not None, 'Did not receive error message')
class BadMessage(base_tests.SimpleProtocol):
Send a message with a bad type and verify an error is returned
def runTest(self):"Running " + str(self))
request = illegal_message.illegal_message_type()
reply, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
self.assertTrue(reply is not None, "Did not get response to bad req")
self.assertTrue(reply.header.type == ofp.OFPT_ERROR,
"reply not an error message")
self.assertTrue(reply.type == ofp.OFPET_BAD_REQUEST,
"reply error type is not bad request")
self.assertTrue(reply.code == ofp.OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE,
"reply error code is not bad type")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Please run through oft script: ./oft --test_spec=basic"