Initial oftest skeleton with wrapper generators and pylibopenflow
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aef34f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script fakes as n OpenFlow switch and
+load the controller with k packets per second.
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Author ykk
+Date January 2010
+import sys
+import getopt
+import struct
+import openflow
+import time
+import output
+import of.msg
+import of.simu
+import dpkt.ethernet
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> controller\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-p/--port\n\tSpecify port number\n"+\
+ "-v/--verbose\n\tPrint message exchange\n"+\
+ "-r/--rate\n\tSpecify rate per switch to send packets (default=1)\n"+\
+ "-d/--duration\n\tSpecify duration of load test in seconds (default=5)\n"+\
+ "-s/--switch\n\tSpecify number of switches (default=1)\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvp:s:d:r:",
+ ["help","verbose","port=",
+ "switch=","duration=","rate="])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is only controller
+if not (len(args) == 1):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+duration = 5
+rate = 1.0
+##Switch number
+swno = 1
+##Port to connect to
+port = 6633
+##Set output mode
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif (opt in ("-v","--verbose")):
+ output.set_mode("DBG")
+ elif (opt in ("-p","--port")):
+ port=int(arg)
+ elif (opt in ("-s","--switch")):
+ swno=int(arg)
+ elif (opt in ("-d","--duration")):
+ duration=int(arg)
+ elif (opt in ("-r","--rate")):
+ rate=float(arg)
+ else:
+ print "Unhandled option :"+opt
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Form packet
+pkt = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet()
+pkt.type = dpkt.ethernet.ETH_MIN
+pkt.dst = '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF'
+#Connect to controller
+ofmsg = openflow.messages()
+parser = of.msg.parser(ofmsg)
+ofnet =
+for i in range(1,swno+1):
+ ofsw = of.simu.switch(ofmsg, args[0], port,
+ dpid=i,
+ parser=parser)
+ ofnet.add_switch(ofsw)
+ ofsw.send_hello()
+"Running "+str(swno)+" switches at "+str(rate)+\
+ " packets per seconds for "+str(duration)+" s")
+starttime = time.time()
+running = True
+interval = 1.0/(rate*swno)
+swindex = 0
+pcount = 0
+rcount = 0
+while running:
+ ctime = time.time()
+ time.sleep(max(0,min(ntime-ctime,interval/10.0)))
+ if ((ctime-starttime) <= duration):
+ #Send packet if time's up
+ if (ctime >= ntime):
+ ntime += interval
+ pkt.src = struct.pack("Q",pcount)[:6]
+ ofnet.switches[swindex].send_packet(1,10,pkt.pack()+'A'*3)
+ pcount += 1
+ swno += 1
+ if (swno >= len(ofnet.switches)):
+ swno=0
+ #Process any received message
+ (ofsw, msg) = ofnet.connections.msgreceive()
+ while (msg != None):
+ dic = ofmsg.peek_from_front("ofp_header", msg)
+ if (dic["type"][0] == ofmsg.get_value("OFPT_FLOW_MOD")):
+ output.dbg("Received flow mod")
+ rcount += 1
+ ofsw.receive_openflow(msg)
+ (ofsw, msg) = ofnet.connections.msgreceive()
+ else:
+ running = False
+"Sent "+str(pcount)+" packets at rate "+\
+ str(float(pcount)/float(duration))+" and received "+\
+ str(rcount)+" back")