Initial oftest skeleton with wrapper generators and pylibopenflow
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25945b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+"""This module exports OpenFlow protocol to Python.
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Date October 2009
+Created by ykk
+import c2py
+import cheader
+import os
+import socket
+import select
+import struct
+import time
+class messages(cheader.cheaderfile,c2py.cstruct2py,c2py.structpacker):
+    """Class to handle OpenFlow messages
+    (C) Copyright Stanford University
+    Date October 2009
+    Created by ykk
+    """
+    def __init__(self, openflow_headerfile=None):
+        """Initialize with OpenFlow header file
+        If filename is not provided, check the environment
+        variable PYLIB_OPENFLOW_HEADER and search for openflow.h
+        """
+        if (openflow_headerfile != None):
+            cheader.cheaderfile.__init__(self, openflow_headerfile)
+        else:
+            #Check environment variable
+            path = os.getenv("PYLIB_OPENFLOW_HEADER")
+            if not path:
+                print "PYLIB_OPENFLOW_HEADER is not set in environment"
+                sys.exit(2)
+            cheader.cheaderfile.__init__(self, path+"/openflow.h")
+        #Initialize cstruct2py
+        c2py.cstruct2py.__init__(self)
+        #Initalize packet
+        c2py.structpacker.__init__(self, "!")
+        ##Cached patterns
+        self.patterns={}
+        for (cstructname, cstruct) in self.structs.items():
+            self.patterns[cstructname] = self.get_pattern(cstruct)
+    def get_size(self, ctype):
+        """Get size for ctype or name of type.
+        Return None if ctype is not expanded or
+        type with name is not found.
+        """
+        pattern = self.get_pattern(ctype)
+        if (pattern != None):
+            return c2py.cstruct2py.get_size(self,pattern)
+    def get_pattern(self,ctype):
+        """Get pattern string for ctype or name of type.
+        Return None if ctype is not expanded or
+        type with name is not found.
+        """
+        if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
+            #Is name
+            return self.patterns[ctype]
+        else:
+            return c2py.cstruct2py.get_pattern(self, ctype)
+    def pack(self, ctype, *arg):
+        """Pack packet accordingly ctype or name of type provided.
+        Return struct packed.
+        """
+        if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
+            return struct.pack(self.prefix+self.patterns[ctype], *arg)
+        else:
+            return c2py.structpacker.pack(self, ctype, *arg)
+    def peek_from_front(self, ctype, binaryString, returnDictionary=True):
+        """Unpack packet using front of the packet,
+        accordingly ctype or name of ctype provided.
+        Return dictionary of values indexed by arg name, 
+        if ctype is known struct/type and returnDictionary is True,
+        else return array of data unpacked.
+        """
+        if (isinstance(ctype,str)):
+            data = c2py.structpacker.peek_from_front(self,
+                                                     self.patterns[ctype],
+                                                     binaryString,
+                                                     returnDictionary)
+            return self.data2dic(self.structs[ctype], data)
+        else:
+            return c2py.structpacker.peek_from_front(self,
+                                                     ctype,
+                                                     binaryString,
+                                                     returnDictionary)
+    def unpack_from_front(self, ctype, binaryString, returnDictionary=True):
+        """Unpack packet using front of packet,
+        accordingly ctype or name of ctype provided.
+        Return (dictionary of values indexed by arg name, 
+        remaining binary string) if ctype is known struct/type
+        and returnDictionary is True,
+        else return (array of data unpacked, remaining binary string).
+        """
+        if (isinstance(ctype,str)):
+            (data, remaining) = c2py.structpacker.unpack_from_front(self,
+                                                                    self.patterns[ctype],
+                                                                    binaryString,
+                                                                    returnDictionary)
+            return (self.data2dic(self.structs[ctype], data), remaining)
+        else:
+            return c2py.structpacker.unpack_from_front(self,
+                                                       ctype,
+                                                       binaryString,
+                                                       returnDictionary)
+class connection:
+    """Class to hold a connection.
+    (C) Copyright Stanford University
+    Date October 2009
+    Created by ykk
+    """
+    def __init__(self, messages, sock=None):
+        """Initialize
+        """
+        ##Reference to socket
+        self.sock = sock
+        ##Internal reference to OpenFlow messages
+        self._messages = messages
+        ##Buffer
+        self.buffer = ""
+        ##Header length for OpenFlow
+        self.__header_length = self._messages.get_size("ofp_header")
+    def send(self, msg):
+        """Send bare message (given as binary string)
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def structsend(self, ctype, *arg):
+        """Build and send message.
+        """
+        self.send(self._messages.pack(ctype, *arg))
+    def receive(self, maxlength=1024):
+       """Receive raw in non-blocking way.
+       Return buffer
+       """
+       if ([self.sock],[],[],0)[0]):
+           self.buffer += self.sock.recv(maxlength)
+       return self.buffer
+    def buffer_has_msg(self):
+        """Check if buffer has a complete message
+        """
+        #Check at least ofp_header is received
+        if (len(self.buffer) < self.__header_length):
+            return False
+        values = self._messages.peek_from_front("ofp_header", self.buffer)
+        return (len(self.buffer) >= values["length"][0])
+    def get_msg(self):
+        """Get message from current buffer
+        """
+        if (self.buffer_has_msg()):
+            values = self._messages.peek_from_front("ofp_header", self.buffer)
+            msg = self.buffer[:values["length"][0]]
+            self.buffer = self.buffer[values["length"][0]:]
+            return msg
+        else:
+            return None
+    def msgreceive(self, blocking=False, pollInterval=0.001):
+        """Receive OpenFlow message.
+        If non-blocking, can return None.
+        """
+        self.receive()
+        if (self.buffer_has_msg()):
+            return self.get_msg()
+        if (blocking):
+            while (not self.buffer_has_msg()):
+                time.sleep(pollInterval)
+                self.receive()
+        return self.get_msg()
+class safeconnection(connection):
+    """OpenFlow connection with safety checks
+    (C) Copyright Stanford University
+    Date October 2009
+    Created by ykk
+    """
+    def __init__(self, messages, sock=None, version=None,
+                 xidstart = 0, autoxid=True):
+        """Initialize with OpenFlow version.
+        """
+        connection.__init__(self, messages, sock)
+        ##OpenFlow version
+        if (version != None):
+            self.version = version
+        else:
+            self.version = messages.get_value("OFP_VERSION")
+        ##xid Counter
+        self.nextxid = xidstart
+        ##Automatic xid
+        self.autoxid = autoxid
+        ##Miss auto xid
+        self.skipautoxid = 0
+    def skip_auto_xid(self, n):
+        """Miss automatic xid for the next n packets
+        """
+        self.skipautoxid = n
+    def structsend_xid(self, ctype, *arg):
+        """Build and send message, populating header automatically.
+        Type and xid of message is not populated.
+        """
+        self.skipautoxid+=1
+        self.structsend(ctype, *arg)
+    def structsend(self, ctype, *arg):
+        """Build and send message, populating header automatically.
+        Type of message is not populated
+        """
+        msg = self._messages.pack(ctype, *arg)
+        self.structsend_raw(msg)
+    def structsend_raw(self, msg):
+        """Check ofp_header and ensure correctness before sending.
+        """
+        (dic, remaining) = self._messages.unpack_from_front("ofp_header", msg)
+        #Amend header
+        if (self.version != None):
+            dic["version"][0] = self.version
+        if (self.autoxid and (self.skipautoxid == 0)):
+            dic["xid"][0] = self.nextxid
+            self.nextxid+=1
+        if (self.skipautoxid != 0):
+            self.skipautoxid-=1
+        dic["length"][0] = len(remaining)+8
+        #Send message
+        self.send(self._messages.pack("ofp_header",
+                                      dic["version"][0],
+                                      dic["type"][0],
+                                      dic["length"][0],
+                                      dic["xid"][0])+\
+                  remaining)
+class tcpsocket(safeconnection):
+    """Class to hold connection
+    (C) Copyright Stanford University
+    Date October 2009
+    Created by ykk
+    """
+    def __init__(self, messages, host, port):
+        """Initialize TCP socket to host and port
+        """
+        safeconnection.__init__(self, messages)
+        ##Reference to socket
+        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self.sock.connect((host, port))
+        self.sock.setblocking(False)
+        self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 0)
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Terminate connection
+        """
+        self.sock.shutdown(1)
+        self.sock.close()
+    def send(self, msg):
+        """Send raw message (binary string)
+        """
+        self.sock.sendall(msg)
+class connections:
+    """Class to hold multiple connections
+    (C) Copyright Stanford University
+    Date November 2009
+    Created by ykk
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialize
+        """
+        ##List of sockets
+        self.__sockets = []
+        ##Dicionary of sockets to connection
+        self.__connections = {}
+    def add_connection(self, reference, connect):
+        """Add connection with opaque reference object
+        """
+        if (not isinstance(connect,connection)): 
+            raise RuntimeError("Connection must be openflow.connection!")
+        self.__sockets.append(connect.sock)
+        self.__connections[connect.sock] = (reference, connect)
+    def receive(self, maxlength=1024):
+        """Receive raw in non-blocking way
+        """
+        read_ready =,[],[],0)[0]
+        for sock in read_ready:
+            self.__connections[sock][1].receive(maxlength)
+    def has_msg(self):
+        """Check if any of the connections has a message
+        Return (reference,connection) with message
+        """
+        for sock, refconnect in self.__connections.items():
+            if (refconnect[1].buffer_has_msg()):
+                return refconnect
+        return None
+    def msgreceive(self, blocking=False, pollInterval=0.001):
+        """Receive OpenFlow message.
+        If non-blocking, can return None.
+        """
+        self.receive()
+        c = self.has_msg()
+        if (c != None):
+            return (c[0],c[1].get_msg())
+        if (blocking):
+            while (c == None):
+                time.sleep(pollInterval)
+                self.receive()
+                c = self.has_msg()
+        else:
+            return (None, None)
+        return (c[0],c[1].get_msg())