blob: f0658743ae69e55505bd102d6543434a4562385b [file] [log] [blame]
# This python script generates wrapper functions for OpenFlow messages
# See the doc string below for more info
# To do:
# Default type values for messages
# Generate all message objects
# Action list objects?
# Autogen lengths when possible
# Dictionaries for enum strings
# Resolve sub struct initializers (see ofp_flow_mod)
Generate wrapper classes for OpenFlow messages
(C) Copyright Stanford University
Date February 2010
Created by dtalayco
Attempting to follow
The main exception is that our class names do not use CamelCase
so as to more closely match the original C code names.
This file is meant to generate a file which imports
the base classes generated form automatic processing of openflow.h
and produces wrapper classes for each OpenFlow message type.
This file will normally be included in which provides
additional hand-generated work.
There are two types of structures/classes here: base components and
message classes.
Base components are the base data classes which are fixed
length structures including:
Each ofp_action structure
The array elements of all the stats reply messages
The base components are to be imported from a file
Message classes define a complete message on the wire. These are
comprised of possibly variable length lists of possibly variably
typed objects from the base component list above.
Each OpenFlow message has a header and zero or more fixed length
members (the "core members" of the class) followed by zero or more
variable length lists.
The wrapper classes should live in their own name space, probably
of_message. Automatically generated base component and skeletons for
the message classes are assumed generated and the wrapper classes
will inherit from those.
Every message class must implement pack and unpack functions to
convert between the class and a string representing what goes on the
For unpacking, the low level (base-component) classes must implement
their own unpack functions. A single top level unpack function
will do the parsing and call the lower layer unpack functions as
Every base and message class should implement a show function to
(recursively) display the contents of the object.
Certain OpenFlow message types are further subclassed. These include
stats_request, stats_reply and error.
# Don't generate header object in messages
# Map each message to a body that doesn't include the header
# The body has does not include variable length info at the end
import re
import string
import sys
message_top_matter = """
# Python OpenFlow message wrapper classes
from ofp import *
from action_list import action_list
# This will never happen; done to avoid lint warning
if __name__ == '__main__':
def of_message_parse(msg): return None
# Define templates for documentation
class ofp_template_msg:
Sample base class for template_msg; normally auto generated
This class should live in the of_header name space and provides the
base class for this type of message. It will be wrapped for the
high level API.
def __init__(self):
Constructor for base class
self.header = ofp_header()
# Additional base data members declared here
# Normally will define pack, unpack, __len__ functions
class template_msg(ofp_template_msg):
Sample class wrapper for template_msg
This class should live in the of_message name space and provides the
high level API for an OpenFlow message object. These objects must
implement the functions indicated in this template.
def __init__(self):
Must set the header type value appropriately for the message
# For a real message, will be set to an integer
self.header.type = "TEMPLATE_MSG_VALUE"
def pack(self):
Pack object into string
@return The packed string which can go on the wire
def unpack(self, binary_string):
Unpack object from a binary string
@param binary_string The wire protocol byte string holding the object
represented as an array of bytes.
@return Typically returns the remainder of binary_string that
was not parsed. May give a warning if that string is non-empty
def __len__(self):
Return the length of this object once packed into a string
@return An integer representing the number bytes in the packed
def show(self, prefix=''):
Display the contents of the object in a readable manner
@param prefix Printed at the beginning of each line.
def __eq__(self, other):
Return True if self and other hold the same data
@param other Other object in comparison
def __ne__(self, other):
Return True if self and other do not hold the same data
@param other Other object in comparison
# Dictionary mapping wrapped classes to the auto-generated structure
# underlieing the class (body only, not header or var-length data)
message_class_map = {
"hello" : "ofp_header",
"error" : "ofp_error_msg",
"echo_request" : "ofp_header",
"echo_reply" : "ofp_header",
"vendor" : "ofp_vendor_header",
"features_request" : "ofp_header",
"features_reply" : "ofp_switch_features",
"get_config_request" : "ofp_header",
"get_config_reply" : "ofp_switch_config",
"set_config" : "ofp_switch_config",
"packet_in" : "ofp_packet_in",
"flow_removed" : "ofp_flow_removed",
"port_status" : "ofp_port_status",
"packet_out" : "ofp_packet_out",
"flow_mod" : "ofp_flow_mod",
"port_mod" : "ofp_port_mod",
"stats_request" : "ofp_stats_request",
"stats_reply" : "ofp_stats_reply",
"barrier_request" : "ofp_header",
"barrier_reply" : "ofp_header",
"queue_get_config_request" : "ofp_queue_get_config_request",
"queue_get_config_reply" : "ofp_queue_get_config_reply"
# These messages have a string member at the end of the data
string_members = [
# These messages have a list (with the given name) in the data,
# after the core members; the type is given for validation
list_members = {
"features_reply" : ('ports', None),
"packet_out" : ('actions', 'action_list'),
"flow_mod" : ('actions', 'action_list'),
"queue_get_config_reply" : ('queues', None)
_ind = " "
def _p1(s): print _ind + s
def _p2(s): print _ind * 2 + s
def _p3(s): print _ind * 3 + s
def _p4(s): print _ind * 4 + s
# Okay, this gets kind of ugly:
# There are three variables:
# has_core_members: If parent class is not ofp_header, has inheritance
# has_list: Whether class has trailing array or class
# has_string: Whether class has trailing string
def gen_message_wrapper(msg):
Generate a wrapper for the given message based on above info
@param msg String identifying the message name for the class
msg_name = "OFPT_" + msg.upper()
parent = message_class_map[msg]
has_list = False # Has trailing list
has_core_members = False
has_string = False # Has trailing string
if parent != 'ofp_header':
has_core_members = True
if msg in list_members.keys():
(list_var, list_type) = list_members[msg]
has_list = True
if msg in string_members:
has_string = True
if has_core_members:
print "class " + msg + "(" + parent + "):"
print "class " + msg + ":"
_p1("Wrapper class for " + msg)
if has_list:
if list_type == None:
_p1("Has trailing variable array " + list_var);
_p1("Has trailing object " + list_var + " of type " + list_type);
if has_string:
_p1("Has trailing string data")
_p1("def __init__(self):")
if has_core_members:
_p2(parent + ".__init__(self)")
_p2("self.header = ofp_header()")
_p2("self.header.type = " + msg_name)
if has_list:
if list_type == None:
_p2('self.' + list_var + ' = []')
_p2('self.' + list_var + ' = ' + list_type + '()')
if has_string:
_p2(' = ""')
_p1("def pack(self):")
_p2("# Fixme: Calculate length for header, etc, once __len__ fixed")
_p2("packed = self.header.pack()")
if has_core_members:
_p2("packed += " + parent + ".pack()")
if has_list:
if list_type == None:
_p2('for obj in self.' + list_var + ':')
_p3('packed += obj.pack()')
_p2('packed += self.' + list_var + '.pack()')
if has_string:
_p2('packed +=')
_p1("def unpack(self, binary_string):")
_p2("binary_string = self.header.unpack(binary_string)")
if has_core_members:
_p2("binary_string = " + parent + ".unpack(self, binary_string)")
if has_list:
if list_type == None:
_p2("for obj in self." + list_var + ":")
_p3("binary_string = obj.unpack(binary_string)")
elif msg == "packet_out": # Special case this
_p2('binary_string = self.actions.unpack(bytes=self.actions_len)')
elif msg == "flow_mod": # Special case this
_p2("ai_len = self.header.length - OFP_FLOW_MOD_BYTES")
_p2("binary_string = self.actions.unpack(bytes=ai_len)")
_p2("binary_string = self." + list_var + ".unpack(binary_string)")
if has_string:
_p2(" = binary_string")
_p2("binary_string = ''")
_p2("# Fixme: If no, add check for data remaining")
_p2("return binary_string")
_p1("def __len__(self):")
_p2("# Fixme: Do the right thing")
_p2("return len(self.pack())")
_p1("def show(self, prefix=''):")
_p2("print prefix + '" + msg + " (" + msg_name + ")'")
_p2("prefix += ' '")
if has_core_members:
_p2(parent + ".show(self, prefix)")
if has_list:
if list_type == None:
_p2('print prefix + "Array ' + list_var + '"')
_p2('for obj in self.' + list_var +':')
_p3(" + ' ')")
_p2('print prefix + "List ' + list_var + '"')
_p2('self.' + list_var + ".show(prefix + ' ')")
if has_string:
_p2("print prefix + 'data is of length ' + str(len(")
_p2("if len( > 0:")
_p3("obj = of_message_parse(")
_p3("if obj != None:")
_p4('print prefix + "Unable to parse data"')
_p1("def __eq__(self, other):")
_p2("if type(self) != type (other): return False")
_p2("if self.header.__ne__(other.header): return False")
if has_core_members:
_p2("if " + parent + ".__ne__(other." + parent + "): return False")
if has_string:
_p2("if != return False")
if has_list:
_p2("if self." + list_var + " != other." + list_var + ": return False")
_p2("return True")
_p1("def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)")
# Stats request subclasses
# description_request, flow, aggregate, table, port, vendor
# table and desc stats requests are special with empty body
extra_ofp_stats_req_defs = """
# Stats request bodies for desc and table stats are not defined in the
# OpenFlow header; We define them here. They are empty classes, really
class ofp_desc_stats_request:
Forced definition of ofp_desc_stats_request (empty class)
def __init__(self):
def pack(self, assertstruct=True):
return ""
def unpack(self, binary_string):
return binary_string
def __len__(self):
return 0
def show(self, prefix=''):
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(self) == type(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return type(self) != type(other)
class ofp_table_stats_request:
Forced definition of ofp_table_stats_request (empty class)
def __init__(self):
def pack(self, assertstruct=True):
return ""
def unpack(self, binary_string):
return binary_string
def __len__(self):
return 0
def show(self, prefix=''):
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(self) == type(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return type(self) != type(other)
stats_request_template = """
class --TYPE--_stats_request(ofp_stats_request, ofp_--TYPE--_stats_request):
Wrapper class for --TYPE-- stats request message
def __init__(self):
self.header = ofp_header()
self.header.type = OFPT_STATS_REQUEST
self.type = --STATS_NAME--
def pack(self, assertstruct=True):
packed = ofp_stats_request.pack(self)
packed += ofp_--TYPE--_stats_request.pack(self)
def unpack(self, binary_string):
binary_string = ofp_stats_request.unpack(self, binary_string)
binary_string = ofp_--TYPE--_stats_request.unpack(self, binary_string)
if len(binary_string) != 0:
print "Error unpacking --TYPE--: extra data"
return binary_string
def __len__(self):
return len(self.header) + OFP_STATS_REQUEST_BYTES + \\
def show(self, prefix=''):
print prefix + "--TYPE--_stats_request"
def __eq__(self, other):
return (ofp_stats_request.__eq__(self, other) and
ofp_--TYPE--_stats_request.__eq__(self, other))
def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
# Stats replies always have an array at the end.
# For aggregate and desc, these arrays are always of length 1
# This array is always called stats
# Template for objects stats reply messages
stats_reply_template = """
class --TYPE--_stats_reply(ofp_stats_reply):
Wrapper class for --TYPE-- stats reply
def __init__(self):
self.header = ofp_header()
self.header.type = OFPT_STATS_REPLY
self.type = --STATS_NAME--
# stats: Array of type --TYPE--_stats_entry
self.stats = []
def pack(self, assertstruct=True):
packed = ofp_stats_reply.pack(self)
for obj in self.stats:
packed += obj.pack()
def unpack(self, binary_string):
binary_string = ofp_stats_reply.unpack(self, binary_string)
dummy = --TYPE--_stats_entry()
while len(binary_string) >= len(dummy):
obj = --TYPE--_stats_entry()
binary_string = obj.unpack(binary_string)
if len(binary_string) != 0:
print "ERROR unpacking --TYPE-- stats string: extra bytes"
return binary_string
def __len__(self):
length = len(self.header) + OFP_STATS_REPLY_BYTES
for obj in self.stats:
length += len(obj)
return length
def show(self, prefix=''):
print prefix + "--TYPE--_stats_reply"
for obj in self.stats:
def __eq__(self, other):
if ofp_stats_reply.__ne__(self, other): return False
return self.stats == other.stats
def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
# To address variations in stats reply bodies, the following
# "_entry" classes are defined for each element in the reply
extra_stats_entry_defs = """
# Stats entries define the content of one element in a stats
# reply for the indicated type; define _entry for consistency
aggregate_stats_entry = ofp_aggregate_stats_reply
desc_stats_entry = ofp_desc_stats
port_stats_entry = ofp_port_stats
queue_stats_entry = ofp_queue_stats
table_stats_entry = ofp_table_stats
# Special case flow_stats to handle actions_list
flow_stats_entry_def = """
# Flow stats entry contains an action list of variable length, so
# it is done by hand
class flow_stats_entry(ofp_flow_stats):
Special case flow stats entry to handle action list object
def __init__(self):
self.actions = action_list()
def pack(self, assertstruct=True):
if self.length < OFP_FLOW_STATS_BYTES:
print "ERROR in flow_stats_entry pack: length member is too small"
return None
packed = ofp_flow_stats.pack(self, assertstruct)
packed += self.actions.pack()
return packed
def unpack(self, binary_string):
binary_string = ofp_flow_stats.unpack(self, binary_string)
ai_len = self.length - OFP_FLOW_STATS_BYTES
binary_string = self.actions.unpack(binary_string, bytes=ai_len)
return binary_string
def __len__(self):
return OFP_FLOW_STATS_BYTES + len(self.actions)
def show(self, prefix=''):
print prefix + "flow_stats_entry", prefix + ' ') + ' ')
def __eq__(self, other):
return (ofp_flow_stats.__eq__(self, other) and
self.actions == other.actions)
def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
stats_types = [
if __name__ == '__main__':
print message_top_matter
print """
# OpenFlow Message Definitions
msg_types = message_class_map.keys()
for t in msg_types:
print """
# Stats request and reply subclass definitions
print extra_ofp_stats_req_defs
print extra_stats_entry_defs
print flow_stats_entry_def
# Generate stats request and reply subclasses
for t in stats_types:
stats_name = "OFPST_" + t.upper()
to_print = re.sub('--TYPE--', t, stats_request_template)
to_print = re.sub('--TYPE_UPPER--', t.upper(), to_print)
to_print = re.sub('--STATS_NAME--', stats_name, to_print)
print to_print
to_print = re.sub('--TYPE--', t, stats_reply_template)
to_print = re.sub('--STATS_NAME--', stats_name, to_print)
print to_print
# OFP match variants
# ICMP 0x801 (?) ==> icmp_type/code replace tp_src/dst