| |
| Name: freeDiameter |
| Version: 1.1.6 |
| Release: 1%{?dist} |
| Packager: krum.boy4ev@gmail.com |
| Summary: freeDiameter is an implementation of the Diameter protocol. |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| License: BSD License |
| URL: http://www.freediameter.net |
| Source0: http://www.freediameter.net/hg/freeDiameter/archive/1.1.6.tar.gz |
| |
| BuildRequires: cmake make gcc gcc-c++ flex bison lksctp-tools-devel |
| BuildRequires: gnutls-devel libgcrypt-devel libidn-devel |
| BuildRequires: mercurial |
| Requires: lksctp-tools |
| |
| %description |
| freeDiameter is an implementation of the Diameter protocol. |
| |
| Diameter is a protocol designed to carry Authentication, Authorization and |
| Accounting (AAA) payload. It is an evolution of the RADIUS protocol (as the |
| name suggests). |
| |
| See http://www.freediameter.net/ for more information on the project. |
| |
| freeDiameter was previously known as the "waaad" project (WIDE AAA Daemon) |
| This project is not related to the "freediameter" project from Sun on sourceforge. |
| |
| Author: Sebastien Decugis. |
| |
| %package daemon |
| Summary: Simple daemon parses the command line and initializes the freeDiameter framework. |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| Requires: freeDiameter |
| |
| %description daemon |
| freeDiameterd : this simple daemon parses the command line and initializes the |
| freeDiameter framework. Use it for your Diameter server & agent components. |
| In case of Diameter clients, you probably will prefer linking the libfdcore |
| directly with your client application that must be made Diameter-aware. |
| |
| |
| %prep |
| %setup -qn %{name}-%{version} |
| |
| |
| %build |
| mkdir -p build |
| cd build |
| cmake ../ |
| |
| make %{?_smp_mflags} |
| |
| |
| %install |
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT |
| cd build |
| make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT |
| make test |
| |
| %post daemon |
| echo "/usr/local/lib/" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/%{name}.conf |
| /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %files |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| /usr/local/include/ |
| /usr/local/lib/ |
| |
| %files daemon |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| /usr/local/bin/ |
| |
| |
| |
| %changelog |
| * Sat Jul 5 2013 Krum Boychev <krum.boy4ev@gmail.com> - 1.1.6-1 |
| - initial version |