| # Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation |
| # Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| function provision_users() { |
| echo "IMSI=$imsi MSISDN=$msisdn" |
| cqlsh $cassandra_ip -e "INSERT INTO vhss.users_imsi (imsi, msisdn, access_restriction, key, opc, mmehost, mmeidentity_idmmeidentity, mmerealm, rand, sqn, subscription_data) VALUES ('$imsi', $msisdn, 41, '$key', '$opc', '$mmeidentity', 3, '$mmerealm', '2683b376d1056746de3b254012908e0e', 96, '{\"Subscription-Data\":{\"Access-Restriction-Data\":41,\"Subscriber-Status\":0,\"Network-Access-Mode\":2,\"Regional-Subscription-Zone-Code\":[\"0x0123\",\"0x4567\",\"0x89AB\",\"0xCDEF\",\"0x1234\",\"0x5678\",\"0x9ABC\",\"0xDEF0\",\"0x2345\",\"0x6789\"],\"MSISDN\":\"0x$msisdn\",\"AMBR\":{\"Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL\":50000000,\"Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL\":100000000},\"APN-Configuration-Profile\":{\"Context-Identifier\":0,\"All-APN-Configurations-Included-Indicator\":0,\"APN-Configuration\":{\"Context-Identifier\":0,\"PDN-Type\":0,\"Served-Party-IP-Address\":[\"\",\"\"],\"Service-Selection\":\"apn1\",\"EPS-Subscribed-QoS-Profile\":{\"QoS-Class-Identifier\":9,\"Allocation-Retention-Priority\":{\"Priority-Level\":15,\"Pre-emption-Capability\":0,\"Pre-emption-Vulnerability\":0}},\"AMBR\":{\"Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL\":50000000,\"Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL\":100000000},\"PDN-GW-Allocation-Type\":0,\"MIP6-Agent-Info\":{\"MIP-Home-Agent-Address\":[\"\"]}}},\"Subscribed-Periodic-RAU-TAU-Timer\":0}}');" |
| echo -e "oops! Something went wrong adding $imsi to vhss.users_imsi!\n" |
| cqlsh $cassandra_ip -e "INSERT INTO vhss.msisdn_imsi (msisdn, imsi) VALUES ($msisdn, '$imsi');" |
| echo -e "oops! Something went wrong adding $imsi to vhss.msisdn_imsi!\n" |
| function provision_mme() { |
| cqlsh $cassandra_ip -e "INSERT INTO vhss.mmeidentity (idmmeidentity, mmeisdn, mmehost, mmerealm, ue_reachability) VALUES ($id, '$isdn', '$host', '$realm', $uereachability);" |
| echo -e "oops! Something went wrong adding to vhss.mmeidentity!\n" |
| cqlsh $cassandra_ip -e "INSERT INTO vhss.mmeidentity_host (idmmeidentity, mmeisdn, mmehost, mmerealm, ue_reachability) VALUES ($id, '$isdn', '$host', '$realm', $uereachability);" |
| echo -e "oops! Something went wrong adding to vhss.mmeidentity_host!\n" |
| echo -e "Added mme $id\n" |
| mme_identity={{ tuple "mme" "identity" . | include "omec-control-plane.endpoint_lookup" }} |
| mme_realm={{ tuple "mme" "realm" . | include "omec-control-plane.endpoint_lookup" }} |
| {{- range .Values.config.hss.bootstrap.users }} |
| {{ $.Values.config.hss.hssdb }} \ |
| {{- range .Values.config.hss.bootstrap.mmes }} |
| {{ $.Values.config.hss.hssdb }} |