blob: ae4cf0893904beedf9dd1b85423dfe775396c66e [file] [log] [blame]
Thank you for installing {{ .Chart.Name }}.
This chart is for CDN monitoring in M-CORD demo scenarios.
To show CDN traffic of CDN server, this chart deploys cAdvisor, Grafana, and Prometheus.
You can determine which components will be installed by values.yaml.
{{- if .Values.cadvisor.enabled }}
- cAdvisor
You can now access cAdvisor at: <node-ip>:{{ .Values.cadvisor.nodePort }}
Prometheus will collect data through this cAdvisor at: <node-ip>:{{ .Values.cadvisor.nodePort }}/metrics
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.grafana.enabled }}
- Grafana
You can now access Grafana at: <{{ .Values.grafana.node_selector }}-ip>:{{ .Values.grafana.nodePort }}
username: {{ .Values.grafana.adminUser}}
password: {{ .Values.grafana.adminPassword}}
We use configs/cdn_metrics.json in default to create dashboards.
If you want to monitor other CDN servers which have different container names, you should modify the json file or create your own json files.
{{- end}}
{{- if .Values.prometheus.enabled }}
- Prometheus
You can now access Prometheus at: <{{ .Values.prometheus.node_selector }}-ip>:{{ .Values.prometheus.nodePort }}
If you want to show CDN traffics by Grafana, Grafana should select this Prometheus as data source.
{{- end }}