[EDGEPOD-188] Update mme-exporter chart to be able to set TAC/name with configmap

Change-Id: Ie9b7d622fb948e66b0b5a3768cfba63d49609390
diff --git a/omec/omec-control-plane/templates/bin/_mme-init.sh.tpl b/omec/omec-control-plane/templates/bin/_mme-init.sh.tpl
index 10bfde5..76948b7 100644
--- a/omec/omec-control-plane/templates/bin/_mme-init.sh.tpl
+++ b/omec/omec-control-plane/templates/bin/_mme-init.sh.tpl
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 cp /opt/mme/config/shared/config.json /opt/mme/config/shared/s1ap.json
 cp /opt/mme/config/shared/config.json /opt/mme/config/shared/s6a.json
 cp /opt/mme/config/s6a_fd.conf /opt/mme/config/shared/s6a_fd.conf
+cp /opt/mme/config/mme_exporter.json /opt/mme/config/shared/mme_exporter.json
 #This multiple copies of config needs some cleanup. For now I want 
 #that after running mme_init config to be present in the target directory
diff --git a/omec/omec-control-plane/templates/statefulset-mme.yaml b/omec/omec-control-plane/templates/statefulset-mme.yaml
index 40e3d57..71cf8a1 100644
--- a/omec/omec-control-plane/templates/statefulset-mme.yaml
+++ b/omec/omec-control-plane/templates/statefulset-mme.yaml
@@ -222,12 +222,17 @@
           privileged: true
         command: ["bash", "-xc"]
-        - until [ -e /tmp/unix_socket ]; do sleep 1; done; chmod 777 /tmp/unix_socket; while true; do python3 monitor_client.py; sleep 1; done
+        - cp /opt/mme/config/shared/mme_exporter.json /openmme/conf/mme_exporter.json;
+          until [ -e /tmp/unix_socket ]; do sleep 1; done;
+          chmod 777 /tmp/unix_socket;
+          while true; do python3 monitor_client.py; sleep 1; done;
         {{- if .Values.resources.enabled }}
 {{ toYaml .Values.resources.mme | indent 10 }}
         {{- end }}
+        - name: shared-data
+          mountPath: /opt/mme/config/shared
         - name: shared-app
           mountPath: /tmp
     {{- end }}