blob: 76948b75be44f284de15d4ef44224a756f87b4f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
set -ex
cp /opt/mme/config/config.json /opt/mme/config/shared/config.json
cd /opt/mme/config/shared
# Set local IP address for s1ap and s11 networks to the config
jq --arg MME_LOCAL_IP "$POD_IP" '.mme.ip_addr=$MME_LOCAL_IP' config.json > config.tmp && mv config.tmp config.json
jq --arg MME_LOCAL_IP "$POD_IP" '.s1ap.s1ap_local_addr=$MME_LOCAL_IP' config.json > config.tmp && mv config.tmp config.json
jq --arg MME_LOCAL_IP "$POD_IP" '.s11.egtp_local_addr=$MME_LOCAL_IP' config.json > config.tmp && mv config.tmp config.json
# Set SPGWC address to the config
# We need to convert service domain name to actual IP address
# because mme apps does not take domain address - should be fixed in openmme
SPGWC_ADDR=$(dig +short +search {{ .Values.config.mme.spgwAddr }})
jq --arg SPGWC_ADDR "$SPGWC_ADDR" '.s11.sgw_addr //= $SPGWC_ADDR' config.json > config.tmp && mv config.tmp config.json
jq --arg SPGWC_ADDR "$SPGWC_ADDR" '.s11.pgw_addr //= $SPGWC_ADDR' config.json > config.tmp && mv config.tmp config.json
# Add additional redundant keys - should be fixed in openmme
HSS_TYPE=$(jq -r '.s6a.host_type' config.json)
HSS_HOST=$(jq -r '' config.json)
jq --arg HSS_TYPE "$HSS_TYPE" '.s6a.hss_type=$HSS_TYPE' config.json > config.tmp && mv config.tmp config.json
jq --arg HSS_HOST "$HSS_HOST" '.s6a.host_name=$HSS_HOST' config.json > config.tmp && mv config.tmp config.json
# Copy the final configs for each applications
cp /opt/mme/config/shared/config.json /opt/mme/config/shared/mme.json
cp /opt/mme/config/shared/config.json /opt/mme/config/shared/s11.json
cp /opt/mme/config/shared/config.json /opt/mme/config/shared/s1ap.json
cp /opt/mme/config/shared/config.json /opt/mme/config/shared/s6a.json
cp /opt/mme/config/s6a_fd.conf /opt/mme/config/shared/s6a_fd.conf
cp /opt/mme/config/mme_exporter.json /opt/mme/config/shared/mme_exporter.json
#This multiple copies of config needs some cleanup. For now I want
#that after running mme_init config to be present in the target directory
cp /opt/mme/config/shared/* /openmme/target/conf/
# Generate certs
MME_IDENTITY={{ tuple "mme" "identity" . | include "omec-control-plane.diameter_endpoint" | quote }};
DIAMETER_HOST=$(echo $MME_IDENTITY | cut -d'.' -f1)
DIAMETER_REALM={{ tuple "mme" "realm" . | include "omec-control-plane.diameter_endpoint" | quote }};
cp /openmme/target/conf/ /opt/mme/config/shared/
cd /opt/mme/config/shared