blob: 17a82051c512128f91b6de844e259f52a5a5bd90 [file] [log] [blame]
package sarama
// DescribeClientQuotas Request (Version: 0) => [components] strict
// components => entity_type match_type match
// entity_type => STRING
// match_type => INT8
// strict => BOOLEAN
// A filter to be applied to matching client quotas.
// Components: the components to filter on
// Strict: whether the filter only includes specified components
type DescribeClientQuotasRequest struct {
Components []QuotaFilterComponent
Strict bool
// Describe a component for applying a client quota filter.
// EntityType: the entity type the filter component applies to ("user", "client-id", "ip")
// MatchType: the match type of the filter component (any, exact, default)
// Match: the name that's matched exactly (used when MatchType is QuotaMatchExact)
type QuotaFilterComponent struct {
EntityType QuotaEntityType
MatchType QuotaMatchType
Match string
func (d *DescribeClientQuotasRequest) encode(pe packetEncoder) error {
// Components
if err := pe.putArrayLength(len(d.Components)); err != nil {
return err
for _, c := range d.Components {
if err := c.encode(pe); err != nil {
return err
// Strict
return nil
func (d *DescribeClientQuotasRequest) decode(pd packetDecoder, version int16) error {
// Components
componentCount, err := pd.getArrayLength()
if err != nil {
return err
if componentCount > 0 {
d.Components = make([]QuotaFilterComponent, componentCount)
for i := range d.Components {
c := QuotaFilterComponent{}
if err = c.decode(pd, version); err != nil {
return err
d.Components[i] = c
} else {
d.Components = []QuotaFilterComponent{}
// Strict
strict, err := pd.getBool()
if err != nil {
return err
d.Strict = strict
return nil
func (d *QuotaFilterComponent) encode(pe packetEncoder) error {
// EntityType
if err := pe.putString(string(d.EntityType)); err != nil {
return err
// MatchType
// Match
if d.MatchType == QuotaMatchAny {
if err := pe.putNullableString(nil); err != nil {
return err
} else if d.MatchType == QuotaMatchDefault {
if err := pe.putString(""); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := pe.putString(d.Match); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *QuotaFilterComponent) decode(pd packetDecoder, version int16) error {
// EntityType
entityType, err := pd.getString()
if err != nil {
return err
d.EntityType = QuotaEntityType(entityType)
// MatchType
matchType, err := pd.getInt8()
if err != nil {
return err
d.MatchType = QuotaMatchType(matchType)
// Match
match, err := pd.getNullableString()
if err != nil {
return err
if match != nil {
d.Match = *match
return nil
func (d *DescribeClientQuotasRequest) key() int16 {
return 48
func (d *DescribeClientQuotasRequest) version() int16 {
return 0
func (d *DescribeClientQuotasRequest) headerVersion() int16 {
return 1
func (d *DescribeClientQuotasRequest) requiredVersion() KafkaVersion {
return V2_6_0_0