blob: c76886bd5a2afe52af84630c673d965b62e1dca1 [file] [log] [blame]
Provides a python ``logging`` compatible handler for producing messages to a
Kafka message bus.
Depends on the confluent_kafka module to connect to Kafka.
Designed to support both standard and structlog formats, and serializes log
data as JSON when published as a Kafka message. Messages are normalized to be
more compatible with Logstash/Filebeat formats.
import logger
from kafkaloghandler import KafkaLogHandler
log = logging.getLogger()
klh = KafkaLogHandler(bootstrap_servers=["test-kafka:9092"], topic="testtopic")
data={'example':'structured data'}'message to send to kafka', data=data)
**Parameters that can be provided to KafkaLogHandler:**
List of Kafka bootstrap servers to connect to.
**default:** ``["localhost:9092"]``
Dictionary of extra `producer configuration
passed to librdkafka.
NOTE: The ``bootstrap_servers`` parameter will overwrite
**default:** ``{}``
Timeout in seconds for flushing producer queue. See librdkafka docs.
**default:** ``10.0``
String that sets the topic in Kafka.
**default:** ``"kafkaloghandler"``
String that sets the default key in Kafka, can be used for summarization within Kafka.
NOTE: This default key can be overridden on a per-message basis by passing a
dict to the logger with ``{"key": "new_key_for_this_message"}`` in it.
**default:** ``"klh"``
Flattens nested dictionaries and lists passed as structured logging into the parent
dictionary layer, up to a certain depth.
This is useful when logging to external systems that don't have good support
for hierarchical data.
Example dictionary: ``{'a': {'b': 'c'}}`` would be flattened to ``{'a.b': 'c'}``
Example list: ``{'a': ['b', 'c']}`` would be flattened to ``{'a.0': 'b', 'a.1': 'c'}``
If the depth is exceeded, any remaining deeper items will be added to the
output under the flattened key.
Set to ``0`` to turn off flattening.
**default:** ``5``
Separator used between items when flattening.
**default:** ``.``
List of top-level keys to discard from structured logs when outputting JSON.
**default:** ``["_logger", "_name"]``
Unit tests can be run with ``tox``