Changing the Sadis config to comply with the latest ONOS Apps
diff --git a/full-values.yaml b/full-values.yaml
index d83e596..865f158 100644
--- a/full-values.yaml
+++ b/full-values.yaml
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
 # Customization for BBSIM
 kafka_broker: 'voltha-kafka.voltha.svc.cluster.local:9092'
-pon_ports: 1
-onus_per_pon_port: 1
+pon: 1
+onu: 1
 auth: true
 dhcp: true
diff --git a/onos-files/onos-sadis-sample.json b/onos-files/onos-sadis-sample.json
index 9ca3b21..565ed62 100644
--- a/onos-files/onos-sadis-sample.json
+++ b/onos-files/onos-sadis-sample.json
@@ -16,47 +16,59 @@
         "id": "BBSM00000001-1",
-        "cTag": 900,
-        "sTag": 900,
         "nasPortId": "BBSM00000001-1",
         "circuitId": "BBSM00000001-1",
-        "remoteId": "BBSIMOLT000",
-        "technologyProfileId": 64,
-        "upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
-        "downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default"
+        "remoteId": "BBSM00000001-1",
+        "uniTagList": [{
+          "ponCTag": 900,
+          "ponSTag": 900,
+          "technologyProfileId": 64,
+          "downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
+          "upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
+          "isDhcpRequired": true
+        }]
         "id": "BBSM00000002-1",
-        "cTag": 901,
-        "sTag": 900,
         "nasPortId": "BBSM00000002-1",
         "circuitId": "BBSM00000002-1",
-        "remoteId": "BBSIMOLT000",
-        "technologyProfileId": 64,
-        "upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
-        "downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default"
+        "remoteId": "BBSM00000002-1",
+        "uniTagList": [{
+          "ponCTag": 901,
+          "ponSTag": 900,
+          "technologyProfileId": 64,
+          "downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
+          "upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
+          "isDhcpRequired": true
+        }]
         "id": "BBSM00000101-1",
-        "cTag": 902,
-        "sTag": 900,
         "nasPortId": "BBSM00000101-1",
         "circuitId": "BBSM00000101-1",
-        "remoteId": "BBSIMOLT000",
-        "technologyProfileId": 64,
-        "upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
-        "downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default"
+        "remoteId": "BBSM00000101-1",
+        "uniTagList": [{
+          "ponCTag": 902,
+          "ponSTag": 900,
+          "technologyProfileId": 64,
+          "downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
+          "upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
+          "isDhcpRequired": true
+        }]
-        "id": "BBSM00000102-1",
-        "cTag": 903,
-        "sTag": 900,
-        "nasPortId": "BBSM00000102-1",
-        "circuitId": "BBSM00000102-1",
-        "remoteId": "BBSIMOLT000",
-        "technologyProfileId": 64,
-        "upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
-        "downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default"
+        "id": "BBSM00000201-1",
+        "nasPortId": "BBSM00000201-1",
+        "circuitId": "BBSM00000201-1",
+        "remoteId": "BBSM00000201-1",
+        "uniTagList": [{
+          "ponCTag": 903,
+          "ponSTag": 900,
+          "technologyProfileId": 64,
+          "downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
+          "upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
+          "isDhcpRequired": true
+        }]