blob: 6b80115a5313eadb2f93cf8366e2b19230adbe2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd.
// Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
package gomaasapi
import ""
const (
// Capability constants.
NetworksManagement = "networks-management"
StaticIPAddresses = "static-ipaddresses"
IPv6DeploymentUbuntu = "ipv6-deployment-ubuntu"
DevicesManagement = "devices-management"
StorageDeploymentUbuntu = "storage-deployment-ubuntu"
NetworkDeploymentUbuntu = "network-deployment-ubuntu"
// Controller represents an API connection to a MAAS Controller. Since the API
// is restful, there is no long held connection to the API server, but instead
// HTTP calls are made and JSON response structures parsed.
type Controller interface {
// Capabilities returns a set of capabilities as defined by the string
// constants.
Capabilities() set.Strings
BootResources() ([]BootResource, error)
// Fabrics returns the list of Fabrics defined in the MAAS controller.
Fabrics() ([]Fabric, error)
// Spaces returns the list of Spaces defined in the MAAS controller.
Spaces() ([]Space, error)
// Zones lists all the zones known to the MAAS controller.
Zones() ([]Zone, error)
// Machines returns a list of machines that match the params.
Machines(MachinesArgs) ([]Machine, error)
// AllocateMachine will attempt to allocate a machine to the user.
// If successful, the allocated machine is returned.
AllocateMachine(AllocateMachineArgs) (Machine, ConstraintMatches, error)
// ReleaseMachines will stop the specified machines, and release them
// from the user making them available to be allocated again.
ReleaseMachines(ReleaseMachinesArgs) error
// Devices returns a list of devices that match the params.
Devices(DevicesArgs) ([]Device, error)
// CreateDevice creates and returns a new Device.
CreateDevice(CreateDeviceArgs) (Device, error)
// Files returns all the files that match the specified prefix.
Files(prefix string) ([]File, error)
// Return a single file by its filename.
GetFile(filename string) (File, error)
// AddFile adds or replaces the content of the specified filename.
// If or when the MAAS api is able to return metadata about a single
// file without sending the content of the file, we can return a File
// instance here too.
AddFile(AddFileArgs) error
// File represents a file stored in the MAAS controller.
type File interface {
// Filename is the name of the file. No path, just the filename.
Filename() string
// AnonymousURL is a URL that can be used to retrieve the conents of the
// file without credentials.
AnonymousURL() string
// Delete removes the file from the MAAS controller.
Delete() error
// ReadAll returns the content of the file.
ReadAll() ([]byte, error)
// Fabric represents a set of interconnected VLANs that are capable of mutual
// communication. A fabric can be thought of as a logical grouping in which
// VLANs can be considered unique.
// For example, a distributed network may have a fabric in London containing
// VLAN 100, while a separate fabric in San Francisco may contain a VLAN 100,
// whose attached subnets are completely different and unrelated.
type Fabric interface {
ID() int
Name() string
ClassType() string
// VLAN represents an instance of a Virtual LAN. VLANs are a common way to
// create logically separate networks using the same physical infrastructure.
// Managed switches can assign VLANs to each port in either a “tagged” or an
// “untagged” manner. A VLAN is said to be “untagged” on a particular port when
// it is the default VLAN for that port, and requires no special configuration
// in order to access.
// “Tagged” VLANs (traditionally used by network administrators in order to
// aggregate multiple networks over inter-switch “trunk” lines) can also be used
// with nodes in MAAS. That is, if a switch port is configured such that
// “tagged” VLAN frames can be sent and received by a MAAS node, that MAAS node
// can be configured to automatically bring up VLAN interfaces, so that the
// deployed node can make use of them.
// A “Default VLAN” is created for every Fabric, to which every new VLAN-aware
// object in the fabric will be associated to by default (unless otherwise
// specified).
type VLAN interface {
ID() int
Name() string
Fabric() string
// VID is the VLAN ID. eth0.10 -> VID = 10.
VID() int
// MTU (maximum transmission unit) is the largest size packet or frame,
// specified in octets (eight-bit bytes), that can be sent.
MTU() int
DHCP() bool
PrimaryRack() string
SecondaryRack() string
// Zone represents a physical zone that a Machine is in. The meaning of a
// physical zone is up to you: it could identify e.g. a server rack, a network,
// or a data centre. Users can then allocate nodes from specific physical zones,
// to suit their redundancy or performance requirements.
type Zone interface {
Name() string
Description() string
// BootResource is the bomb... find something to say here.
type BootResource interface {
ID() int
Name() string
Type() string
Architecture() string
SubArchitectures() set.Strings
KernelFlavor() string
// Device represents some form of device in MAAS.
type Device interface {
// TODO: add domain
SystemID() string
Hostname() string
FQDN() string
IPAddresses() []string
Zone() Zone
// Parent returns the SystemID of the Parent. Most often this will be a
// Machine.
Parent() string
// Owner is the username of the user that created the device.
Owner() string
// InterfaceSet returns all the interfaces for the Device.
InterfaceSet() []Interface
// CreateInterface will create a physical interface for this machine.
CreateInterface(CreateInterfaceArgs) (Interface, error)
// Delete will remove this Device.
Delete() error
// Machine represents a physical machine.
type Machine interface {
SystemID() string
Hostname() string
FQDN() string
Tags() []string
OperatingSystem() string
DistroSeries() string
Architecture() string
Memory() int
CPUCount() int
IPAddresses() []string
PowerState() string
// Devices returns a list of devices that match the params and have
// this Machine as the parent.
Devices(DevicesArgs) ([]Device, error)
// Consider bundling the status values into a single struct.
// but need to check for consistent representation if exposed on other
// entities.
StatusName() string
StatusMessage() string
// BootInterface returns the interface that was used to boot the Machine.
BootInterface() Interface
// InterfaceSet returns all the interfaces for the Machine.
InterfaceSet() []Interface
// Interface returns the interface for the machine that matches the id
// specified. If there is no match, nil is returned.
Interface(id int) Interface
// PhysicalBlockDevices returns all the physical block devices on the machine.
PhysicalBlockDevices() []BlockDevice
// PhysicalBlockDevice returns the physical block device for the machine
// that matches the id specified. If there is no match, nil is returned.
PhysicalBlockDevice(id int) BlockDevice
// BlockDevices returns all the physical and virtual block devices on the machine.
BlockDevices() []BlockDevice
Zone() Zone
// Start the machine and install the operating system specified in the args.
Start(StartArgs) error
// CreateDevice creates a new Device with this Machine as the parent.
// The device will have one interface that is linked to the specified subnet.
CreateDevice(CreateMachineDeviceArgs) (Device, error)
// Space is a name for a collection of Subnets.
type Space interface {
ID() int
Name() string
Subnets() []Subnet
// Subnet refers to an IP range on a VLAN.
type Subnet interface {
ID() int
Name() string
Space() string
Gateway() string
CIDR() string
// dns_mode
// DNSServers is a list of ip addresses of the DNS servers for the subnet.
// This list may be empty.
DNSServers() []string
// Interface represents a physical or virtual network interface on a Machine.
type Interface interface {
ID() int
Name() string
// The parents of an interface are the names of interfaces that must exist
// for this interface to exist. For example a parent of "eth0.100" would be
// "eth0". Parents may be empty.
Parents() []string
// The children interfaces are the names of those that are dependent on this
// interface existing. Children may be empty.
Children() []string
Type() string
Enabled() bool
Tags() []string
Links() []Link
MACAddress() string
EffectiveMTU() int
// Params is a JSON field, and defaults to an empty string, but is almost
// always a JSON object in practice. Gleefully ignoring it until we need it.
// Update the name, mac address or VLAN.
Update(UpdateInterfaceArgs) error
// Delete this interface.
Delete() error
// LinkSubnet will attempt to make this interface available on the specified
// Subnet.
LinkSubnet(LinkSubnetArgs) error
// UnlinkSubnet will remove the Link to the subnet, and release the IP
// address associated if there is one.
UnlinkSubnet(Subnet) error
// Link represents a network link between an Interface and a Subnet.
type Link interface {
ID() int
Mode() string
Subnet() Subnet
// IPAddress returns the address if one has been assigned.
// If unavailble, the address will be empty.
IPAddress() string
// FileSystem represents a formatted filesystem mounted at a location.
type FileSystem interface {
// Type is the format type, e.g. "ext4".
Type() string
MountPoint() string
Label() string
UUID() string
// Partition represents a partition of a block device. It may be mounted
// as a filesystem.
type Partition interface {
ID() int
Path() string
// FileSystem may be nil if not mounted.
FileSystem() FileSystem
UUID() string
// UsedFor is a human readable string.
UsedFor() string
// Size is the number of bytes in the partition.
Size() uint64
// BlockDevice represents an entire block device on the machine.
type BlockDevice interface {
ID() int
Name() string
Model() string
Path() string
UsedFor() string
Tags() []string
BlockSize() uint64
UsedSize() uint64
Size() uint64
Partitions() []Partition
// There are some other attributes for block devices, but we can
// expose them on an as needed basis.
// OwnerDataHolder represents any MAAS object that can store key/value
// data.
type OwnerDataHolder interface {
// OwnerData returns a copy of the key/value data stored for this
// object.
OwnerData() map[string]string
// SetOwnerData updates the key/value data stored for this object
// with the values passed in. Existing keys that aren't specified
// in the map passed in will be left in place; to clear a key set
// its value to "". All owner data is cleared when the object is
// released.
SetOwnerData(map[string]string) error