blob: 2a43856d561477cb38ec3f19b558ff55bf5d9ba8 [file] [log] [blame]
- name: Locate all switches
hosts: localhost
- name: Lookup DHCP harvest
shell: cat /etc/bind/maas/ | grep -i " cc:37:ab\| 70:72:cf" | awk '{print $1}'
register: switches
- name: Add hosts into inventory
add_host: name={{item}} group=fabric
with_items: "{{switches.stdout_lines}}"
- name: Connect all fabric switches to onos-fabric
hosts: fabric
remote_user: root
- name: Check the status of indigo agent
command: ps aux
changed_when: false
register: status
- name: Terminate indigo agent
command: /root/killit
when: status.stdout.find('brcm-indigo-ofdpa-ofagent') != -1
- name: Purge hardware tables
command: /root/purge
- name: Start indigo agent
command: /root/connect -bg
- name: Verify indigo agent has been started
command: ps aux
changed_when: false
register: status
failed_when: status.stdout.find('brcm-indigo-ofdpa-ofagent') == -1