blob: e645285e4dd37cc0e05c26f278f24ac040c7f8c3 [file] [log] [blame]
class Invoker(object):
def __init__(self, **args):
# Method for handline pre save semantics
# content here would be model specific but could include handling Many-to-Many relationship
# creation - which must occur post save
# obj - Whatever obj was just saved
# returns - None - this is a pure invoke() call, return type is None
def presave(self, obj):
return None
# Method for handline post save semantics
# content here would be model specific but could include handling Many-to-Many relationship
# creation - which must occur post save
# obj - Whatever obj was just saved
# returns - None - this is a pure invoke() call, return type is None
def postsave(self, obj):
return None