blob: 56fd5d5eb0e85ac1fd7fd4bf892fbadbba3033ae [file] [log] [blame]
import os, sys
from itertools import chain
from synchronizers.base.syncstep import SyncStep
from services.metronetwork.models import *
from xos.logger import Logger, logging
from synchronizers.metronetwork.providers.providerfactory import ProviderFactory
from synchronizers.metronetwork.invokers.invokerfactory import InvokerFactory
# metronetwork will be in steps/..
parentdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")
sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)
logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO)
class SyncMetroNetworkSystem(SyncStep):
provides = [MetroNetworkSystem]
observes = MetroNetworkSystem
requested_interval = 0
initialized = False
def __init__(self, **args):
SyncStep.__init__(self, **args)
def fetch_pending(self, deletion=False):
# The general idea:
# We do one of two things in here:
# 1. Full Synchronization of the DBS (XOS <-> MetroONOS)
# 2. Look for updates between the two stores
# The first thing is potentially a much bigger
# operation and should not happen as often
# The Sync operation must take into account the 'deletion' flag
objs = []
# Get the NetworkSystem object - if it exists it will test us
# whether we should do a full sync or not - it all has our config
# information about the REST interface
metronetworksystem = self.get_metronetwork_system()
if not metronetworksystem:
logger.debug("No Service configured")
return objs
# Check to make sure the Metro Network System is enabled
metronetworksystem = self.get_metronetwork_system()
if metronetworksystem.administrativeState == 'disabled':
# Nothing to do
logger.debug("MetroService configured - state is Disabled")
return objs
# The Main Loop - retrieve all the NetworkDevice objects - for each of these
# Apply synchronization aspects
networkdevices = NetworkDevice.objects.all()
for dev in networkdevices:
# Set up the provider
provider = ProviderFactory.getprovider(dev)
# First check is for the AdminState of Disabled - do nothing
if dev.administrativeState == 'disabled':
# Nothing to do with this device
logger.debug("NetworkDevice %s: administrativeState set to Disabled - continuing" %
# Now to the main options - are we syncing - deletion portion
elif dev.administrativeState == 'syncrequested' and deletion is True:"NetworkDevice %s: administrativeState set to SyncRequested" %
# Kill Links
networklinks = provider.get_network_links_for_deletion()
for link in networklinks:
# Kill Ports
allports = provider.get_network_ports_for_deletion()
for port in allports:
objs.append(port)"NetworkDevice %s: Deletion part of Sync completed" %
dev.administrativeState = 'syncinprogress'['administrativeState'])
# Now to the main options - are we syncing - creation portion
elif dev.administrativeState == 'syncinprogress' and deletion is False:"NetworkDevice %s: administrativeState set to SyncRequested" %
# Reload objects in the reverse order of deletion
# Add Ports
networkports = provider.get_network_ports()
for port in networkports:
# Add Links
networklinks = provider.get_network_links()
for link in networklinks:
objs.append(link)"NetworkDevice %s: Creation part of Sync completed" %
dev.administrativeState = 'enabled'['administrativeState'])
# If we are enabled - then check for events - in either direction and sync
elif dev.administrativeState == 'enabled' and deletion is False:
logger.debug("NetworkDevice: administrativeState set to Enabled - non deletion phase")
# This should be the 'normal running state' when we are not deleting - a few things to do in here
# Get the changed objects from the provider - deletions are handled separately
eventobjs = provider.get_updated_or_created_objects()
for eventobj in eventobjs:
# Simply put in the queue for update - this will handle both new and changed objects
# Handle changes XOS -> ONOS
# Check for ConnectivityObjects that are in acticationequested state - creates to the backend
p2pactivatereqs = NetworkEdgeToEdgePointConnection.objects.filter(adminstate='activationrequested')
mp2mpactivatereqs = NetworkMultipointToMultipointConnection.objects.filter(adminstate='activationrequested')
r2mpactivatereqs = NetworkEdgeToMultipointConnection.objects.filter(adminstate='activationrequested')
activatereqs = list(chain(p2pactivatereqs, mp2mpactivatereqs, r2mpactivatereqs))
for activatereq in activatereqs:
# Call the XOS Interface to create the service
logger.debug("Attempting to create EdgePointToEdgePointConnectivity: %s" %
if (provider.create_network_connectivity(activatereq)):
# Everyting is OK, lets let the system handle the persist
# In the case of an error we persist the state of the object directly to preserve
# the error code - and because that is how the base synchronizer is designed
# Check for ConnectivityObjects that are in deacticationequested state - deletes to the backend
p2pdeactivatereqs = NetworkEdgeToEdgePointConnection.objects.filter(adminstate='deactivationrequested')
mp2mpdeactivatereqs = NetworkMultipointToMultipointConnection.objects.filter(adminstate='deactivationrequested')
r2mpdeactivatereqs = NetworkEdgeToMultipointConnection.objects.filter(adminstate='deactivationrequested')
deactivatereqs = list(chain(p2pdeactivatereqs, mp2mpdeactivatereqs, r2mpdeactivatereqs))
for deactivatereq in deactivatereqs:
# Call the XOS Interface to delete the service
logger.debug("Attempting to delete EdgePointToEdgePointConnectivity: %s" %
if provider.delete_network_connectivity(deactivatereq):
# Everyting is OK, lets let the system handle the persist
# In the case of an error we persist the state of the object directly to preserve
# the error code - and because that is how the base synchronizer is designed
# If we are enabled - and in our deletion pass then look for objects waiting for deletion
elif dev.administrativeState == 'enabled' and deletion is True:
logger.debug("NetworkDevice: administrativeState set to Enabled - deletion phase")
# Any object that is simply deleted in the model gets removed automatically - the synchronizer
# doesn't get involved - we just need to check for deleted objects in the domain and reflect that
# in the model
# Get the deleted objects from the provider
eventobjs = provider.get_deleted_objects()
for eventobj in eventobjs:
# Simply put in the queue for update - this will handle both new and changed objects
# Handle the case where we have deleted Eline Services from our side - if the Service is in
# enabled state then we call the provider, otherwise just queue it for deletion
elinedeletedobjs = NetworkEdgeToEdgePointConnection.deleted_objects.all()
for elinedeletedobj in elinedeletedobjs:
if elinedeletedobj.adminstate == 'enabled':
# Either way queue it for deletion
# Handle the case where we have deleted Etree Services from our side - if the Service is in
# enabled state then we call the provider, otherwise just queue it for deletion
etreedeletedobjs = NetworkEdgeToMultipointConnection.deleted_objects.all()
for etreedeletedobj in etreedeletedobjs:
# TODO: Handle the case where its connected, we need to disconnect first
if etreedeletedobj.adminstate == 'enabled':
# Either way queue it for deletion
# Handle the case where we have deleted Elan Services from our side - if the Service is in
# enabled state then we call the provider, otherwise just queue it for deletion
elandeletedobjs = NetworkMultipointToMultipointConnection.deleted_objects.all()
for elandeletedobj in elandeletedobjs:
# TODO: Handle the case where its connected, we need to disconnect first
if elandeletedobj.adminstate == 'enabled':
# Either way queue it for deletion
# Handle the case where we have deleted VnodGlobal Services from our side - if there is
# an attached Eline/Etree/Elan we set that to deleted
vnodbloaldeletedobjs = VnodGlobalService.deleted_objects.all()
for vnodbloaldeletedobj in vnodbloaldeletedobjs:
# Check for dependent eline service
if vnodbloaldeletedobj.metronetworkpointtopoint is not None:
elineobj = vnodbloaldeletedobj.metronetworkpointtopoint
elineobj.deleted = True
# Check for dependent elan service
if vnodbloaldeletedobj.metronetworkmultipoint is not None:
elanobj = vnodbloaldeletedobj.metronetworkmultipoint
elanobj.deleted = True
# Check for dependent etree service
if vnodbloaldeletedobj.metronetworkroottomultipoint is not None:
etreeobj = vnodbloaldeletedobj.metronetworkroottomultipoint
etreeobj.deleted = True
# In add cases return the objects we are interested in
return objs
def sync_record(self, o):
# First we call and see if there is an invoker for this object - the idea of the invoker
# is to wrap the save with a pre/post paradigm to handle special cases
# It will only exist for a subset of ojbects
invoker = InvokerFactory.getinvoker(o)
# Call Pre-save on the inovker (if it exists)
if invoker is not None:
# Simply save the record to the DB - both updates and adds are handled the same way
# Call Post-save on the inovker (if it exists)
if invoker is not None:
def delete_record(self, o):
# Overriden to customize our behaviour - the core sync step for will remove the record directly
# We just log and return
logger.debug("deleting Object %s" % str(o), extra=o.tologdict())
def get_metronetwork_system(self):
# We only expect to have one of these objects in the system in the curent design
# So get the first element from the query
metronetworksystem = MetroNetworkSystem.objects.all()
if not metronetworksystem:
return None
return metronetworksystem[0]