| |
| Subscribe-Publish Frame Work: |
| 1.Command to Install Flask Webserver frame work. |
| sudo pip install Flask |
| |
| Along with flask we need the following packages: |
| msgpack |
| fnmatch |
| operator |
| logging |
| oslo_utils |
| ConfigParser |
| |
| 2.Files: i.sub_main.py |
| ii.pubrecords.py |
| iii.pub_sub.conf |
| |
| 3.Command to start the server: |
| #python sun_main.py |
| 4.Command for subscription: |
| i.app_id:Application ID,should be unique. |
| ii.target: |
| Presently only udp is supported. |
| a.udp:<ip:portno> |
| b.kafka:<kafkaip:kafkaport> |
| iii.sub_info:Sunscription notifications.ex:cpu_util,cpu_* |
| It can be given as single input or list. |
| iv.query: |
| Below information need to provide as part of query. |
| a.field:fileds like user id ,porject id etc., |
| b.op:"eq","gt","lt" etc., |
| c.value:value of the fileds. |
| Example: |
| curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"app_id":"10","target":"udp://","sub_info":"cpu_util","query":[{"field":"user_id","op":"eq","value":"e1271a86bd4e413c87248baf2e5f01e0"},{"field":"project_id","op":"eq","value":"b1a3bf16d2014b47be9aefea88087318"},{"field":"resource_id","op":"eq","value":"658cd03f-d0f0-4f55-9f48-39e7222a8646"}]}' -L |
| curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"app_id":"10","target":"udp://", "sub_info":["cpu_util", "memory"],"query":[{"field":"user_id","op":"eq","value":"e1271a86bd4e413c87248baf2e5f01e0"},{"field":"project_id","op":"eq","value":"b1a3bf16d2014b47be9aefea88087318"},{"field":"resource_id","op":"eq","value":"658cd03f-d0f0-4f55-9f48-39e7222a8646"}]}' -L |
| |
| 5.Command for unsunscription: |
| For unsubcription only appid will be needed. |
| curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"app_id":"10"}' |
| |
| 6.Running Kafka on the server server where pub-sub module is running: |
| i.Download the kafka from: |
| #https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=/kafka/ |
| http://apache.arvixe.com/kafka/ |
| ii.install java |
| sudo apt-get update |
| sudo apt-get install default-jre |
| iii. install kafka package |
| sudo easy_install pip |
| sudo pip install kafka-python |
| iv.tar -xzf kafka_2.11- |
| v. Start the zookeeper server: |
| bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties |
| vi.Start Kafka Server : |
| bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties |
| vii.To read messages from kafka on a topic test : |
| bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning |
| viii.Before configuring kafka:// publisher in ceilometer: |
| install kafka on both controller node and compute nodes |
| Restart the ceilometer-agent-notification, ceilometer-agent-compute, ceilometer-agent-central daemons |
| |
| 7.[Optional]Install Kafka-web-console (GUI) |
| i.wget https://github.com/adamfokken/kafka-web-console/archive/topic-add-remove.zip |
| ii.unzip it |
| iii.wget http://downloads.typesafe.com/typesafe-activator/1.3.2/typesafe-activator-1.3.2-minimal.zip |
| iv.unzip it and add it to the system path so you can execute the activator command that it provides. |
| v.Install javac if required: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk |
| vi.cd kafka-web-console-topic-add-remove |
| vii.activator start -DapplyEvolutions.default=true |
| viii.Point your browser to the kafka we-console port (9000) and register the zookeeper |