blob: ad9b062b6b402bf5d077054756f80fadfee7b088 [file] [log] [blame]
- hosts: {{ instance_name }}
gather_facts: False
connection: ssh
user: ubuntu
sudo: yes
unique_id: {{ unique_id }}
auth_url: {{ auth_url }}
admin_user: {{ admin_user }}
admin_password: {{ admin_password }}
admin_tenant: {{ admin_tenant }}
shared_lan_ip: {{ private_ip }}
shared_lan_mac: {{ private_mac }}
headnode_flat_lan_ip: {{ rabbit_host }}
ceilometer_client_acess_ip: {{ ceilometer_ip }}
ceilometer_client_acess_mac: {{ ceilometer_mac }}
ceilometer_host_port: {{ ceilometer_port }}
ceilometer_pub_sub_url: {{ ceilometer_pub_sub_url }}
{% for allowed_tenant_id in allowed_tenant_ids %}
- {{ allowed_tenant_id }}
{% endfor %}
{% if delete %}
- name: Remove tenant
# FIXME: Adding dummy template action to avoid "action attribute missing in task" error
template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/monitoring/templates/ceilometer_proxy_config.j2 dest=/usr/local/share/monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}_ceilometer_proxy_config mode=0777
- stop monitoring-channel
- remove container
{% else %}
{% if full_setup %}
# - name: Docker repository
# copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/monitoring/files/docker.list
# dest=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
# - name: Import the repository key
# apt_key: id=36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9
# - name: install Docker
# apt: name=lxc-docker state=present update_cache=yes
# - name: install python-setuptools
# apt: name=python-setuptools state=present
# - name: install pip
# easy_install: name=pip
# - name: install docker-py
# pip: name=docker-py version=0.5.3
# - name: install Pipework
# get_url: url=
# dest=/usr/local/bin/pipework
# mode=0755
# - name: Disable resolvconf service
# shell: service resolvconf stop
# shell: echo manual > /etc/init/resolvconf.override
# shell: rm -f /etc/resolv.conf
# - name: Install resolv.conf
# copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/monitoring_channel/files/vm-resolv.conf
# dest=/etc/resolv.conf
{% endif %}
# FIXME: Temporary workaround to delete the monitoring-channel_ceilometer_proxy_config file always
# to trigger ansible notify handlers in the following task.
# Due to some issue, ansible "changed" flag is set to false even though there is a change of
# ceilometer configuration file, because of which the configuration change is not reflecting in
# ceilometer containers
# - file: path=/usr/local/share/monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}_ceilometer_proxy_config state=absent
- name: ceilometer proxy config
template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/monitoring/templates/ceilometer_proxy_config.j2 dest=/usr/local/share/monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}_ceilometer_proxy_config mode=0777
- copy ceilo-config-file
- restart monitoring-channel container
# - stop monitoring-channel
# - remove container
# - start monitoring-channel
- name: Monitoring channel upstart
template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/monitoring/templates/monitoring-channel.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}.conf
- name: Monitoring channel startup script
template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/monitoring/templates/ dest=/usr/local/sbin/start-monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}.sh mode=0755
# - restart monitoring-channel
- stop monitoring-channel
- remove container
- start monitoring-channel
# - name: Start monitoring-channel container
# docker:
# docker_api_version: "1.18"
# name: monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}
# # was: reloaded
# state: running
# image: srikanthvavila/monitoring-channel
# expose:
# - 8000
# ports:
# - "{{ ceilometer_port }}:8000"
# volumes:
# - /usr/local/share/monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}_ceilometer_proxy_config:/usr/local/share/ceilometer_proxy_config
# - name: Get Docker IP
# #TODO: copy to monitoring service synchronizer
# script: /opt/xos/synchronizers/onos/scripts/ monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}
# register: dockerip
# - name: Wait for Monitoring channel to come up
# wait_for:
# host={{ '{{' }} dockerip.stdout {{ '}}' }}
# port={{ '{{' }} item {{ '}}' }}
# state=present
# with_items:
# - {{ ceilometer_port }}
# These are samples, not necessary for correct function of demo
- name: Make sure Monitoring channel service is running
service: name=monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }} state=started
{% endif %}
- name: copy ceilo-config-file
shell: docker cp /usr/local/share/monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}_ceilometer_proxy_config monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}:/usr/local/share/ceilometer_proxy_config
- name: restart monitoring-channel container
shell: docker restart monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}
- name: restart monitoring-channel
shell: service monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }} stop; sleep 1; service monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }} start
- name: stop monitoring-channel
service: name=monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }} state=stopped
- name: remove container
docker: name=monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }} state=absent image=monitoring-channel
- name: start monitoring-channel
service: name=monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }} state=started