| option name = "volt"; |
| option app_label = "volt"; |
| option legacy="True"; |
| |
| message VOLTService (Service){ |
| option verbose_name = "vOLT Service"; |
| option kind = "vOLT"; |
| option description = "OLT Access Service"; |
| |
| required string voltha_url = 1 [ |
| help_text = "The Voltha API address. By default voltha.voltha.svc.cluster.local", |
| default = "voltha.voltha.svc.cluster.local", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| required int32 voltha_port = 2 [ |
| help_text = "The Voltha API port. By default 8882", |
| default = 8882]; |
| required string voltha_user = 3 [ |
| help_text = "The Voltha username. By default voltha", |
| default = "voltha", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| required string voltha_pass = 4 [ |
| help_text = "The Voltha password. By default admin", |
| default = "admin", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| required string onos_voltha_url = 5 [ |
| help_text = "The ONOS Voltha address. By default onos-voltha-ui.voltha.svc.cluster.local", |
| default = "onos-voltha-ui.voltha.svc.cluster.local", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| required int32 onos_voltha_port = 6 [ |
| help_text = "The Voltha API port. By default 8181", |
| default = 8181]; |
| required string onos_voltha_user = 7 [ |
| help_text = "The ONOS Voltha username. By default sdn", |
| max_length = 256, |
| default = "onos"]; |
| required string onos_voltha_pass = 8 [ |
| help_text = "The ONOS Voltha password. By default rocks", |
| max_length = 256, |
| default = "rocks"]; |
| } |
| |
| message OLTDevice (XOSBase){ |
| option verbose_name = "OLT Device"; |
| option description="Represents a physical OLT device"; |
| |
| required manytoone volt_service->VOLTService:volt_devices = 1:1001 [ |
| help_text = "VOLTService that owns this OLT", |
| db_index = True]; |
| optional string name = 2 [ |
| help_text = "Human-readable name of device", |
| max_length = 256, |
| unique = True]; |
| required string device_type = 3 [ |
| help_text = "Phyiscal Device Type", |
| default = "openolt", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional string host = 4 [ |
| help_text = "IP Address of physical OLT Device", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional int32 port = 5 [ |
| help_text = "Port Number of physical OLT Device", |
| unique_with = "host"]; |
| optional string mac_address = 6 [ |
| help_text = "MAC address of physical OLT Device", |
| max_length = 17]; |
| |
| optional string serial_number = 9 [ |
| help_text = "Serial Number", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional string device_id = 10 [ |
| help_text = "Voltha Device ID", |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional string admin_state = 11 [ |
| help_text = "admin state, whether OLT should be enabled", |
| choices = "(('DISABLED', 'DISABLED'), ('ENABLED', 'ENABLED'))", |
| default = "ENABLED", |
| max_length = 32]; |
| optional string oper_status = 12 [ |
| help_text = "operational status, whether OLT is active", |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional string link_status = 21 [ |
| help_text = "connectivity status, whether OLT has connectivity to agg switch", |
| choices = "(('up', 'up'), ('down', 'down'))", |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 32]; |
| optional string of_id = 13 [ |
| help_text = "Logical device openflow id", |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional string dp_id = 14 [ |
| help_text = "Logical device datapath id", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| |
| required string uplink = 15 [ |
| help_text = "uplink port, exposed via sadis", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| required string driver = 16 [ |
| help_text = "DEPRECATED", |
| default = "voltha", |
| max_length = 32]; // Used to be sent to ONOS, now unused. |
| |
| optional string switch_datapath_id = 17 [ |
| help_text = "Fabric switch to which the OLT is connected", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional string switch_port = 18 [ |
| help_text = "Fabric port to which the OLT is connected", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional string outer_tpid = 19 [ |
| help_text = "Outer VLAN id field EtherType", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| |
| optional string nas_id = 20 [ |
| help_text = "Authentication ID (propagated to the free-radius server via sadis)", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| } |
| |
| message PortBase (XOSBase){ |
| option gui_hidden = True; |
| option description = "Base class for Port objects"; |
| |
| required string name = 1 [ |
| help_text = "Human-readable name of port", |
| db_index = True, |
| max_length = 256]; |
| required int32 port_no = 3 [ |
| help_text = "Port Number"]; |
| |
| optional string admin_state = 4 [ |
| help_text = "admin state, whether port should be enabled", |
| // TODO: Should specify "choices" |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 32]; |
| optional string oper_status = 5 [ |
| help_text = "operational status, whether port is active", |
| // TODO: Should specify "choices" |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 32]; |
| } |
| |
| message PONPort (PortBase){ |
| option verbose_name = "PON Port"; |
| option description = "PON Port"; |
| |
| required manytoone olt_device->OLTDevice:pon_ports = 1:1001 [ |
| help_text = "OLTDevice that owns this PONPort", |
| db_index = True]; |
| } |
| |
| message NNIPort (PortBase) { |
| option verbose_name = "NNI Port"; |
| option description = "NNI Port"; |
| |
| required manytoone olt_device->OLTDevice:nni_ports = 1:1002 [ |
| help_text = "OLTDevice that owns this NNIPort", |
| db_index = True]; |
| } |
| |
| message ONUDevice (XOSBase){ |
| option verbose_name = "ONU Device"; |
| option description = "Represents a physical ONU device"; |
| |
| required manytoone pon_port->PONPort:onu_devices = 1:1001 [ |
| help_text = "PONPort that connects this ONUDevice to an OLTDevice", |
| db_index = True]; |
| required string serial_number = 2 [ |
| help_text = "Serial number of ONU Device", |
| max_length = 256, |
| tosca_key=True, |
| unique = True]; |
| required string vendor = 3 [ |
| help_text = "Vendor of ONU Device", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| required string device_type = 4 [ |
| help_text = "Device Type", |
| default = "asfvolt16_olt", |
| max_length = 256]; |
| |
| optional string device_id = 5 [ |
| help_text = "Voltha Device ID", |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 256]; |
| optional string admin_state = 6 [ |
| help_text = "admin state, whether port should be enabled", |
| choices = "(('DISABLED', 'DISABLED'), ('ENABLED', 'ENABLED'))", |
| default = "ENABLED", |
| max_length = 32]; |
| optional string oper_status = 7 [ |
| help_text = "oper_status", |
| // TODO: Should add "choices" |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 32]; |
| optional string connect_status = 8 [ |
| help_text = "operational status, whether port is active", |
| feedback_state = True, |
| max_length = 32]; |
| optional string reason = 9 [ |
| help_text = "ONU device configuration state machine status message", |
| feedback_state = True, |
| text = True]; |
| } |
| |
| message PONONUPort (PortBase) { |
| option verbose_name = "ANI Port"; |
| option description="Access Node Interface Port"; |
| required manytoone onu_device->ONUDevice:pononu_ports = 1:1001 [ |
| help_text = "ONUDevice that owns this PONONUPort", |
| db_index = True]; |
| } |
| |
| message UNIPort (PortBase) { |
| option verbose_name = "UNI Port"; |
| option description = "User Network Interface Port"; |
| required manytoone onu_device->ONUDevice:uni_ports = 1:1002 [ |
| help_text = "ONUDevice that owns this UNIPort", |
| db_index = True]; |
| } |
| |
| message VOLTServiceInstance (ServiceInstance){ |
| option kind = "vOLT"; |
| option owner_class_name = "VOLTService"; |
| option verbose_name = "vOLT Service Instance"; |
| option description = "Represents subscriber tenancy in the VOLT Service"; |
| |
| optional string description = 1 [ |
| help_text = "Human-readable description", |
| text = True]; |
| optional manytoone onu_device->ONUDevice:volt_service_instances = 2:1003 [ |
| help_text = "ONUDevice that belongs to this Subscriber chain", |
| db_index = True]; |
| } |