blob: 394afdc17b4a0118500e1c17770abd87d5c196f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 - present. Boling Consulting Solutions (
* Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package meframe_test
import (
. ""
me ""
func testGetRequestTypeMeFrame(t *testing.T, managedEntity *me.ManagedEntity, messageSet DeviceIdent) {
params := me.ParamData{
EntityID: uint16(0),
Attributes: make(me.AttributeValueMap, 0),
attrDefs := managedEntity.GetAttributeDefinitions()
for _, attrDef := range attrDefs {
if attrDef.Index == 0 {
continue // Skip entity ID, already specified
} else if attrDef.GetAccess().Contains(me.Read) {
// Allow 'nil' as parameter value for GetRequests since we only need names
params.Attributes[attrDef.GetName()] = nil
assert.NotEmpty(t, params.Attributes) // Need a parameter that is a table attribute
bitmask, attrErr := me.GetAttributesBitmap(attrDefs, getAttributeNameSet(params.Attributes))
assert.Nil(t, attrErr)
// Create the managed instance
meInstance, err := me.NewManagedEntity(managedEntity.GetManagedEntityDefinition(), params)
assert.NotNil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, err.StatusCode(), me.Success)
tid := uint16(rand.Int31n(0xFFFE) + 1) // [1, 0xFFFF]
frame, omciErr := meframe.GenFrame(meInstance, GetRequestType, meframe.TransactionID(tid),
meframe.AttributeMask(bitmask), meframe.FrameFormat(messageSet))
assert.NotNil(t, frame)
assert.NotZero(t, len(frame))
assert.Nil(t, omciErr)
// Now decode and compare
packet := gopacket.NewPacket(frame, LayerTypeOMCI, gopacket.NoCopy)
assert.NotNil(t, packet)
omciLayer := packet.Layer(LayerTypeOMCI)
assert.NotNil(t, omciLayer)
omciObj, omciOk := omciLayer.(*OMCI)
assert.NotNil(t, omciObj)
assert.True(t, omciOk)
assert.Equal(t, tid, omciObj.TransactionID)
assert.Equal(t, GetRequestType, omciObj.MessageType)
assert.Equal(t, messageSet, omciObj.DeviceIdentifier)
msgLayer := packet.Layer(LayerTypeGetRequest)
assert.NotNil(t, msgLayer)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*GetRequest)
assert.NotNil(t, msgObj)
assert.True(t, msgOk)
assert.Equal(t, meInstance.GetClassID(), msgObj.EntityClass)
assert.Equal(t, meInstance.GetEntityID(), msgObj.EntityInstance)
assert.Equal(t, meInstance.GetAttributeMask(), msgObj.AttributeMask)
func testGetResponseTypeMeFrame(t *testing.T, managedEntity *me.ManagedEntity, messageSet DeviceIdent) {
params := me.ParamData{
EntityID: uint16(0),
Attributes: make(me.AttributeValueMap),
// Add loop to test all valid result codes for this message type
validResultCodes := []me.Results{
for _, result := range validResultCodes {
tid := uint16(rand.Int31n(0xFFFE) + 1) // [1, 0xFFFF]
// If success Results selected, set FailIfTruncated 50% of time to test
// overflow detection and failures periodically. This is primarily for
// baseline message set for those MEs that may have lots of attribute space
// needed. If extended message set, always fail if truncated since we should
// be able to stuff as much as we want (at least for now in these unit tests)
failIfTruncated := false
if result == me.Success && (rand.Int31n(2) == 1 || messageSet == ExtendedIdent) {
failIfTruncated = true
// Always pass a failure mask, but should only get encoded if result == ParameterError
var unsupportedMask uint16
var failedMask uint16
attrDefs := managedEntity.GetAttributeDefinitions()
for _, attrDef := range attrDefs {
if attrDef.Index == 0 {
continue // Skip entity ID, already specified
} else if attrDef.GetAccess().Contains(me.Read) {
// Random 5% chance this parameter unsupported and
// 5% it failed
switch rand.Int31n(20) {
// TODO: Table attributes not yet supported. For Table Attributes, figure out a
// good way to unit test this and see if that can be extended to a more
// general operation that provides the 'get-next' frames to the caller who
// wishes to serialize a table attribute.
if !attrDef.IsTableAttribute() {
params.Attributes[attrDef.GetName()] = pickAValue(attrDef)
case 0:
unsupportedMask |= attrDef.Mask
case 1:
failedMask |= attrDef.Mask
bitmask, attrErr := me.GetAttributesBitmap(attrDefs, getAttributeNameSet(params.Attributes))
assert.Nil(t, attrErr)
// Create the managed instance
meInstance, err := me.NewManagedEntity(managedEntity.GetManagedEntityDefinition(), params)
frame, omciErr := meframe.GenFrame(meInstance, GetResponseType,
meframe.TransactionID(tid), meframe.Result(result),
meframe.AttributeMask(bitmask), meframe.FrameFormat(messageSet),
// TODO: Need to test if err is MessageTruncatedError. Sometimes reported as
// a proessing error
if omciErr != nil {
if _, ok := omciErr.(*me.MessageTruncatedError); ok {
assert.NotNil(t, frame)
assert.NotZero(t, len(frame))
assert.NotNil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, err.StatusCode(), me.Success)
// Now decode and compare
packet := gopacket.NewPacket(frame, LayerTypeOMCI, gopacket.NoCopy)
assert.NotNil(t, packet)
omciLayer := packet.Layer(LayerTypeOMCI)
assert.NotNil(t, omciLayer)
omciObj, omciOk := omciLayer.(*OMCI)
assert.NotNil(t, omciObj)
assert.True(t, omciOk)
assert.Equal(t, tid, omciObj.TransactionID)
assert.Equal(t, GetResponseType, omciObj.MessageType)
assert.Equal(t, messageSet, omciObj.DeviceIdentifier)
msgLayer := packet.Layer(LayerTypeGetResponse)
// If requested Result was Success and FailIfTruncated is true, then we may
// fail (get nil layer) if too many attributes to fit in a frame
if result == me.Success && msgLayer == nil {
return // was expected
assert.NotNil(t, msgLayer)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*GetResponse)
assert.NotNil(t, msgObj)
assert.True(t, msgOk)
assert.Equal(t, meInstance.GetClassID(), msgObj.EntityClass)
assert.Equal(t, meInstance.GetEntityID(), msgObj.EntityInstance)
switch msgObj.Result {
assert.Equal(t, result, msgObj.Result)
assert.Zero(t, msgObj.FailedAttributeMask)
assert.Zero(t, msgObj.UnsupportedAttributeMask)
case me.Success:
assert.Equal(t, result, msgObj.Result)
assert.Zero(t, msgObj.FailedAttributeMask)
assert.Zero(t, msgObj.UnsupportedAttributeMask)
assert.Equal(t, meInstance.GetAttributeValueMap(), msgObj.Attributes)
case me.AttributeFailure:
// Should have been Success or AttributeFailure to start with
assert.True(t, result == me.Success || result == me.AttributeFailure)
if result == me.AttributeFailure {
assert.Equal(t, unsupportedMask, msgObj.UnsupportedAttributeMask)
// Returned may have more bits set in failed mask and less attributes
// since failIfTruncated is false and we may add more fail attributes
// since they do not fit. May also set only lower value (lower bits)
// if it turns out that the upper bits are already pre-assigned to the
// failure bits.
// Make sure any successful attributes were requested
meMap := meInstance.GetAttributeValueMap()
for name := range msgObj.Attributes {
getValue, ok := meMap[name]
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.NotNil(t, getValue)