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package generated
import ""
// AuthenticationSecurityMethodClassID is the 16-bit ID for the OMCI
// Managed entity Authentication security method
const AuthenticationSecurityMethodClassID = ClassID(148) // 0x0094
var authenticationsecuritymethodBME *ManagedEntityDefinition
// AuthenticationSecurityMethod (Class ID: #148 / 0x0094)
// The authentication security method defines the user ID and password configuration to establish a
// session between a client and a server. This object may be used in the role of the client or
// server. An instance of this ME is created by the OLT if authenticated communication is
// necessary.
// Relationships
// One instance of this management entity may be associated with a network address ME. This ME may
// also be cited by other MEs that require authentication parameter management.
// Attributes
// Managed Entity Id
// This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this ME. The value 0xFFFF is reserved. (R,
// setbycreate) (mandatory) (2-bytes)
// Validation Scheme
// This attribute specifies the validation scheme used when the ONU validates a challenge.
// Validation schemes are defined as follows.
// 0 Validation disabled
// 1 Validate using MD5 digest authentication as defined in [IETF-RFC-2617] (recommended)
// 3 Validate using basic authentication as defined in [IETF RFC 2617]
// (R,-W) (mandatory) (1-byte)
// Username 1
// This string attribute is the user name. If the string is shorter than 25-bytes, it must be null
// terminated (Note). (R,-W) (mandatory) (25-bytes)
// Password
// This string attribute is the password. If the string is shorter than 25-bytes, it must be null
// terminated. (R,-W) (mandatory) (25-bytes)
// Realm
// This string attribute specifies the realm used in digest authentication. If the string is
// shorter than 25-bytes, it must be null terminated. (R,-W) (mandatory) (25-bytes)
// Username 2
// This string attribute allows for continuation of the user name beyond 25-characters (Note). Its
// default value is a null string. (R,-W) (optional) (25-bytes)
// NOTE - The total username is the concatenation of the username 1 and username 2 attributes if
// and only if: a) username 1 comprises 25 non-null characters; b) username 2 is supported by the
// ONU; and c) username 2 contains a leading non-null character string. Otherwise, the total
// username is simply the value of the username 1 attribute.
type AuthenticationSecurityMethod struct {
Attributes AttributeValueMap
func init() {
authenticationsecuritymethodBME = &ManagedEntityDefinition{
Name: "AuthenticationSecurityMethod",
ClassID: 148,
MessageTypes: mapset.NewSetWith(
AllowedAttributeMask: 0xf800,
AttributeDefinitions: AttributeDefinitionMap{
0: Uint16Field("ManagedEntityId", PointerAttributeType, 0x0000, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read, SetByCreate), false, false, false, 0),
1: ByteField("ValidationScheme", UnsignedIntegerAttributeType, 0x8000, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, false, false, 1),
2: MultiByteField("Username1", OctetsAttributeType, 0x4000, 25, toOctets("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="), mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, false, false, 2),
3: MultiByteField("Password", OctetsAttributeType, 0x2000, 25, toOctets("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="), mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, false, false, 3),
4: MultiByteField("Realm", OctetsAttributeType, 0x1000, 25, toOctets("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="), mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, false, false, 4),
5: MultiByteField("Username2", OctetsAttributeType, 0x0800, 25, toOctets("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="), mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, true, false, 5),
Access: CreatedByOlt,
Support: UnknownSupport,
// NewAuthenticationSecurityMethod (class ID 148) creates the basic
// Managed Entity definition that is used to validate an ME of this type that
// is received from or transmitted to the OMCC.
func NewAuthenticationSecurityMethod(params ...ParamData) (*ManagedEntity, OmciErrors) {
return NewManagedEntity(*authenticationsecuritymethodBME, params...)