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* Copyright (c) 2018 - present. Boling Consulting Solutions (
* Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* NOTE: This file was generated, manual edits will be overwritten!
* Generated by '':
package generated
import (
// ManagedEntity provides a complete instance of a Managed Entity
type ManagedEntity struct {
definition ManagedEntityDefinition
attributeMask uint16
requestedAttributeMask uint16
attributes AttributeValueMap
// String provides a simple string that describes this struct
func (entity *ManagedEntity) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ManagedEntity: %v, EntityID: (%d/%#x): Attributes: %v",
entity.GetClassID(), entity.GetEntityID(), entity.GetEntityID(), entity.attributes)
// NewManagedEntity creates a ManagedEntity given an ME Definition and parameter/attribute data
func NewManagedEntity(definition ManagedEntityDefinition, params ...ParamData) (*ManagedEntity, OmciErrors) {
entity := &ManagedEntity{
definition: definition,
attributes: make(map[string]interface{}),
if params != nil {
if err := entity.setAttributes(params...); err.StatusCode() != Success {
return nil, err
return entity, NewOmciSuccess()
// GetManagedEntityDefinition provides the ME definition of a Managed Entity
func (entity *ManagedEntity) GetManagedEntityDefinition() ManagedEntityDefinition {
return entity.definition
// GetName provides the ME Name of a Managed Entity
func (entity ManagedEntity) GetName() string {
return entity.definition.GetName()
// GetClassID returns the 16-bit class ID of a Managed Entity
func (entity ManagedEntity) GetClassID() ClassID {
return entity.definition.GetClassID()
// SetClassID assigns the 16-bit class ID of a Managed Entity
func (entity *ManagedEntity) SetClassID(classID ClassID) {
// GetMessageTypes returns the OMCI message types that a Managed Entity supports
func (entity ManagedEntity) GetMessageTypes() mapset.Set {
return entity.definition.GetMessageTypes()
// GetAllowedAttributeMask returns the 16-bit bitmask of attributes a Managed Entity supports
func (entity ManagedEntity) GetAllowedAttributeMask() uint16 {
return entity.definition.GetAllowedAttributeMask()
// GetAttributeDefinitions returns the attribute definition map for a Managed Entity
func (entity ManagedEntity) GetAttributeDefinitions() AttributeDefinitionMap {
return entity.definition.GetAttributeDefinitions()
// DecodeAttributes will decode the attributes portion of a Managed Entity frame/packet
func (entity *ManagedEntity) DecodeAttributes(mask uint16, data []byte, p gopacket.PacketBuilder, msgType byte) (AttributeValueMap, error) {
return entity.definition.DecodeAttributes(mask, data, p, msgType)
// SerializeAttributes will serialize the attributes of a Managed Entity type
func (entity *ManagedEntity) SerializeAttributes(attr AttributeValueMap, mask uint16,
b gopacket.SerializeBuffer, msgType byte, bytesAvailable int, packData bool) (error, uint16) {
return entity.definition.SerializeAttributes(attr, mask, b, msgType, bytesAvailable, packData)
// GetEntityID will return the Entity/Instance ID for a Managed Entity
func (entity *ManagedEntity) GetEntityID() uint16 {
if eid, err := entity.GetAttributeByIndex(0); err == nil {
return eid.(uint16)
return 0
// SetEntityID will set the Entity/Instance ID for a Managed Entity
func (entity *ManagedEntity) SetEntityID(eid uint16) error {
return entity.SetAttributeByIndex(0, eid)
// GetAttributeMask will return the 16-bit attribute mask of a Managed Entity
func (entity *ManagedEntity) GetAttributeMask() uint16 {
return entity.attributeMask
// SetRequestedAttributeMask is used to initialize the requested attribute mask to a specific
// value. This should only be done on "Get" type operations that need to fetch and attribute
// and store it in the entity. For other operations (create, set, ...) you should specify
// the attributes and values in the Params initialization or use the SetAttribute
func (entity *ManagedEntity) SetRequestedAttributeMask(mask uint16) {
entity.requestedAttributeMask = mask
// GetRequestedAttributeMask will return the 16-bit requested attribute mask of a Managed Entity.
// This is only specified for requests that perform a Get operation
func (entity *ManagedEntity) GetRequestedAttributeMask() uint16 {
return entity.requestedAttributeMask
// GetAttributeValueMap will return the map of attributes of a Managed Entity
func (entity *ManagedEntity) GetAttributeValueMap() AttributeValueMap {
return entity.attributes
// GetAttribute will return the value of a specific attribute for the specified attribute by name
func (entity *ManagedEntity) GetAttribute(name string) (interface{}, error) {
value, ok := entity.attributes[name]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("attribute '%v' not found", name)
return value, nil
// GetAttributeByIndex will return the value of a specific attribute for the specified attribute by index
func (entity *ManagedEntity) GetAttributeByIndex(index uint) (interface{}, error) {
if len(entity.attributes) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("attributes have already been set")
if _, ok := entity.definition.AttributeDefinitions[index]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute index: %d, should be 0..%d",
index, len(entity.definition.AttributeDefinitions)-1)
return entity.GetAttribute(entity.definition.AttributeDefinitions[index].Name)
func (entity *ManagedEntity) setAttributes(params ...ParamData) OmciErrors {
if entity.attributes == nil {
entity.attributes = make(map[string]interface{})
} else if len(entity.attributes) > 0 {
return NewNonStatusError("attributes have already been set")
eidName := entity.definition.AttributeDefinitions[0].Name
if len(params) == 0 {
entity.attributes[eidName] = uint16(0)
return NewOmciSuccess()
entity.attributes[eidName] = params[0].EntityID
for name, value := range params[0].Attributes {
if name == eidName {
if err := entity.SetAttribute(name, value); err.StatusCode() != Success {
return err
return NewOmciSuccess()
// SetAttribute can be uses to set the value of a specific attribute by name
func (entity *ManagedEntity) SetAttribute(name string, value interface{}) OmciErrors {
attrDef, err := GetAttributeDefinitionByName(entity.definition.GetAttributeDefinitions(), name)
if err != nil {
// Not found, which means not in the attribute definition map
return NewProcessingError(err.Error())
} else if entity.attributes == nil {
entity.attributes = make(map[string]interface{})
mask := attrDef.Mask
// check any constraints
if constraintCheck := attrDef.GetConstraints(); constraintCheck != nil {
err = constraintCheck(value)
if err != nil {
return NewParameterError(mask, entity.GetAttributeDefinitions(), err)
entity.attributes[name] = value
entity.attributeMask |= mask
return NewOmciSuccess()
// SetAttributeByIndex can be uses to set the value of a specific attribute by attribute index (0..15)
func (entity *ManagedEntity) SetAttributeByIndex(index uint, value interface{}) error {
attrDef, ok := entity.definition.AttributeDefinitions[index]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute index: %d, should be 0..%d",
index, len(entity.definition.AttributeDefinitions)-1)
} else if entity.attributes == nil {
entity.attributes = make(map[string]interface{})
mask := attrDef.Mask
// check any constraints
if constraintCheck := attrDef.GetConstraints(); constraintCheck != nil {
err := constraintCheck(value)
if err != nil {
return NewParameterError(mask, entity.GetAttributeDefinitions(), err)
entity.attributes[attrDef.Name] = value
entity.attributeMask |= mask
return nil
// DeleteAttribute is used to remove a specific attribute from a Managed Index by name
func (entity *ManagedEntity) DeleteAttribute(name string) error {
attrDef, err := GetAttributeDefinitionByName(entity.definition.GetAttributeDefinitions(), name)
if err != nil {
return err
if entity.attributes != nil {
delete(entity.attributes, name)
entity.attributeMask &= ^attrDef.Mask
return nil
// DeleteAttributeByIndex is used to remove a specific attribute from a Managed Index by attribute index (0..15)
func (entity *ManagedEntity) DeleteAttributeByIndex(index uint) error {
attrDef, ok := entity.definition.AttributeDefinitions[index]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute index: %d, should be 0..%d",
index, len(entity.definition.AttributeDefinitions)-1)
if entity.attributes != nil {
delete(entity.attributes, attrDef.Name)
entity.attributeMask &= ^attrDef.Mask
return nil
// DecodeFromBytes decodes a Managed Entity give an octet stream pointing to the ME within a frame
func (entity *ManagedEntity) DecodeFromBytes(data []byte, p gopacket.PacketBuilder, msgType byte) error {
if len(data) < 6 {
return errors.New("frame too small")
classID := ClassID(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[0:2]))
entityID := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[2:4])
parameters := ParamData{EntityID: entityID}
meDefinition, omciErr := LoadManagedEntityDefinition(classID, parameters)
if omciErr.StatusCode() != Success {
return omciErr.GetError()
entity.definition = meDefinition.definition
entity.attributeMask = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[4:6])
entity.attributes = make(map[string]interface{})
packetAttributes, err := entity.DecodeAttributes(entity.GetAttributeMask(), data[6:], p, msgType)
if err != nil {
return err
for name, value := range packetAttributes {
entity.attributes[name] = value
return nil
// SerializeTo serializes a Managed Entity into an octet stream
func (entity *ManagedEntity) SerializeTo(b gopacket.SerializeBuffer, msgType byte, bytesAvailable int, opts gopacket.SerializeOptions) error {
// Add class ID and entity ID
bytes, err := b.AppendBytes(6)
if err != nil {
return err
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(bytes, uint16(entity.GetClassID()))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(bytes[2:], entity.GetEntityID())
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(bytes[4:], entity.GetAttributeMask())
// TODO: Need to limit number of bytes appended to not exceed packet size
// Is there space/metadata info in 'b' parameter to allow this?
err, _ = entity.SerializeAttributes(entity.attributes, entity.GetAttributeMask(), b,
msgType, bytesAvailable, opts.FixLengths)
return err