blob: 84c507d9ede66633988360826ce0a3aaffc92ee2 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- makefile -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2017-2024 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2024 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent:
## - This makefile defines logic for interacting with library makefiles.
## - Derived path construction assigned to make variables.
## - Avoid duplicate makefile inclusion.
## - Logic is non-destructive, at most two variables are defined.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Note:
## o make function $(foreach) is often used purely for side effects.
## It will artifically create context allowing declaration of named
## local variables to improve readability.
## Todo:
## o GNU Make v4.4 introduced $(let var[, ..var],list,action)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage:
## include path-to-makefiles/makefiles/
## prefix := project-mk
## $(call gen-mk-paths,{prefix})
## $(call gen-mk-include,{prefix})
## $(info makefiles directory ($prefix) is $(project-mk-dir))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## {prefix}-dir makefiles/ directory containing (absolute path)
## {prefix}-top sandbox root: path to parent makefile directory that
## included {prefix}-dir/makefiles/
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ifndef space
null :=#
space := $(null) $(null)
$(if $(DEBUG),$(eval DEBUG-onf-mk-paths := 1)) # Enabled by global debug flag
$(if $(-onf-mk-paths),$(warning ENTER))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: Helper function used to trim trailing directory slash from a path
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
dir-wo-slash = $(strip \
$(foreach path,$(dir $(1)),\
$(patsubst %/,%,$(path))\
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: Include a makefile at most once
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage:
## $(call include-once,path/to/makefile)
## Debug-mode:
## % make DEBUG-onf-mk-paths=1#
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Given:
## scalar - path to a makefile (relative or absolute)
## Return:
## none
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Pre:
## none
## Post:
## Define a unique make variable to indicate a makefile has been loaded.
## include-once-^-^path/to/makefile := true
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
include-once =\
$(if $(DEBUG-onf-mk-paths),\
$(info ** include-once (makefile=$(1))))\
$(foreach makefile,$(1),\
$(foreach seen,include-once^-^$(makefile),\
$(if $($(seen)),$(null),\
$(if $(DEBUG-onf-mk-paths),\
$(info ** $$(eval include $(makefile)))\
$(info ** $$(eval $(seen) := true))\
$(eval include $(makefile))\
$(eval $(seen) := true)\
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: Given a string prefix conditionally define make variables
## that reference derived path to a sandbox root directory.
## A sandbox root directory is defined as the directory containing
## a top level [mM]akefile that includes library makefiles.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Given:
## scalar A string prefix derived paths will be assigned to.
## Return:
## none
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Pre:
## None
## Post: Variable defined containing derived paths:
## {prefix}-top Parent directory (makefiles/ removed).
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage:
## prefix := my-mk
## $(call gen-mk-paths--var-top,$(prefix))
## $(info sandbox root is $(my-mk-top))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Note: skip
## 1) skip current makefile:
## 2) skip library makefile:
## 3) skip library includes: makefiles/%
## [TODO: verify] $(filter-out makefiles/%) may cover everything
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
gen-mk-paths--var-top =\
$(if $(DEBUG-onf-mk-paths),\
$(info ** gen-mk-paths--var-top (prefix=$(1))))\
$(foreach prefix,$(1),\
$(foreach skip,$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),\
$(eval skip += makefiles/)\
$(eval skip += %/\
$(foreach parent,$(lastword \
$(filter-out $(skip),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))),\
$(foreach abs-parent,$(abspath $(parent)),\
$(if $(DEBUG-onf-mk-paths),\
$(info ** $$(eval $(prefix)-top := $(call dir-wo-slash,$(abs-parent)))))\
$(eval $(prefix)-top := $(call dir-wo-slash,$(abs-parent)))\
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: Given a string prefix conditionally define make variables
## that reference derived path to a library makefile directory.
## A library makefile directory is defined by existence of a
## filesystem path that contains makefiles/
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Given:
## scalar A string prefix derived paths will be assigned to.
## Return:
## none
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Pre:
## None
## Post: Variables defined containing derived paths:
## {prefix}-abs Absolute path to (current makefile).
## {prefix}-dir makefiles/ directory containing
## {prefix}-top Parent directory (makefiles/ removed).
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage:
## prefix := my-mk
## $(call gen-mk-paths--var-dir,$(prefix))
## $(info library makefile path is $(my-mk-dir))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
gen-mk-paths--var-dir =\
$(if $(DEBUG-onf-mk-paths),\
$(info ** gen-mk-paths--var-dir (prefix=$(1))))\
$(foreach prefix,$(1),\
$(foreach loaded,$(prefix)-dir,\
$(if $($(loaded)),$(null),\
$(foreach makefile,$(lastword $(filter %/,$(MAKEFILE_LIST))),\
$(foreach abs-mk,$(abspath $(makefile)),\
$(foreach path,$(firstword $(subst /makefiles/,$(space),$(abs-mk))),\
$(if $(DEBUG-onf-mk-paths),\
$(info ** $$(eval $(prefix)-dir := [$(path)/makefiles])))\
$(eval $(prefix)-dir := $(path)/makefiles)\
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: Derive paths to library makefile directory and parent makefile
## that is including the library
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage:
## prefix := my-mk
## $(call gen-mk-paths,$(prefix))
## $(info sandbox root is $(my-mk-top))
## $(info library makefile path is $(my-mk-dir))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
gen-mk-paths =\
$(if $(DEBUG-onf-mk-paths),\
$(info ** gen-mk-paths (prefix=$(1))))\
$(foreach prefix,$(1),\
$(call gen-mk-paths--var-dir,$(prefix),$(1))\
$(call gen-mk-paths--var-top,$(prefix),$(1))\
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: Derive paths then include top level library makefile
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage:
## prefix := my-mk
## $(call gen-mk-include,$(prefix))
## $(info makefile loaded: $(my-mk-dir)/
## $(info sandbox root is $(my-mk-top))
## $(info library makefile path is $(my-mk-dir))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
gen-mk-include =\
$(if $(DEBUG-onf-mk-paths),\
$(info ** gen-mk-include (prefix=$(1))))\
$(foreach prefix,$(strip $(1)),\
$(call gen-mk-paths,$(prefix))\
$(call include-once,$($(prefix)-dir)/\
$(if $(-onf-mk-paths),$(warning LEAVE))
# [EOF]