blob: 82e24e3c9cad30a243ba217df9bc96483a98b0ad [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from synchronizers.new_base.syncstep import SyncStep, DeferredException, model_accessor
from synchronizers.new_base.modelaccessor import ONOSApp, ServiceInstance, ServiceInstanceAttribute
from xosconfig import Config
from multistructlog import create_logger
from helpers import Helpers
log = create_logger(Config().get('logging'))"config file", file=Config().get_config_file())
class SyncONOSApp(SyncStep):
provides = [ONOSApp]
observes = [ONOSApp, ServiceInstanceAttribute]
def get_service_instance_attribute(self, o):
# NOTE this method is defined in the core convenience methods for service_instances
svc = ServiceInstance.objects.get(
return svc.serviceinstanceattribute_dict
def check_app_dependencies(self, deps):
Check if all the dependencies required by this application are installed
:param deps: comma separated list of application names
:return: bool
if not deps:
return True
for dep in [x.strip() for x in deps.split(',') if x is not ""]:
app = ONOSApp.objects.get(app_id=dep)
if not app.backend_code == 1:
# backend_code == 1 means that the app has been pushed
return False
except IndexError, e:
return False
return True
def add_config(self, o):"Adding config %s" %, model=o.tologdict())
# getting onos url and auth
onos_url = "%s:%s" % (Helpers.format_url(o.service_instance.leaf_model.owner.leaf_model.rest_hostname), o.service_instance.leaf_model.owner.leaf_model.rest_port)
onos_basic_auth = HTTPBasicAuth(o.service_instance.leaf_model.owner.leaf_model.rest_username, o.service_instance.leaf_model.owner.leaf_model.rest_password)
# push configs (if any)
url =
if url[0] == "/":
# strip initial /
url = url[1:]
url = '%s/%s' % (onos_url, url)
value = json.loads(o.value)
request =, json=value, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code != 200:
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to add config %s in ONOS: %s" % (url, request.text))
def activate_app(self, o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth):"Activating app %s" % o.app_id)
url = '%s/onos/v1/applications/%s/active' % (onos_url, o.app_id)
request =, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code != 200:
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to add application %s to ONOS: %s" % (url, request.text))
url = '%s/onos/v1/applications/%s' % (onos_url, o.app_id)
request = requests.get(url, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code != 200:
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to read application %s from ONOS: %s" % (url, request.text))
o.version = request.json()["version"]
def check_app_installed(self, o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth):
log.debug("Checking if app is installed", app=o.app_id)
url = '%s/onos/v1/applications/%s' % (onos_url, o.app_id)
request = requests.get(url, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code == 200:
if "version" in request.json() and o.version == request.json()["version"]:
log.debug("App is installed", app=o.app_id)
return True
# uninstall the application
self.uninstall_app(o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth)
return False
if request.status_code == 404:
# app is not installed at all
return False
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to read application %s from ONOS aaa: %s" % (url, request.text))
def install_app(self, o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth):"Installing app from url %s" % o.url, app=o.app_id, version=o.version)
# check is the already installed app is the correct version
is_installed = self.check_app_installed(o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth)
if is_installed:
# if the app is already installed we don't need to do anything"App is installed, skipping install", app=o.app_id)
data = {
'activate': True,
'url': o.url
url = '%s/onos/v1/applications' % onos_url
request =, json=data, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code == 409:"App was already installed", app=o.app_id, test=request.text)
if request.status_code != 200:
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to add application %s to ONOS: %s" % (url, request.text))
log.debug("App from url %s installed" % o.url, app=o.app_id, version=o.version)
url = '%s/onos/v1/applications/%s' % (onos_url, o.app_id)
request = requests.get(url, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code != 200:
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to read application %s from ONOS: %s while checking correct version" % (url, request.text))
if o.version != request.json()["version"]:
raise Exception("The version of %s you installed (%s) is not the same you requested (%s)" % (o.app_id, request.json()["version"], o.version))
def sync_record(self, o):"Sync'ing", model=o.tologdict())
if hasattr(o, 'service_instance'):
# this is a ServiceInstanceAttribute model just push the config
if 'ONOSApp' in o.service_instance.leaf_model.class_names:
return self.add_config(o)
return # if it's not an ONOSApp do nothing
if not self.check_app_dependencies(o.dependencies):
raise DeferredException('Deferring installation of ONOSApp with id %s as dependencies are not met' %
# getting onos url and auth
onos_url = "%s:%s" % (Helpers.format_url(o.owner.leaf_model.rest_hostname), o.owner.leaf_model.rest_port)
onos_basic_auth = HTTPBasicAuth(o.owner.leaf_model.rest_username, o.owner.leaf_model.rest_password)
# activate app (bundled in onos)
if not o.url or o.url is None:
self.activate_app(o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth)
# install an app from a remote source
if o.url and o.url is not None:
self.install_app(o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth)
def delete_config(self, o):"Deleting config %s" %
# getting onos url and auth
onos_app = o.service_instance.leaf_model
onos_url = "%s:%s" % (Helpers.format_url(onos_app.owner.leaf_model.rest_hostname), onos_app.owner.leaf_model.rest_port)
onos_basic_auth = HTTPBasicAuth(onos_app.owner.leaf_model.rest_username, onos_app.owner.leaf_model.rest_password)
url =
if url[0] == "/":
# strip initial /
url = url[1:]
url = '%s/%s' % (onos_url, url)
request = requests.delete(url, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code != 204:
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to remove config %s from ONOS: %s" % (url, request.text))
def uninstall_app(self,o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth):"Uninstalling app %s" % o.app_id)
url = '%s/onos/v1/applications/%s' % (onos_url, o.app_id)
request = requests.delete(url, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code != 204:
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to delete application %s from ONOS: %s" % (url, request.text))
def deactivate_app(self, o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth):"Deactivating app %s" % o.app_id)
url = '%s/onos/v1/applications/%s/active' % (onos_url, o.app_id)
request = requests.delete(url, auth=onos_basic_auth)
if request.status_code != 204:
log.error("Request failed", response=request.text)
raise Exception("Failed to deactivate application %s from ONOS: %s" % (url, request.text))
def delete_record(self, o):
if hasattr(o, 'service_instance'):
# this is a ServiceInstanceAttribute model
if 'ONOSApp' in o.service_instance.leaf_model.class_names:
return self.delete_config(o)
return # if it's not related to an ONOSApp do nothing
# NOTE if it is an ONOSApp we don't care about the ServiceInstanceAttribute
# as the reaper will delete it
# getting onos url and auth
onos_url = "%s:%s" % (Helpers.format_url(o.owner.leaf_model.rest_hostname), o.owner.leaf_model.rest_port)
onos_basic_auth = HTTPBasicAuth(o.owner.leaf_model.rest_username, o.owner.leaf_model.rest_password)
# deactivate an app (bundled in onos)
if not o.url or o.url is None:
self.deactivate_app(o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth)
# uninstall an app from a remote source, only if it has been activated before
if o.url and o.url is not None:
self.uninstall_app(o, onos_url, onos_basic_auth)