blob: 4577e4272afca04d945fb49a0acb3831d662c4eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Networking Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package openolt;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
service Openolt {
rpc ActivateOnu(Onu) returns (Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/EnableOnu"
body: "*"
rpc OmciMsgOut(OmciMsg) returns (Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/OmciMsgOut"
body: "*"
rpc FlowAdd(Flow) returns (Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/FlowAdd"
body: "*"
rpc EnableIndication(Empty) returns (stream Indication) {}
message Indication {
oneof data {
OltIndication olt_ind = 1;
IntfIndication intf_ind = 2;
IntfOperIndication intf_oper_ind = 3;
OnuDiscIndication onu_disc_ind = 4;
OnuIndication onu_ind = 5;
OmciIndication omci_ind = 6;
PacketIndication data_ind = 7;
message OltIndication {
string oper_state = 1; // up, down
message IntfIndication {
fixed32 intf_id = 1;
string oper_state = 2; // up, down
message OnuDiscIndication {
fixed32 intf_id = 1;
SerialNumber serial_number = 2;
message OnuIndication {
fixed32 intf_id = 1;
fixed32 onu_id = 2;
string oper_state = 3; // up, down
SerialNumber serial_number = 4;
message IntfOperIndication {
string type = 1; // nni, pon
fixed32 intf_id = 2;
string oper_state = 3; // up, down
message OmciIndication {
fixed32 intf_id = 1;
fixed32 onu_id = 2;
bytes pkt = 3;
message PacketIndication {
fixed32 intf_id = 1;
fixed32 gemport_id = 2;
fixed32 flow_id = 3;
bytes pkt = 4;
message Onu {
fixed32 intf_id = 1;
fixed32 onu_id = 2;
SerialNumber serial_number = 3;
message OmciMsg {
fixed32 intf_id = 1;
fixed32 onu_id = 2;
bytes pkt = 3;
message Classifier {
fixed32 o_tpid = 1;
fixed32 o_vid = 2;
fixed32 i_tpid = 3;
fixed32 i_vid = 4;
fixed32 o_pbits = 5;
fixed32 i_pbits = 6;
fixed32 eth_type = 7;
bytes dst_mac = 8;
bytes src_mac = 9;
fixed32 ip_proto = 10;
fixed32 dst_ip = 11;
fixed32 src_ip = 12;
fixed32 src_port = 13;
fixed32 dst_port = 14;
string pkt_tag_type = 15; // untagged, single, double
message ActionCmd {
bool add_outer_tag = 1;
bool remove_outer_tag = 2;
bool trap_to_host = 3;
message Action {
ActionCmd cmd = 1;
fixed32 o_vid = 2;
fixed32 o_pbits = 3;
fixed32 o_tpid = 4;
fixed32 i_vid = 5;
fixed32 i_pbits = 6;
fixed32 i_tpid = 7;
message Flow {
fixed32 access_intf_id = 1;
fixed32 onu_id = 2;
fixed32 flow_id = 3;
string flow_type = 4; // upstream, downstream, broadcast, multicast
fixed32 network_intf_id = 5;
fixed32 gemport_id = 6;
Classifier classifier = 7;
Action action = 8;
message SerialNumber {
bytes vendor_id = 1;
bytes vendor_specific = 2;
message Empty {}