blob: 9565da2749061a1239421e966124170f8397ec8a [file] [log] [blame]
option app_label = "openstack";
option name = "openstack";
message OpenStackService (Service){
option verbose_name = "OpenStack Service";
optional string auth_url = 1 [max_length = 200, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Auth url for the OpenStack controller", null = True, db_index = False];
optional string admin_user = 2 [max_length = 200, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Username of an admin user at this OpenStack", null = True, db_index = False];
optional string admin_password = 3 [max_length = 200, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Password of theadmin user at this OpenStack", null = True, db_index = False];
optional string admin_tenant = 4 [max_length = 200, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Name of the tenant the admin user belongs to", null = True, db_index = False];
message OpenStackServiceInstance (ComputeServiceInstance){
option verbose_name = "OpenStack Service Instance";
optional manytoone flavor->Flavor:openstackinstance = 1 [null = True, db_index = True, blank = True, help_text = "Flavor of this instance"];
optional manytoone node->Node:openstackinstances = 2 [db_index = True, null = True, blank = True, help_text = "Node on which to deploy this instance"];
optional string admin_password = 3 [max_length = 200, content_type = "stripped", blank = True, help_text = "Admin password for instance", null = True, db_index = False];