Aharoni, Pavel (pa0916) | ca3cb01 | 2018-10-22 15:29:57 +0300 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| 2 | <!--
| 3 | ============LICENSE_START==========================================
| 4 | ONAP Portal SDK
| 5 | ===================================================================
| 6 | Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
| 7 | ===================================================================
| 8 |
| 9 | Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
| 10 | under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
| 11 | you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
| 12 | You may obtain a copy of the License at
| 13 |
| 14 | http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
| 15 |
| 16 | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| 17 | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| 18 | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
| 19 | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| 20 | limitations under the License.
| 21 |
| 22 | Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
| 23 | under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
| 24 | you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
| 25 | You may obtain a copy of the License at
| 26 |
| 27 | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
| 28 |
| 29 | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
| 30 | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| 31 | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
| 32 | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| 33 | limitations under the License.
| 34 |
| 35 | ============LICENSE_END============================================
| 36 |
| 37 | ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
| 38 | -->
| 39 | <configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="3 seconds" debug="true">
| 40 | <!--
| 41 | Logback files for the ONAP Portal SDK Application "epsdk-app-os"
| 42 | are created in directory ${catalina.base}/logs/epsdk_app_os;
| 43 | e.g., apache-tomcat-8.0.35/logs/epsdk_app_os/application.log
| 44 | -->
| 45 | <!--<jmxConfigurator /> -->
| 46 |
| 47 | <!-- specify the component name -->
| 48 | <property name="componentName" value="ep_sdk_app"></property>
| 49 |
| 50 | <!-- specify the base path of the log directory -->
| 51 | <property name="logDirPrefix" value="${catalina.base}/logs"></property>
| 52 |
| 53 | <!-- The directories where logs are written -->
| 54 | <property name="logDirectory" value="${logDirPrefix}/${componentName}" />
| 55 | <!-- Can easily relocate debug logs by modifying this path. -->
| 56 | <property name="debugLogDirectory" value="${logDirPrefix}/${componentName}" />
| 57 |
| 58 | <!-- log file names -->
| 59 | <property name="generalLogName" value="application" />
| 60 | <property name="errorLogName" value="error" />
| 61 | <property name="metricsLogName" value="metrics" />
| 62 | <property name="auditLogName" value="audit" />
| 63 | <property name="debugLogName" value="debug" />
| 64 | <!--
| 65 | These loggers are not used in code (yet).
| 66 | <property name="securityLogName" value="security" />
| 67 | <property name="policyLogName" value="policy" />
| 68 | <property name="performanceLogName" value="performance" />
| 69 | <property name="serverLogName" value="server" />
| 70 | -->
| 71 |
| 72 | <!-- 1610 Logging Fields Format Revisions -->
| 73 | <property name="auditLoggerPattern"
| 74 | value="%X{AuditLogBeginTimestamp}|%X{AuditLogEndTimestamp}|%X{RequestId}|%X{ServiceInstanceId}|%thread|%X{VirtualServerName}|%X{ServiceName}|%X{PartnerName}|%X{StatusCode}|%X{ResponseCode}|%X{ResponseDescription}|%X{InstanceUUID}|%.-5level|%X{AlertSeverity}|%X{ServerIPAddress}|%X{Timer}|%X{ServerFQDN}|%X{ClientIPAddress}|%X{ClassName}|%X{Unused}|%X{ProcessKey}|%X{CustomField1}|%X{CustomField2}|%X{CustomField3}|%X{CustomField4}| %msg%n" />
| 75 |
| 76 | <property name="metricsLoggerPattern"
| 77 | value="%X{MetricsLogBeginTimestamp}|%X{MetricsLogEndTimestamp}|%X{RequestId}|%X{ServiceInstanceId}|%thread|%X{VirtualServerName}|%X{ServiceName}|%X{PartnerName}|%X{TargetEntity}|%X{TargetServiceName}|%X{StatusCode}|%X{ResponseCode}|%X{ResponseDescription}|%X{InstanceUUID}|%.-5level|%X{AlertSeverity}|%X{ServerIPAddress}|%X{Timer}|%X{ServerFQDN}|%X{ClientIPAddress}|%X{ClassName}|%X{Unused}|%X{ProcessKey}|%X{TargetVisualEntity}|%X{CustomField1}|%X{CustomField2}|%X{CustomField3}|%X{CustomField4}| %msg%n" />
| 78 |
| 79 | <property name="errorLoggerPattern"
| 80 | value="%date{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}|%X{RequestId}|%thread|%X{ServiceName}|%X{PartnerName}|%X{TargetEntity}|%X{TargetServiceName}|%X{ClassName}|%X{AlertSeverity}|%X{ErrorCode}|%X{ErrorDescription}| %msg%n" />
| 81 |
| 82 | <property name="defaultLoggerPattern"
| 83 | value="%date{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}|%X{RequestId}|%thread|%X{ClassName}| %msg%n" />
| 84 |
| 85 | <!-- use %class so library logging calls yield their class name -->
| 86 | <property name="applicationLoggerPattern"
| 87 | value="%date{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX}|%X{RequestId}|%thread|%class{36}| %msg%n" />
| 88 |
| 89 | <!-- Example evaluator filter applied against console appender -->
| 90 | <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
| 91 | <encoder>
| 92 | <pattern>${defaultLoggerPattern}</pattern>
| 93 | </encoder>
| 94 | </appender>
| 95 |
| 96 | <!-- ============================================================================ -->
| 97 | <!-- EELF Appenders -->
| 98 | <!-- ============================================================================ -->
| 99 |
| 100 | <!-- The EELFAppender is used to record events to the general application
| 101 | log -->
| 102 |
| 103 |
| 104 | <appender name="EELF"
| 105 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 106 | <file>${logDirectory}/${generalLogName}.log</file>
| 107 | <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
| 108 | <!-- daily rollover -->
| 109 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${generalLogName}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.zip</fileNamePattern>
| 110 |
| 111 | <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history capped at 3GB total size -->
| 112 | <maxHistory>30</maxHistory>
| 113 | <totalSizeCap>3GB</totalSizeCap>
| 114 |
| 115 | </rollingPolicy>
| 116 | <encoder>
| 117 | <pattern>${applicationLoggerPattern}</pattern>
| 118 | </encoder>
| 119 | <filter class="org.onap.portalapp.util.CustomLoggingFilter" />
| 120 | </appender>
| 121 |
| 122 | <appender name="asyncEELF" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 123 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 124 | <!-- Class name is part of caller data -->
| 125 | <includeCallerData>true</includeCallerData>
| 126 | <appender-ref ref="EELF" />
| 127 | </appender>
| 128 |
| 129 | <!-- EELF Security Appender. This appender is used to record security events
| 130 | to the security log file. Security events are separate from other loggers
| 131 | in EELF so that security log records can be captured and managed in a secure
| 132 | way separate from the other logs. This appender is set to never discard any
| 133 | events. -->
| 134 | <!--
| 135 | <appender name="EELFSecurity"
| 136 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 137 | <file>${logDirectory}/${securityLogName}.log</file>
| 138 | <rollingPolicy
| 139 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
| 140 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${securityLogName}.%i.log.zip
| 141 | </fileNamePattern>
| 142 | <minIndex>1</minIndex>
| 143 | <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
| 144 | </rollingPolicy>
| 145 | <triggeringPolicy
| 146 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
| 147 | <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
| 148 | </triggeringPolicy>
| 149 | <encoder>
| 150 | <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
| 151 | </encoder>
| 152 | </appender>
| 153 |
| 154 | <appender name="asyncEELFSecurity" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 155 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 156 | <discardingThreshold>0</discardingThreshold>
| 157 | <appender-ref ref="EELFSecurity" />
| 158 | </appender>
| 159 | -->
| 160 |
| 161 | <!-- EELF Performance Appender. This appender is used to record performance
| 162 | records. -->
| 163 | <!--
| 164 | <appender name="EELFPerformance"
| 165 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 166 | <file>${logDirectory}/${performanceLogName}.log</file>
| 167 | <rollingPolicy
| 168 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
| 169 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${performanceLogName}.%i.log.zip
| 170 | </fileNamePattern>
| 171 | <minIndex>1</minIndex>
| 172 | <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
| 173 | </rollingPolicy>
| 174 | <triggeringPolicy
| 175 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
| 176 | <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
| 177 | </triggeringPolicy>
| 178 | <encoder>
| 179 | <outputPatternAsHeader>true</outputPatternAsHeader>
| 180 | <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
| 181 | </encoder>
| 182 | </appender>
| 183 | <appender name="asyncEELFPerformance" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 184 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 185 | <appender-ref ref="EELFPerformance" />
| 186 | </appender>
| 187 | -->
| 188 |
| 189 | <!-- EELF Server Appender. This appender is used to record Server related
| 190 | logging events. The Server logger and appender are specializations of the
| 191 | EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate Server
| 192 | events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record these events
| 193 | as part of the application root log. -->
| 194 | <!--
| 195 | <appender name="EELFServer"
| 196 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 197 | <file>${logDirectory}/${serverLogName}.log</file>
| 198 | <rollingPolicy
| 199 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
| 200 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${serverLogName}.%i.log.zip
| 201 | </fileNamePattern>
| 202 | <minIndex>1</minIndex>
| 203 | <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
| 204 | </rollingPolicy>
| 205 | <triggeringPolicy
| 206 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
| 207 | <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
| 208 | </triggeringPolicy>
| 209 | <encoder>
| 210 | <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
| 211 | </encoder>
| 212 | </appender>
| 213 | <appender name="asyncEELFServer" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 214 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 215 | <appender-ref ref="EELFServer" />
| 216 | </appender>
| 217 | -->
| 218 |
| 219 | <!-- EELF Policy Appender. This appender is used to record Policy engine
| 220 | related logging events. The Policy logger and appender are specializations
| 221 | of the EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate
| 222 | Policy engine events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record
| 223 | these events as part of the application root log. -->
| 224 | <!--
| 225 | <appender name="EELFPolicy"
| 226 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 227 | <file>${logDirectory}/${policyLogName}.log</file>
| 228 | <rollingPolicy
| 229 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
| 230 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${policyLogName}.%i.log.zip
| 231 | </fileNamePattern>
| 232 | <minIndex>1</minIndex>
| 233 | <maxIndex>9</maxIndex>
| 234 | </rollingPolicy>
| 235 | <triggeringPolicy
| 236 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
| 237 | <maxFileSize>5MB</maxFileSize>
| 238 | </triggeringPolicy>
| 239 | <encoder>
| 240 | <pattern>${defaultPattern}</pattern>
| 241 | </encoder>
| 242 | </appender>
| 243 | <appender name="asyncEELFPolicy" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 244 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 245 | <appender-ref ref="EELFPolicy" />
| 246 | </appender>
| 247 | -->
| 248 |
| 249 | <!-- EELF Audit Appender. This appender is used to record audit engine
| 250 | related logging events. The audit logger and appender are specializations
| 251 | of the EELF application root logger and appender. This can be used to segregate
| 252 | Policy engine events from other components, or it can be eliminated to record
| 253 | these events as part of the application root log. -->
| 254 |
| 255 | <appender name="EELFAudit"
| 256 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 257 | <file>${logDirectory}/${auditLogName}.log</file>
| 258 | <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
| 259 | <!-- daily rollover -->
| 260 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${auditLogName}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.zip</fileNamePattern>
| 261 |
| 262 | <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history capped at 3GB total size -->
| 263 | <maxHistory>30</maxHistory>
| 264 | <totalSizeCap>3GB</totalSizeCap>
| 265 |
| 266 | </rollingPolicy>
| 267 | <encoder>
| 268 | <pattern>${auditLoggerPattern}</pattern>
| 269 | </encoder>
| 270 | </appender>
| 271 | <appender name="asyncEELFAudit" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 272 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 273 | <appender-ref ref="EELFAudit" />
| 274 | </appender>
| 275 |
| 276 | <appender name="EELFMetrics"
| 277 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 278 | <file>${logDirectory}/${metricsLogName}.log</file>
| 279 | <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
| 280 | <!-- daily rollover -->
| 281 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${metricsLogName}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.zip</fileNamePattern>
| 282 |
| 283 | <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history capped at 3GB total size -->
| 284 | <maxHistory>30</maxHistory>
| 285 | <totalSizeCap>3GB</totalSizeCap>
| 286 |
| 287 | </rollingPolicy>
| 288 | <encoder>
| 289 | <pattern>${metricsLoggerPattern}</pattern>
| 290 | </encoder>
| 291 | </appender>
| 292 |
| 293 |
| 294 | <appender name="asyncEELFMetrics" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 295 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 296 | <appender-ref ref="EELFMetrics"/>
| 297 | </appender>
| 298 |
| 299 | <appender name="EELFError"
| 300 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 301 | <file>${logDirectory}/${errorLogName}.log</file>
| 302 | <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
| 303 | <!-- daily rollover -->
| 304 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${errorLogName}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.zip</fileNamePattern>
| 305 |
| 306 | <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history capped at 3GB total size -->
| 307 | <maxHistory>30</maxHistory>
| 308 | <totalSizeCap>3GB</totalSizeCap>
| 309 |
| 310 | </rollingPolicy>
| 311 | <encoder>
| 312 | <pattern>${errorLoggerPattern}</pattern>
| 313 | </encoder>
| 314 | </appender>
| 315 |
| 316 | <appender name="asyncEELFError" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 317 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 318 | <appender-ref ref="EELFError"/>
| 319 | </appender>
| 320 |
| 321 | <appender name="EELFDebug"
| 322 | class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
| 323 | <file>${debugLogDirectory}/${debugLogName}.log</file>
| 324 | <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
| 325 | <!-- daily rollover -->
| 326 | <fileNamePattern>${logDirectory}/${debugLogName}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.zip</fileNamePattern>
| 327 |
| 328 | <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history capped at 3GB total size -->
| 329 | <maxHistory>30</maxHistory>
| 330 | <totalSizeCap>3GB</totalSizeCap>
| 331 |
| 332 | </rollingPolicy>
| 333 | <encoder>
| 334 | <pattern>${defaultLoggerPattern}</pattern>
| 335 | </encoder>
| 336 | </appender>
| 337 |
| 338 | <appender name="asyncEELFDebug" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
| 339 | <queueSize>256</queueSize>
| 340 | <appender-ref ref="EELFDebug" />
| 341 | </appender>
| 342 |
| 343 |
| 344 |
| 345 |
| 346 | <logger name="org.onap.eelf" level="info" additivity="false">
| 347 | <appender-ref ref="asyncEELF" />
| 348 | </logger>
| 349 |
| 350 | <logger name="org.onap.eelf.audit" level="info" additivity="false">
| 351 | <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFAudit" />
| 352 | </logger>
| 353 |
| 354 | <logger name="org.onap.eelf.debug" level="debug" additivity="false">
| 355 | <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFDebug" />
| 356 | </logger>
| 357 |
| 358 | <logger name="org.onap.eelf.error" level="info" additivity="false">
| 359 | <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFError" />
| 360 | </logger>
| 361 |
| 362 | <logger name="org.onap.eelf.metrics" level="info" additivity="false">
| 363 | <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFMetrics" />
| 364 | </logger>
| 365 |
| 366 |
| 367 | <root level="DEBUG">
| 368 | <appender-ref ref="asyncEELF" />
| 369 | </root>
| 370 |
| 371 | </configuration>