Aharoni, Pavel (pa0916) | ca3cb01 | 2018-10-22 15:29:57 +0300 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | ###
| 2 | # ================================================================================
| 3 | # eCOMP Portal SDK
| 4 | # ================================================================================
| 5 | # Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
| 6 | # ================================================================================
| 7 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| 8 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| 9 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
| 10 | #
| 11 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
| 12 | #
| 13 | # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| 14 | # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| 15 | # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
| 16 | # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| 17 | # limitations under the License.
| 18 | # ================================================================================
| 19 | ###
| 20 | #SQL Statements for PostgreSQL
| 21 |
| 22 | #ReportLoader.java
| 23 |
| 24 | load.custom.report.xml = SELECT cr.report_xml FROM cr_report cr WHERE rep_id=?
| 25 |
| 26 | # need to copy to oracle
| 27 | load.remoteDB.schema = SELECT 'local' SCHEMA_ID, 'local' SCHEMA_DESC, null DATASOURCE_TYPE FROM dual union SELECT a.SCHEMA_ID, a.SCHEMA_DESC, DATASOURCE_TYPE FROM SCHEMA_INFO a where schema_id <> 'local' order by schema_id
| 28 | load.remoteDB.schema.where = SELECT a.SCHEMA_ID, a.SCHEMA_DESC, DATASOURCE_TYPE FROM SCHEMA_INFO a where schema_id = '[schema_id]'
| 29 | #formfield rendering
| 30 |
| 31 | formfield.id.name.sql.prefix=SELECT id, name FROM (
| 32 | formfield.id.name.sql=SELECT id, name
| 33 |
| 34 | formfield.id.name.sql.suffix=
| 35 |
| 36 | report.security.create= SELECT coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) AS owner_id, cr.create_id, DATE_FORMAT(cr.create_date, '%m/%d/%Y') create_date, maint_id, DATE_FORMAT(cr.maint_date, '%m/%d/%Y') update_date, cr.public_yn FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.rep_id = [rw.getReportID()]
| 37 |
| 38 | db.update.report.xml = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.report_xml FROM cr_report cr WHERE rep_id=? FOR UPDATE
| 39 |
| 40 | update.custom.report.rec = UPDATE cr_report SET title='[Utils.oracleSafe(rw.getReportName())]', descr='[Utils.oracleSafe(rw.getReportDescr())]', public_yn='[(rw.isPublic()]', menu_id='[rw.getMenuID()]', menu_approved_yn='[(rw.isMenuApproved()]', owner_id=[rw.getOwnerID()], maint_id=[rw.getUpdateID()], maint_date=STR_TO_DATE('[rw.getUpdateDate()]', '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]'), dashboard_type_yn='[(rw.isDashboardType()]', dashboard_yn= '[(rw.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_DASHBOARD)]' WHERE rep_id = [rw.getReportID()]
| 41 |
| 42 | is.report.already.scheduled = select rep_id from cr_report_schedule where rep_id = ?
| 43 |
| 44 | create.custom.report.rec = INSERT INTO cr_report(rep_id, title, descr, public_yn, menu_id, menu_approved_yn, report_xml, owner_id, create_id, create_date, maint_id, maint_date, dashboard_type_yn, dashboard_yn, folder_id) VALUES([rw.getReportID()], '[Utils.oracleSafe(rw.getReportName())]', '[Utils.oracleSafe(rw.getReportDescr())]', '[rw.isPublic()]', '[rw.getMenuID()]', '[rw.isMenuApproved()]', '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>', [rw.getOwnerID()], [rw.getCreateID()], STR_TO_DATE('[rw.getCreateDate()]', '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]'), [rw.getUpdateID()], STR_TO_DATE('[rw.getUpdateDate()]', '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]'), '[rw.isDashboardType()]', '[rw.getReportType().equals(AppConstants.RT_DASHBOARD)]',[rw.getFolderId()])
| 45 |
| 46 | get.user.report.names = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title FROM cr_report cr WHERE coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID]
| 47 |
| 48 | get.report.owner.id = SELECT coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) AS owner FROM cr_report cr WHERE rep_id = ?
| 49 |
| 50 | delete.report.record.log = DELETE FROM cr_report_log WHERE rep_id = [reportID]
| 51 |
| 52 | delete.report.record.users = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule_users WHERE rep_id = [reportID]
| 53 |
| 54 | delete.report.record.schedule = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule WHERE rep_id = [reportID]
| 55 |
| 56 | delete.report.record.access = DELETE FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id = [reportID]
| 57 |
| 58 | delete.report.record.email = DELETE FROM cr_report_email_sent_log WHERE rep_id = [reportID]
| 59 |
| 60 | delete.report.record.favorite = DELETE FROM cr_favorite_reports WHERE rep_id = [reportID]
| 61 |
| 62 | delete.report.record.report = DELETE FROM cr_report WHERE rep_id = [reportID]
| 63 |
| 64 | load.quick.links = select finalcr.rep_id, finalcr.title, finalcr.descr from (SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title, cr.descr FROM (SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra LEFT JOIN cr_report cr ON cr.rep_id = ra.rep_id WHERE cr.menu_id LIKE '%[nvls(menuId)]%' AND cr.menu_approved_yn = 'Y' AND (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL) UNION SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title, cr.descr FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.menu_id LIKE '%[nvls(menuId)]%' AND (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' or EXISTS (select * from fn_user_role where user_id=[userID] and role_id in (1)))) finalcr ORDER BY finalcr.title
| 65 |
| 66 | load.folder.reports = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.rep_id report_id, concat([rep_title_sql] , (CASE WHEN cr.public_yn = 'Y' THEN '' ELSE '[PRIVATE_ICON]' END),cr.title,'</a>') title, cr.descr, concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name) owner_name, DATE_FORMAT(cr.create_date, '%m/%d/%Y') create_date, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'N' ELSE coalesce(ra.read_only_yn, 'Y') END read_only_yn, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END user_is_owner_yn FROM cr_report cr JOIN app_user au ON coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = au.user_id AND cr.folder_id= '[folderId]' LEFT JOIN (SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL(SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON cr.rep_id = ra.rep_id
| 67 | #If roleList.toString() is '' PostgreSQL returns an error - needs to be null instead of empty
| 68 |
| 69 | load.folder.reports.user = AND coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID]
| 70 |
| 71 | load.folder.reports.publicsql = AND (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL)
| 72 |
| 73 | load.quick.download.links = SELECT a.file_name, b.title,DATE_FORMAT(a.dwnld_start_time, '%W %d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s') as time, a.dwnld_start_time FROM cr_report_dwnld_log a, cr_report b where a.user_id = [userID] and a.rep_id = b.rep_id and (a.dwnld_start_time) >= STR_TO_DATE(DATE_FORMAT(now() - INTERVAL 1 DAY, '%m/%d/%Y'), '%m/%d/%Y') and a.record_ready_time is not null order by a.dwnld_start_time
| 74 |
| 75 | load.reports.to.schedule = SELECT cr.rep_id, Initcap(cr.title), cr.descr FROM cr_report cr LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON cr.rep_id = ra.rep_id AND (cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL or cr.owner_id = [userID] )ORDER BY Initcap(cr.title)
| 76 |
| 77 | load.reports.to.add.in.dashboard = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title, cr.descr FROM cr_report cr LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON cr.rep_id = ra.rep_id AND (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL) AND (cr.dashboard_yn = 'N' or cr.dashboard_yn is null) ORDER BY cr.title
| 78 |
| 79 | load.my.recent.links = select rep_id, title, descr, form_fields from ( select rep_id, title, descr, form_fields from (select cr.rep_id, cr.title, a.form_fields, cr.descr, a.log_time, a.user_id, a.action, a.action_value from cr_report_log a, cr_report cr where user_id = [userID] AND action = 'Report Execution Time' and a.rep_id = cr.rep_id order by log_time desc) AS x) AS y where LIMIT 1, 6
| 80 |
| 81 | create.report.log.entry = INSERT INTO cr_report_log (rep_id, log_time, user_id, action, action_value, form_fields) VALUES([reportID], now(), [userID], '[action]' , '[executionTime]', '[form_fields]')
| 82 |
| 83 | create.report.log.entry.exec.time = INSERT INTO cr_report_log (rep_id, log_time, user_id, action, action_value, form_fields) VALUES([reportID], NOW() + INTERVAL 1 SECOND, [userID], '[action]' , '[executionTime]', '[formFields]')
| 84 |
| 85 | clear.report.log.entries = DELETE FROM cr_report_log WHERE rep_id = ? and user_id = ?
| 86 |
| 87 | load.report.log.entries = SELECT x.log_time, x.user_id, (CASE WHEN x.action = 'Report Execution Time' THEN concat('<a href=\"[AppUtils.getRaptorActionURL()]report.run.container&c_master=',x.rep_id,'&',x.form_fields,'&fromReportLog=Y&display_content=Y&noFormFields=Y&refresh=Y\">',x.action,'</a>') ELSE x.action END) action, (CASE WHEN x.action = 'Report Execution Time' THEN action_value ELSE 'N/A' END) time_taken, (CASE WHEN x.action = 'Report Execution Time' THEN concat('<a href=\"[AppUtils.getRaptorActionURL()]report.run.container&c_master=',x.rep_id,'&',x.form_fields,'&fromReportLog=Y&display_content=Y&noFormFields=Y&refresh=Y\"><img src=\"[AppUtils.getImgFolderURL()]test_run.gif" width=\"12\" height=\"12\" border=0 alt=\"Run report\"/></a>') ELSE 'N/A' END) run_image, x.name FROM (SELECT rl.rep_id, DATE_FORMAT(rl.log_time, '%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s %p') log_time, rl.action_value, concat(fuser.last_name ,', ',fuser.first_name) name, rl.user_id, rl.action, rl.form_fields FROM cr_report_log rl, fn_user fuser WHERE rl.rep_id = [nvls(reportId)] and rl.action != 'Report Run' and fuser.user_id = rl.user_id ORDER BY rl.log_time DESC) x LIMIT 100
| 88 |
| 89 | does.user.can.schedule.report = select crs.sched_user_id, count(*) from cr_report_schedule crs where sched_user_id = [userId] group by crs.sched_user_id having count(*) >= [Globals.getScheduleLimit()]
| 90 |
| 91 | does.user.can.schedule = select crs.schedule_id from cr_report_schedule crs where schedule_id = [scheduleId]
| 92 |
| 93 | get.system.date.time = select DATE_FORMAT(now(),'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s')
| 94 |
| 95 | get.next.day.date.time = select DATE_FORMAT(NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s')
| 96 |
| 97 | get.next.fifteen.minutes.date.time = select DATE_FORMAT(NOW() + INTERVAL 15 MINUTES,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s')
| 98 |
| 99 | get.next.thirty.minutes.date.time = select DATE_FORMAT(NOW() + INTERVAL 30 MINUTES,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s')
| 100 |
| 101 | get.template.file = select template_file from cr_report_template_map where report_id = [reportId]
| 102 |
| 103 | load.pdf.img.lookup = select image_id, image_loc from cr_raptor_pdf_img
| 104 |
| 105 | load.action.img.lookup = select image_id, image_loc from cr_raptor_action_img
| 106 |
| 107 |
| 108 | #ActionHandler.java
| 109 |
| 110 | report.values.map.def.a = SELECT x FROM (SELECT DISTINCT
| 111 |
| 112 | report.values.map.def.b = TO_CHAR([colName], '[nvl(displayFormat, AppConstants.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)]')
| 113 |
| 114 | report.values.map.def.c = [colName]
| 115 |
| 116 | report.values.map.def.d = x FROM [rdef.getTableById(tableId).getTableName()] WHERE [colName] IS NOT NULL ORDER BY 1) xx LIMIT <= [Globals.getDefaultPageSize()]
| 117 |
| 118 | test.sched.cond.popup = SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ([sql])
| 119 |
| 120 | download.all.email.sent = Select user_id, rep_id from CR_REPORT_EMAIL_SENT_LOG where gen_key='[pdfAttachmentKey.trim()]' and log_id =[report_email_sent_log_id.trim()] and (now() - sent_date) < '1 day' limit 1
| 121 |
| 122 | download.all.gen.key = select schedule_id from cr_report_email_sent_log u where U.GEN_KEY = '[pdfAttachmentKey]'
| 123 |
| 124 | download.all.retrieve = SELECT au.user_id FROM (SELECT rs.schedule_id, rs.rep_id FROM cr_report_schedule rs WHERE rs.enabled_yn='Y' AND rs.run_date IS NOT NULL AND rs.schedule_id = [scheduleId]) x, cr_report r, app_user au WHERE x.rep_id = r.rep_id AND au.user_id IN (SELECT rsu.user_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu WHERE rsu.schedule_id = x.schedule_id and rsu.schedule_id = [scheduleId] UNION SELECT ur.user_id FROM fn_user_role ur WHERE ur.role_id IN (SELECT rsu2.role_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu2 WHERE rsu2.schedule_id = x.schedule_id and rsu2.schedule_id = [scheduleId]))
| 125 |
| 126 | download.all.insert = insert into cr_report_dwnld_log (user_id,rep_id,file_name,dwnld_start_time,filter_params) values (?,?,?,?,?)
| 127 |
| 128 | #ReportWrapper.java
| 129 |
| 130 | report.wrapper.format = SELECT coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) owner_id, cr.create_id, DATE_FORMAT(cr.create_date, '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]') create_date, maint_id, DATE_FORMAT(cr.maint_date, '[Globals.getOracleTimeFormat()]') update_date, cr.menu_id, cr.menu_approved_yn FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.rep_id= [reportID]
| 131 |
| 132 | generate.subset.sql = SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM (SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM ([reportSQL]) AS x ) AS y
| 133 |
| 134 | report.sql.only.first.part = SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM (SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM (
| 135 |
| 136 | report.sql.only.second.part.a = [startRow]
| 137 |
| 138 | report.sql.only.second.part.b = [pageSize]
| 139 | #MYSQL: LIMIT [startRow], [pageSize]
| 140 | #ORacle: rownum >= [startRow] and rownum <= ([startRow]+[pageSize])
| 141 | #Postgre: limit [pageSize] offset [startRow]
| 142 |
| 143 | report.sql.only.second.part.b.noorderby = LIMIT [startRow]
| 144 |
| 145 | generate.sql.visual.select = SELECT
| 146 |
| 147 | generate.sql.visual.count = COUNT(*) cnt
| 148 |
| 149 | generate.sql.visual.dual =
| 150 | #No DUAL table in PostgreSQL so this is blank
| 151 |
| 152 | #ReportRuntime.java
| 153 |
| 154 | load.crosstab.report.data = SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM ( [reportSQL]
| 155 |
| 156 | #RaptorRunHandler.java
| 157 |
| 158 | generate.sql.handler = SELECT x.* from ([sql]) AS x LIMIT 2
| 159 |
| 160 | generate.sql.select = SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM (SELECT [colNames.toString()] FROM ([sql]) AS y) AS x
| 161 |
| 162 | #ReportSchedule.java
| 163 |
| 164 | load.schedule.data = SELECT rs.enabled_yn, DATE_FORMAT(rs.start_date, '%m/%d/%Y') start_date, DATE_FORMAT(rs.end_date, '%m/%d/%Y') end_date, DATE_FORMAT(rs.run_date, '%m/%d/%Y') run_date, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.run_date, '%h'), '12') run_hour, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.run_date, '%i'), '00') run_min, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.run_date, '%p'), 'AM') run_ampm, rs.recurrence, rs.conditional_yn, rs.notify_type, rs.max_row, rs.initial_formfields, rs.schedule_id, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.end_date, '%h'), '11') end_hour, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.end_date, '%i'), '45') end_min, coalesce(DATE_FORMAT(rs.end_date, '%p'), 'PM') end_ampm, encrypt_yn, attachment_yn FROM cr_report_schedule rs WHERE rs.rep_id = [reportID]
| 165 |
| 166 | load.schedule.getid = SELECT rsu.user_id, concat(fuser.last_name,', ',fuser.first_name), fuser.login_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu, fn_user fuser WHERE rsu.rep_id = [reportID] AND rsu.schedule_id = [getScheduleID()] and rsu.user_id IS NOT NULL and rsu.user_id = fuser.user_id
| 167 |
| 168 | load.schedule.users = SELECT rsu.role_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu WHERE rsu.rep_id = [reportID] AND rsu.schedule_id = [getScheduleID()] AND rsu.role_id IS NOT NULL
| 169 |
| 170 | new.schedule.data = select coalesce(max(schedule_id),0)+1 AS sequence from cr_report_schedule
| 171 |
| 172 | new.report.data = select coalesce(max(rep_id),0)+1 AS rep_id from cr_report
| 173 |
| 174 | execute.update = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule_users WHERE rep_id = [reportID] and schedule_id = [getScheduleID()]
| 175 |
| 176 | execute.update.users = INSERT INTO cr_report_schedule_users (schedule_id, rep_id, user_id, role_id, order_no) VALUES([getScheduleID()], [reportID], [emailToUsers.get(i)).getId()], NULL, [(i + 1)])
| 177 |
| 178 | execute.update.roles = INSERT INTO cr_report_schedule_users (schedule_id, rep_id, user_id, role_id, order_no) VALUES([getScheduleID()], [reportID], NULL, [emailToRoles.get(i)).getId()], [((emailToUsers.size() + i + 1)])
| 179 |
| 180 | execute.update.activity = INSERT into cr_schedule_activity_log (schedule_id, notes, run_time) values ([getScheduleID()],'Submitted:Schedule',TO_DATE('[getRunDate()] [getRunHour()]:[getRunMin()] [getRunAMPM()]', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM'))
| 181 |
| 182 | delete.schedule.data = SELECT 1 FROM cr_report_schedule WHERE rep_id = [reportID] and sched_user_id = [getScheduleUserID()] and schedule_id = [getScheduleID()]
| 183 |
| 184 | delete.schedule.data.users = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule_users WHERE rep_id = [reportID] and schedule_id = [getScheduleID()]
| 185 |
| 186 | delete.schedule.data.id = DELETE FROM cr_report_schedule where rep_id = [reportID] and sched_user_id = [getScheduleUserID()] and schedule_id = [getScheduleID()]
| 187 |
| 188 | load.cond.sql = SELECT condition_large_sql FROM cr_report_schedule WHERE schedule_id=?
| 189 |
| 190 | load.cond.sql.select = SELECT condition_sql FROM cr_report_schedule WHERE schedule_id = [scheduleId]
| 191 |
| 192 | persist.cond.sql.update = update cr_report_schedule set condition_large_sql = '' where schedule_id = [scheduleId]
| 193 | #EMPTY CLOB() changed to ''
| 194 |
| 195 | persist.cond.sql.large = SELECT condition_large_sql FROM cr_report_schedule cr WHERE schedule_id=? FOR UPDATE
| 196 |
| 197 | persist.cond.sql.set = update cr_report_schedule set condition_sql = ? where schedule_id = [scheduleId]
| 198 |
| 199 | #DataCache.java
| 200 |
| 201 | get.data.view.actions = SELECT ts.web_view_action FROM cr_table_source ts WHERE ts.web_view_action IS NOT NULL
| 202 |
| 203 | get.public.report.id.names = SELECT rep_id, title FROM cr_report WHERE public_yn = 'Y' ORDER BY title
| 204 |
| 205 | get.private.accessible.names.a = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.rep_id not in (select rep_id from cr_report_access cra where user_id = '[user_id]'
| 206 |
| 207 | get.private.accessible.names.if = OR role_id in (
| 208 |
| 209 | get.private.accessible.names.b = ) AND public_yn = 'N' and cr.owner_id = '[user_id]' order by 2
| 210 |
| 211 | get.group.accessible.names.a = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.title FROM cr_report cr WHERE cr.rep_id in (select rep_id from cr_report_access cra where user_id = '[user_id]'
| 212 |
| 213 | get.group.accessible.names.b = ) AND public_yn = 'N' order by 2
| 214 |
| 215 | get.report.table.sources.a = SELECT table_name, display_name, pk_fields, web_view_action, large_data_source_yn, filter_sql FROM cr_table_source
| 216 |
| 217 | get.report.table.sources.where = where SOURCE_DB= '[dBInfo]'
| 218 |
| 219 | get.report.table.sources.if = where SOURCE_DB is null or SOURCE_DB = '[AppConstants.DB_LOCAL]'
| 220 |
| 221 | get.report.table.sources.else = ORDER BY table_name
| 222 |
| 223 | grab.report.table.a = SELECT ts.table_name, ts.display_name, ts.pk_fields, ts.web_view_action, ts.large_data_source_yn, ts.filter_sql FROM cr_table_source ts WHERE
| 224 |
| 225 | grab.report.table.if = ts.SOURCE_DB= '[dBInfo]'
| 226 |
| 227 | grab.report.table.else = (ts.SOURCE_DB is null or ts.SOURCE_DB = '[AppConstants.DB_LOCAL]')
| 228 |
| 229 | grab.report.table.b = except SELECT ts.table_name, ts.display_name, ts.pk_fields, ts.web_view_action, ts.large_data_source_yn, ts.filter_sql from cr_table_source ts where table_name in (select table_name from cr_table_role where role_id not IN [sb.toString()]) and
| 230 |
| 231 | grab.report.table.c = ORDER BY 1
| 232 |
| 233 | get.report.table.crjoin = SELECT src_table_name, dest_table_name, join_expr FROM cr_table_join
| 234 |
| 235 | get.report.table.joins = SELECT tj.src_table_name, tj.dest_table_name, tj.join_expr FROM cr_table_join tj WHERE ((EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role trs WHERE trs.table_name=tj.src_table_name AND trs.role_id IN [sb.toString()])) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role trs WHERE trs.table_name=tj.src_table_name))) AND ((EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role trd WHERE trd.table_name=tj.dest_table_name AND trd.role_id IN [sb.toString()])) OR (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role trd WHERE trd.table_name=tj.dest_table_name)))
| 236 |
| 237 | generate.report.table.col = SELECT a.table_name, a.column_name, a.data_type, a.label FROM user_column_def a WHERE a.table_name = '[tableName.toUpperCase()]' ORDER BY a.column_id
| 238 |
| 239 | generate.db.user.sql.a = SELECT utc.table_name, utc.column_name, utc.data_type,
| 240 |
| 241 | generate.db.user.sql.if = utc.column_name FROM user_tab_columns utc
| 242 |
| 243 | generate.db.user.sql.else = coalesce(x.label, utc.column_name) FROM user_tab_columns utc
| 244 |
| 245 | generate.db.user.sql.b = WHERE utc.table_name = '[tableName.toUpperCase()]'
| 246 |
| 247 | generate.db.user.sql.c = AND utc.table_name = x.table_name AND utc.column_name = x.column_name
| 248 |
| 249 | generate.db.user.sql.d = ORDER BY utc.column_id
| 250 |
| 251 | #SearchHandler.java
| 252 |
| 253 | load.report.search.result = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.rep_id report_id, [rep_title_sql] title, cr.descr, concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name) owner_name, DATE_FORMAT(cr.create_date, '%m/%d/%Y') create_date, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'N' ELSE coalesce(ra.read_only_yn, 'Y') END read_only_yn, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END user_is_owner_yn, case when report_xml like '%<allowSchedule>N</allowSchedule>%' then 'N' when report_xml like '%<allowSchedule>Y</allowSchedule>%' or 1 = (select distinct 1 from cr_report_schedule where rep_id = cr.rep_id) then 'Y' else 'N' end FROM cr_report cr JOIN fn_user au ON coalesce (cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = au.user_id [fReportID] [fReportName] LEFT JOIN(SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON ra.rep_id = cr.rep_id
| 254 |
| 255 | load.report.search.instr = WHERE cr.menu_id LIKE '%[menuId]%'
| 256 |
| 257 | load.report.search.result.user = WHERE coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID]
| 258 |
| 259 | load.report.search.result.public = WHERE (coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] OR cr.public_yn = 'Y' OR ra.read_only_yn IS NOT NULL)
| 260 |
| 261 | load.report.search.result.fav = WHERE cr.rep_id in (select rep_id from cr_favorite_reports where user_id = [userID]
| 262 |
| 263 | load.report.search.result.sort = ORDER BY CASE coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) WHEN [userID] THEN ' ' WHEN 'upper(concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name))' ELSE 'upper(cr.title)' END
| 264 |
| 265 | load.folder.report.result = SELECT cr.rep_id, cr.rep_id report_id, concat([rep_title_sql] , (CASE WHEN cr.public_yn = 'Y' THEN '' ELSE '[PRIVATE_ICON]' END),cr.title,'</a>') title, cr.descr, concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name) owner_name, TO_CHAR(cr.create_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') create_date, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'N' ELSE coalesce(ra.read_only_yn, 'Y') END read_only_yn, CASE WHEN coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = [userID] THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END user_is_owner_yn FROM cr_report cr JOIN fn_user au ON coalesce (cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) = au.user_id AND TO_CHAR(cr.rep_id, 'FM99999999') like coalesce('%[fReportID]%', TO_CHAR(cr.rep_id, 'FM99999999')) AND UPPER(cr.title) LIKE UPPER('%[fReportName]%') LEFT JOIN(SELECT rep_id, MIN(read_only_yn) read_only_yn FROM ((SELECT ua.rep_id, ua.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ua WHERE ua.user_id = [userID]) UNION ALL (SELECT ra.rep_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.role_id IN ([roleList.toString()]))) report_access GROUP BY rep_id) ra ON ra.rep_id = cr.rep_id
| 266 |
| 267 | load.folder.report.result.sort = ORDER BY CASE coalesce(cr.owner_id, cr.create_id) WHEN [userID] THEN ' ' WHEN '(concat(au.first_name,' ',au.last_name))' ELSE 'cr.title' END
| 268 |
| 269 | #WizardProcessor.java
| 270 |
| 271 | process.filter.add.edit = '[argValue]'
| 272 |
| 273 | #ReportDefinition.java
| 274 |
| 275 | persist.report.adhoc = SELECT nextval('[Globals.getAdhocReportSequence()]') AS sequence
| 276 |
| 277 | #Globals.java
| 278 |
| 279 | initialize.roles = SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cr_table_role)
| 280 |
| 281 | initialize.version = SELECT cr_raptor.get_version
| 282 |
| 283 | # scheduler
| 284 |
| 285 |
| 286 | scheduler.available.schedules = SELECT x.rep_id, x.schedule_id, x.conditional_yn, x.condition_large_sql, x.notify_type, x.max_row, x.initial_formfields, x.processed_formfields, r.title, x.user_id FROM ( SELECT rs.rep_id, rs.schedule_id, rs.sched_user_id user_id, rs.conditional_yn, rs.condition_large_sql, rs.notify_type, rs.max_row, rs.initial_formfields, rs.processed_formfields FROM cr_report_schedule rs WHERE rs.enabled_yn='Y' AND rs.start_date <= [currentDate] AND (rs.end_date >= [currentDate] or rs.end_date is null ) AND rs.run_date IS NOT NULL ) x, cr_report r WHERE x.rep_id = r.rep_id
| 287 |
| 288 | random.string = select ( concat('Z' , round(random() * 1000000000000) ) )
| 289 |
| 290 |
| 291 | scheduler.user.emails = SELECT au.user_id FROM (SELECT rs.schedule_id, rs.rep_id FROM cr_report_schedule rs WHERE rs.enabled_yn='Y' AND rs.start_date <= now() AND rs.end_date >= now() AND rs.run_date IS NOT NULL AND rs.schedule_id = [p_schedule_id] ) x, cr_report r, fn_user au WHERE x.rep_id = r.rep_id AND au.user_id IN (SELECT rsu.user_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu WHERE rsu.schedule_id = x.schedule_id and rsu.schedule_id = [p_schedule_id] UNION SELECT ur.user_id FROM fn_user_role ur WHERE ur.role_id IN (SELECT rsu2.role_id FROM cr_report_schedule_users rsu2 WHERE rsu2.schedule_id = x.schedule_id and rsu2.schedule_id = [p_schedule_id]))
| 292 |
| 293 |
| 294 | # my logins
| 295 |
| 296 | app.query = SELECT APP_ID, ML_APP_NAME, MOTS_ID from fn_app
| 297 |
| 299 |
| 300 | profile.log.query = SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('"' , ROLE_NAME , '"') PROFILE_NAME, '""' SECURITY_SETTINGS FROM FN_ROLE FR, FN_USER_ROLE FUR WHERE FUR.ROLE_ID \= FR.ROLE_ID and FR.ACTIVE_YN \= 'Y' and ((FUR.APP_ID \= 1 and FR.ROLE_NAME <> 'Standard User') or (FUR.APP_ID \= ? and FUR.APP_ID <> 1)) ORDER BY 1
| 301 |
| 302 | user.profile.log.query = SELECT DISTINCT IFNULL(SBCID, '') CUID, '' AWID, CONCAT('"' , IFNULL(SBCID, '') , '"') APPLICATIONUSERID , CONCAT('"' , ROLE_NAME , '"') PROFILE_NAME FROM FN_USER A, FN_USER_ROLE B, FN_ROLE C WHERE A.USER_ID \= B.USER_ID AND B.ROLE_ID \= C.ROLE_ID AND A.ACTIVE_YN \= 'Y' AND C.ACTIVE_YN \= 'Y' AND a.sbcid is not null AND ((B.APP_ID \= 1 and C.ROLE_NAME <> 'Standard User') or (B.APP_ID \= ? and B.APP_ID <> 1)) ORDER BY 1
| 303 |
| 305 |
| 306 | # basic sql
| 307 |
| 308 | seq.next.val = SELECT nextval('[sequenceName]') AS id
| 309 |
| 310 | current.date = now()
| 311 |
| 312 | nvl = IFNULL
| 313 |
| 314 | # report security
| 315 | report.user.access = SELECT ra.role_id, ra.user_id, ra.read_only_yn FROM cr_report_access ra WHERE ra.rep_id = [reportID]
| 316 | add.user.access = INSERT INTO cr_report_access (rep_id, order_no, role_id, user_id, read_only_yn) VALUES([reportID], IFNULL((select order_no from (SELECT MAX(order_no) AS order_no FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id=[reportID]) AS temp), 0)+1, NULL, [userID], '[readOnlyAccess]')
| 317 | update.user.access = UPDATE cr_report_access SET read_only_yn='[readOnlyAccess]' WHERE rep_id=[reportID] AND user_id=[userID]
| 318 | remove.user.access = DELETE FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id=[reportID] AND user_id=[userID]
| 319 | add.role.access = INSERT INTO cr_report_access (rep_id, order_no, role_id, user_id, read_only_yn) VALUES([reportID], IFNULL((select order_no from (SELECT MAX(order_no) AS order_no FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id=[reportID]) AS temp), 0)+1, [roleID], NULL, '[readOnlyAccess]')
| 320 | update.role.access = UPDATE cr_report_access SET read_only_yn='[readOnlyAccess]' WHERE rep_id=[reportID] AND role_id=[roleID]
| 321 | remove.role.access = DELETE FROM cr_report_access WHERE rep_id=[reportID] AND role_id=[roleID]
| 322 |