blob: ba2b1f8d166ab520a15c13a86eeb35d4c4d8ccc5 [file] [log] [blame]
<IfModule proxy_module>
ProxyPreserveHost on
# Map /fabric to the onos instance that is controlling the leaf
# spine fabric
<Location /fabric/>
ProxyPass http://onos-fabric:8181/
ProxyPassReverse http://onos-fabric:8181/
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath "/" "/fabric/"
Header edit Location "(^http[s]?://[^/]*)(\.*)" "$1/fabric$2"
<Location /fabric/onos/ui/websock/>
ProxyPass "ws://onos-fabric:8181/onos/ui/websock/" disablereuse=on
# Map /vtn to the onos instance that is controller the cordvtn
# application
<Location /vtn/>
ProxyPass http://onos-cord:8181/
ProxyPassReverse http://onos-cord:8181/
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath "/" "/vtn/"
Header edit Location "(^http[s]?://[^/]*)(\.*)" "$1/vtn$2"
<Location /vtn/onos/ui/websock/>
ProxyPass "ws://onos-cord:8181/onos/ui/websock/" disablereuse=on
# Map the various XOS roots to the XOS instance
ProxyPass /xos http://xos:8888
ProxyPass /xos/ http://xos:8888/
ProxyPass /api/ http://xos:8888/api/
ProxyPass /admin/ http://xos:8888/admin/
ProxyPass /static/ http://xos:8888/static/
ProxyPass /loggedin/ http://xos:8888/loggedin/
ProxyPass /serviceGrid/ http://xos:8888/serviceGrid/
<IfModule rewrite_module>
RewriteEngine On
# Redirect (permanently) requests for /MAAS to /MAAS/.
RewriteRule ^/MAAS$ %{REQUEST_URI}/ [R=301,L]
# Redirects so that basic URLs entered go the right place
Redirect /fabric /fabric/onos/ui
Redirect /vtn /vtn/onos/ui