blob: 847a4e79124fae552fe685d2dac759bac28a5849 [file] [log] [blame]
# tasks for xos-build role
- name: Check to see if orchestration/xos directory exists
local_action: stat path={{ xos_repo_dir }}
register: xosdir
- name: build XOS base container image
local_action: shell cd {{ xos_repo_dir }} && make base
xosdir.stat.exists == True
- name: tag xos base container image
local_action: command docker tag xosproject/xos-base {{ deploy_docker_registry }}/xosproject/xos-base:{{ deploy_docker_tag }}
xosdir.stat.exists == True
- name: publish XOS base container image to local repo
local_action: shell cd {{ xos_repo_dir }} && docker push {{ deploy_docker_registry }}/xosproject/xos-base:{{ deploy_docker_tag }}
xosdir.stat.exists == True