blob: 02227754579f2bc1bead640b0f9bb072549f45cc [file] [log] [blame]
# roles/juju-compute-setup/main/tasks.yml
# Code for this is in library/
- name: Obtain Juju Facts for creating machines
# For setwise operations on desired vs Juju state:
# list of active juju_machines names: juju_machines.keys()
# list of active juju_services names: juju_services.keys()
# FIXME: Need to add firewall rules to head node or compute machines won't be
# able to talk to head node VM's. iptables cmd's look like this:
# iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o mgmtbr -s <extnet> -d <vmnet> -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A FORWARD -i mgmtbr -o eth0 -s <vmnet> -d <extnet> -j ACCEPT
- name: Add machines to Juju
command: "juju add-machine ssh:{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['compute'] | difference( juju_machines.keys() ) }}"
# run this again, so machines will be in the juju_machines list
- name: Obtain Juju Facts after machine creation
- name: Deploy nova-compute service if needed
command: "juju deploy {{ charm_versions[item] | default(item) }} --to {{ juju_machines[groups['compute'][0]]['machine_id'] }} --config={{ juju_config_path }}"
- "nova-compute"
when: '"nova-compute" not in juju_services.keys()'
- name: Create relations between nova-compute and other services if needed
command: "juju add-relation '{{ }}' '{{ item.1 }}'"
register: juju_relation
failed_when: "juju_relation|failed and 'relation already exists' not in juju_relation.stderr"
- "{{ compute_relations }}"
- relations
# run another time
- name: Obtain Juju Facts after deploying nova-compute
when: '"nova-compute" not in juju_services.keys()'
- name: Add more nova-compute units
command: "juju add-unit nova-compute --to {{ juju_machines[item]['machine_id'] }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['compute'] | difference( juju_compute_nodes.keys() ) }}"
- name: Pause to let Juju settle
prompt="Waiting for Juju..."
# 160*15s = 2400s = 40m max wait
- name: Wait for nova-compute nodes to come online
until: item in juju_compute_nodes.keys() and juju_compute_nodes[item]['workload-status']['message'] == "Unit is ready"
retries: 160
delay: 15
with_items: "{{ groups['compute'] }}"
- name: verify that the nodes appear in nova
action: shell bash -c "source ~/; nova hypervisor-list | grep '{{ item }}'"
register: result
until: result | success
retries: 5
delay: 5
with_items: "{{ groups['compute'] }}"