blob: 1e0a026a2577416d3374d24296188517b382eb51 [file] [log] [blame]
# redeploy-xos-playbook.yml
# This playbook is used for development. It walks through CORD's
# fetch -> build -> deploy container pipeline to rebuild and redeploy
# containers annotated with "rebuild: true".
- name: Include vars
hosts: all
- name: Include variables
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "profile_manifests/{{ cord_profile }}.yml"
- profile_manifests/local_vars.yml
# pull / build base XOS images
- include: ../../orchestration/xos/pull-xos-playbook.yml
- include: ../../orchestration/xos/build-xos-playbook.yml
# build XOS core
- include: build-platform-install-playbook.yml
- name: Bring up XOS containers
hosts: head
- xos-up