blob: c342483575c57b4ab0e5dd59a63b341f5aa3e5c7 [file] [log] [blame]
- hosts: head
sudo: no
user: ubuntu
- name: Remind user what is going to happen
pause: prompt="Install nova-compute on all unused machines managed by Juju"
- name: Deploy nova-compute
script: scripts/
- name: Try to avoid race condition
pause: seconds=5
- name: Wait until nova-compute is deployed
script: scripts/
- name: Make sure we're using KVM
shell: juju set nova-compute virt-type=kvm
- name: Add nova-compute relations
script: scripts/
- name: Try to avoid race condition
pause: seconds=5
- name: Wait until relations are added
script: scripts/
# Play: set up ansible-pull for OpenCloud-specific files on nova-compute nodes
- hosts: compute
sudo: yes
user: ubuntu
# schedule is fed directly to cron
schedule: '*/15 * * * *'
# User to run ansible-pull as from cron
cron_user: root
# File that ansible will use for logs
logfile: /var/log/ansible-pull.log
# Directory to where repository will be cloned
workdir: /var/lib/ansible/local
# Repository to check out
# repo must contain a local.yml file at top level
#repo_url: git://
repo_url: git://
# Branch or tag to checkout
repo_version: kilo
- name: Install ansible
apt: name=ansible state=installed
- name: Basic ansible inventory
template: src=templates/etc/ansible/hosts.j2
- name: Create local directory to work from
file: path={{workdir}} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0751
- name: Create crontab entry to clone/pull git repository
template: src=templates/etc/cron.d/ansible-pull.j2 dest=/etc/cron.d/ansible-pull owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Create logrotate entry for ansible-pull.log
template: src=templates/etc/logrotate.d/ansible-pull.j2 dest=/etc/logrotate.d/ansible-pull owner=root group=root mode=0644