blob: cbd39aebf0a48a42b99d82ea4fba365123e45e60 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import json
import shlex
import subprocess
# Assume nothing has changed
result = {
"changed" : False,
"everyone" : "OK"
# read the argument string from the arguments file
args_file = sys.argv[1]
args_data = file(args_file).read()
# Variables for the task options
host_list = []
command_on_fail = None
# parse the task options
arguments = shlex.split(args_data)
for arg in arguments:
# ignore any arguments without an equals in it
if "=" in arg:
(key, value) = arg.split("=")
if key == "hosts":
# The list of hosts comes as a string that looks sort of like a python list,
# so some replace magic so we can parse it in to a real list
value = value.replace("u'", "").replace("'", "")
value = json.loads(value)
host_list = value
except Exception as e:
result["everyone"] = "Not OK"
result["failed"] = True
result["msg"] = "Unable to parse 'hosts' argument to module : '%s'" % (e)
print json.dumps(result)
if key == "command_on_fail":
command_on_fail = value
for host in host_list:
# Attempt to resolve hostname, if a host can't be resolved then fail the task
if subprocess.check_output(["dig", "+short", "+search", host]) == '':
result["everyone"] = "Not OK"
result["failed"] = True
result["msg"] = "Unable to resolve host '%s'" % (host)
except Exception as e:
result["everyone"] = "Not OK"
result["failed"] = True
result["msg"] = "Error encountered while resolving '%s' : '%s'" % (host, e)
print json.dumps(result)
# If not all hosts were resolved and a failure command was specified then call that
# command and capture the results.
if command_on_fail != None:
result["command_on_fail"] = {}
result["command_on_fail"]["command"] = command_on_fail
cmd_out = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(command_on_fail), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
result["command_on_fail"]["retcode"] = 0
result["command_on_fail"]["out"] = cmd_out
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
result["command_on_fail"]["retcode"] = e.returncode
result["command_on_fail"]["out"] = e.output
# Output the results
print json.dumps(result)
if result["failed"]: