| --- |
| - hosts: nova-compute-1 |
| remote_user: ubuntu |
| become: yes |
| |
| tasks: |
| - name: Include configuration vars |
| include_vars: simulate-fabric-vars.yml |
| |
| - name: Install prerequisites |
| apt: |
| name={{ item }} |
| update_cache=yes |
| cache_valid_time=3600 |
| become: yes |
| register: result |
| until: result | success |
| retries: 15 |
| delay: 60 |
| with_items: |
| - bridge-utils |
| |
| - name: Create bridges |
| when: "ansible_{{ item.name }} is not defined" |
| command: brctl addbr "{{ item.name }}" |
| with_items: "{{ simfabric_bridges }}" |
| |
| # note, not idempotent if failed between prior step and this step |
| - name: Set IP addresses to bridges |
| when: "ansible_{{ item.0.name }} is not defined" |
| command: "ip addr add {{ item.1 }} dev {{ item.0.name }}" |
| with_subelements: |
| - "{{ simfabric_bridges }}" |
| - addresses |
| |
| - name: Run setup again to obtain bridge info |
| setup: |
| |
| - name: Start bridges |
| when: "not ansible_{{ item.name }}.active" |
| command: "ip link set dev {{ item.name }} up" |
| with_items: "{{ simfabric_bridges }}" |
| |
| - name: Create ip links |
| when: "ansible_{{ item.dev }} is not defined" |
| command: "ip link add dev {{ item.dev }} address {{ item.mac }} type {{ item.type }} peer name {{ item.peer }}" |
| with_items: "{{ simfabric_links }}" |
| |
| - name: Run setup again to obtain link info |
| setup: |
| |
| - name: Start interfaces |
| when: "not ansible_{{ item }}.active" |
| command: "ip link set dev {{ item }} up" |
| with_items: |
| - "{{ simfabric_links | map(attribute='dev') | list }}" |
| - "{{ simfabric_links | map(attribute='peer') | list }}" |
| |
| - name: Add interfaces to bridges |
| when: "not item.1 in ansible_{{ item.0.name }}.interfaces" |
| command: "brctl addif {{ item.0.name }} {{ item.1 }}" |
| with_subelements: |
| - "{{ simfabric_bridges }}" |
| - interfaces |
| |
| - name: Check for iptables rule |
| command: "iptables -t nat -C POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE" |
| register: iptables_check |
| failed_when: "iptables_check|failed and 'No chain/target/match by that name' not in iptables_check.stderr" |
| tags: |
| - skip_ansible_lint # FIXME: should use iptables module when it supports inversion of ranges |
| |
| - name: Create iptables rule |
| when: "iptables_check.rc != 0" |
| command: "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE" |
| |
| # the below will likely work when this pull makes it into ansible: |
| # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1685 |
| # - name: Configure iptables |
| # iptables: "table={{ item.table }} chain={{ item.chain }} source={{ item.source }} destination={{ item.dest }} jump={{ item.jump }}" |
| # with_items: "{{ simfabric_iptables }}" |
| |
| - name: Set kernel sysctl values |
| sysctl: |
| name="{{ item.name }}" |
| value="{{ item.value }}" |
| sysctl_set=yes |
| state=present |
| reload=yes |
| with_items: "{{ simfabric_sysctl }}" |
| |