blob: 554add9821e2bb78b4892be8b9692600658e9831 [file] [log] [blame]
# roles/juju-setup/main/tasks.yml
- name: Initialize Juju
command: juju generate-config
creates={{ ansible_user_dir }}/.juju/environments.yaml
- name: Create Juju config file from template
dest={{ ansible_user_dir }}/.juju/environments.yaml
# Sometimes this fails yet the bootstrap eventually succeeds.
# Handle this case by waiting for juju_facts after this step.
- name: Bootstrap Juju
command: juju bootstrap
creates={{ ansible_user_dir }}/.juju/environments/manual.jenv
ignore_errors: yes
# Code for this is in library/
- name: Obtain Juju Facts for creating machines
register: result
until: result | success
retries: 40
delay: 15
- name: Copy over juju-config.yml for configuring Juju services
become: yes
src={{ juju_config_name }}_juju_config.yml.j2
dest={{ juju_config_path }}
# For setwise operations on desired vs Juju state:
# list of active juju_machines names: juju_machines.keys()
# list of active juju_services names: juju_services.keys()
- name: Add machines to Juju
when: "{{ head_lxd_list | map(attribute='service') | list | reject('undefined') | map('format_string', '%s.'~site_suffix ) | difference( juju_machines.keys() ) | length }}"
command: "juju add-machine ssh:{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ head_lxd_list | map(attribute='service') | list | reject('undefined') | map('format_string', '%s.'~site_suffix ) | difference( juju_machines.keys() ) }}"
# run this again, so machines will be in the juju_machines list
- name: Obtain Juju Facts after machine creation
register: result
until: result | success
retries: 3
delay: 15
- name: Deploy services that are hosted in their own VM
when: "{{ lxd_service_list | difference( juju_services.keys() ) | length }}"
command: "juju deploy {{ charm_versions[item] | default(item) }} --to {{ juju_machines[item~'.'~site_suffix]['machine_id'] }} --config={{ juju_config_path }}"
with_items: "{{ lxd_service_list | difference( juju_services.keys() ) }}"
- name: Deploy services that don't have their own VM
when: "{{ standalone_service_list | difference( juju_services.keys() ) | length }}"
command: "juju deploy {{ charm_versions[item] | default(item) }} --config={{ juju_config_path }}"
with_items: "{{ standalone_service_list | difference( juju_services.keys() ) }}"
- name: Create relations between services
command: "juju add-relation '{{ }}' '{{ item.1 }}'"
register: juju_relation
failed_when: "juju_relation|failed and 'relation already exists' not in juju_relation.stderr"
- "{{ service_relations }}"
- relations
- skip_ansible_lint # benign to do this more than once, hard to check for