blob: a9afcc1db47836ef2f24a2b6cfcd53faa24625f5 [file] [log] [blame]
# dns-unbound/defaults/main.yml
unbound_conf: "/var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf"
unbound_group: "wheel"
unbound_listen_on_default: False
unbound_listen_all: True
# NOTE - many of the below settings are shared with the dns-nsd role, and you
# may need to update them in the defaults of both.
site_name: placeholder-sitename
site_suffix: "{{ site_name }}.test"
headnode: head1
# Management IP range from DHCP settings
mgmt_ipv4_first_octets: "192.168.200"
mgmt_name_reverse_unbound: ""
- "{{ mgmt_ipv4_first_octets }}.1/24"
# node lists
head_lxd_list: []
physical_node_list: []
# DNS settings for NSD/Unbound
- name: "{{ site_suffix }}"
ipv4_first_octets: "{{ mgmt_ipv4_first_octets }}"
name_reverse_unbound: "{{ mgmt_name_reverse_unbound }}"
soa: ns1
- { name: ns1 }
- head_lxd_list
- physical_node_list
- { name: "apt-cache", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "cordloghost", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "consul", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "docker", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "mavenrepo", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "ns", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "ns1", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "onos-cord", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "xos", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "xos-chameleon", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "xos-consul", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "xos-core", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "xos-gui", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "xos-tosca", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }
- { name: "xos-ws", dest: "{{ headnode }}" }