| --- |
| |
| # If using a MAAS based POD deployment then copy over an apache configuration |
| # that forwards to the various UIs |
| - name: Ensure CORD Apache Configuration |
| become: yes |
| copy: |
| src: files/cord-http.conf |
| dest: /etc/apache2/conf-available/cord-http.conf |
| owner: root |
| group: root |
| mode: 0644 |
| notify: reload apache2 |
| when: on_maas |
| |
| - name: Ensure Modules |
| become: yes |
| command: a2enmod {{ item }} |
| register: mod_proxy |
| changed_when: mod_proxy.stdout.find('already enabled') == -1 |
| notify: reload apache2 |
| when: on_maas |
| with_items: |
| - proxy |
| - proxy_http |
| - proxy_wstunnel |
| - rewrite |
| - headers |
| |
| - name: Enable CORD Apache Configuration |
| become: yes |
| command: a2enconf cord-http |
| register: en_cord_http |
| changed_when: en_cord_http.stdout.find('already enabled') == -1 |
| notify: reload apache2 |
| when: on_maas |