blob: 8162d0ab6e2552bf74d314cd1dca24f506a83279 [file] [log] [blame]
# docker-compose/tasks/main.yml
# The following two tests are equivalent and both evaluate to 0 when
# `onos-cord-1` VM isn't set to be created, but the `equalto` test only exists
# in Jinja v2.7.4, which is later than what's in Ubuntu 14.04 (v2.7.2).
# {{ head_vm_list | selectattr('name', 'equalto', 'onos-cord-1') | list | length }}
# {{ head_vm_list | map(attribute='name') | list | intersect(['onos-cord-1']) | list | length }}
- name: Wait for onos_setup_playbook to complete
when: "{{ head_vm_list | map(attribute='name') | list | intersect(['onos-cord-1']) | list | length }}"
async_status: jid={{ onos_setup_playbook.ansible_job_id }}
register: onos_setup_playbook_result
until: onos_setup_playbook_result.finished
delay: 10
retries: 120
- name: Copy SSL Certs to ONOS so docker-compose can find it
when: "{{ head_vm_list | map(attribute='name') | list | intersect(['onos-cord-1']) | list | length }}"
command: ansible onos-cord-1 -u ubuntu -m copy \
-a "src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/keystone_juju_ca_cert.crt dest=~/cord/xos-certs.crt"
- name: Build ONOS image with docker-compose
when: "{{ head_vm_list | map(attribute='name') | list | intersect(['onos-cord-1']) | list | length }}"
command: ansible onos-cord-1 -u ubuntu -m command \
-a "docker-compose build chdir=cord"
- name: Start ONOS
when: "{{ head_vm_list | map(attribute='name') | list | intersect(['onos-cord-1']) | list | length }}"
command: ansible onos-cord-1:onos-fabric-1 -u ubuntu -m command \
-a "docker-compose up -d chdir=cord"
#- name: Wait for xos_setup_playbook to complete
# when: "{{ head_vm_list | map(attribute='name') | list | intersect(['xos-1']) | list | length }}"
# async_status: jid={{ xos_setup_playbook.ansible_job_id }}
# register: xos_setup_playbook_result
# until: xos_setup_playbook_result.finished
# delay: 10
# retries: 120
#- name: Copy into XOS container
# when: "{{ head_vm_list | map(attribute='name') | list | intersect(['xos-1']) | list | length }}"
# command: ansible xos-1 -u ubuntu -m copy \
# -a "src=~/ dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}"
- name: Copy to service-profile
command: cp ~/ {{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}
- skip_ansible_lint
# copy:
# src=~/
# dest={{ service_profile_repo_dest }}/{{ xos_configuration }}
- name: Wait for test client to complete installation
when: test_client_install is defined and test_client_install
async_status: jid={{ test_client_playbook.ansible_job_id }}
register: test_client_playbook_result
until: test_client_playbook_result.finished
delay: 10
retries: 120