blob: 6a8c8a07cd8c621a92ae60b22130673a25adc212 [file] [log] [blame]
# juju-finish/tasks/main.yml
# run another time, so services will be in juju_services list
- name: Obtain Juju Facts after service creation
register: result
until: result | success
retries: 3
delay: 15
# 1800s = 30m. Usually takes 10-12m on cloudlab for relations to come up
# Only checks for first port in list
- name: Wait for juju services to have open ports
host={{ }}
port={{ item.forwarded_ports[0].int }}
with_items: "{{ head_lxd_list | selectattr('forwarded_ports', 'defined') | list }}"
# secondary wait, as waiting on ports isn't enough. Probably only need one of these...
# 160*15s = 2400s = 40m max wait
- name: Wait for juju services to start
command: juju status --format=summary
register: juju_summary
until: juju_summary.stdout.find("pending:") == -1
retries: 160
delay: 15
- skip_ansible_lint # checking/waiting on a system to be up