blob: e9d3204868ce647381144cea57b6aba28a024bd0 [file] [log] [blame]
# instantiate-monitoringservice.yml
# Adds the monitoringservice to the currently running pod
# TODO: Due to some timing issues, the monitroing service synchronizer is not completely getting
# onboarded with in the retries of onboard-monitoringservice.yml, so the ansible script would
# eventually fail. Until it is fixed, once monitoring service synchronizer is ready, run this
# ansible playbook which has only tasks for instantiating the monitoring service models.
- name: Include vars
hosts: all
- name: Include variables
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "profile_manifests/{{ cord_profile }}.yml"
- profile_manifests/local_vars.yml
- name: Create monitoringservice config
hosts: head
- monitoringservice-config
- include: add-onboard-containers-playbook.yml
- name: Check to see if XOS UI is ready
hosts: xos_ui
connection: docker
- xos-ready
- name: Instantiate monitoringservice and channel
hosts: xos_ui
connection: docker
- monitoringservice-instantiate