blob: 15bbd6027f57fc42632eb8895e9d0880d819a8c9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# import binascii
from __future__ import absolute_import
import structlog
import six
# from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
# from voltha.core.config.config_root import ConfigRoot
# from pyvoltha.protos.voltha_pb2 import VolthaInstance
# from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_frame import OmciFrame
class MockProxyAddress(object):
def __init__(self, device_id, pon_id, onu_id):
self.device_id = device_id # Device ID of proxy (OLT)
self.onu_id = onu_id
self.onu_session_id = onu_id
self.channel_group_id = pon_id # close enough for mock
self.channel_id = pon_id
self.channel_termination = pon_id
class MockDevice(object):
def __init__(self, device_id, proxy_address=None, serial_number=None):
from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_entities import entity_id_to_class_map = device_id
self.parent_id = None
self.proxy_address = proxy_address
self.serial_number = serial_number
self.me_map = entity_id_to_class_map
class MockCore(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = None # ConfigRoot(VolthaInstance())
if self.root is None:
from nose import SkipTest
msg = "TODO: Unit tests involving the kv-store are not yet supported by pyvoltha"
raise SkipTest(msg)
def get_proxy(self, path):
return self.root.get_proxy(path)
class MockAdapterAgent(object):
Minimal class to handle adapter-agent needs in OpenOMCI. It can be
used by a mock OLT or ONU.
So that we do not have to duplicate the IAdapter functionality, just
the handler, the OLT and ONU handlers are derived from a mock Device
base class so that we can access the _devices map and get either a
Device to play with (like the real thing) or the associated handler
def __init__(self, d=None):
self.log = structlog.get_logger()
self._devices = dict() # device-id -> mock device
self.core = MockCore()
self.deferred = d
self.timeout_the_message = False
def send_omci_defer(self):
return self.deferred
def send_omci_defer(self, value):
self.deferred = value
def name(self):
return "cig_mock_ont"
def tearDown(self):
"""Test case cleanup"""
for device in six.itervalues(self._devices):
def add_device(self, device):
self._devices[] = device
def add_child_device(self, parent_device, child_device):
# Set parent
child_device.parent_id =
# Add ONU serial number if PON and ONU enabled
if (child_device.enabled and
child_device.serial_number is not None and
child_device.proxy_address.channel_id in parent_device.enabled_pons):
def get_device(self, device_id):
return self._devices[device_id]
def get_child_device(self, parent_device_id, **kwargs):
onu_id = kwargs.pop('onu_id', None)
pon_id = kwargs.pop('pon_id', None)
if onu_id is None and pon_id is None:
return None
# Get all child devices with the same parent ID
children_ids = set( for d in six.itervalues(self._devices)
if d.parent_id == parent_device_id)
# Loop through all the child devices with this parent ID
for child_id in children_ids:
device = self.get_device(child_id)
# Does this child device match the passed in ONU ID?
found_onu_id = False
if onu_id is not None:
if device.proxy_address.onu_id == onu_id:
found_onu_id = True
# Does this child device match the passed in SERIAL NUMBER?
found_pon_id = False
if pon_id is not None:
if device.proxy_address.channel_id == pon_id:
found_pon_id = True
# Match ONU ID and PON ID
if onu_id is not None and pon_id is not None:
found = found_onu_id & found_pon_id
# Otherwise ONU ID or PON ID
found = found_onu_id | found_pon_id
# Return the matched child device
if found:
return device
return None
def send_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
# Look up ONU handler and forward the message
self.log.debug("--> send_proxied_message", message=msg)
# if proxy_address is None:
if self.deferred is not None and not self.timeout_the_message:
# return None
# olt_handler = self.get_device(proxy_address.device_id)
# if olt_handler is not None:
# olt_handler.send_proxied_message(proxy_address, msg)
def receive_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
# Look up ONU handler and forward the message
onu_handler = self.get_child_device(proxy_address.device_id,
if onu_handler is not None:
onu_handler.receive_proxied_message(proxy_address, msg)