blob: ad6a6647d43cec5c6032e8dc98d394e558b3ae1b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
OpenOMCI MIB Database API
from __future__ import absolute_import
import structlog
from datetime import datetime
CREATED_KEY = 'created'
MODIFIED_KEY = 'modified'
MDS_KEY = 'mib_data_sync'
LAST_SYNC_KEY = 'last_mib_sync'
VERSION_KEY = 'version'
DEVICE_ID_KEY = 'device_id'
CLASS_ID_KEY = 'class_id'
INSTANCE_ID_KEY = 'instance_id'
ATTRIBUTES_KEY = 'attributes'
ME_KEY = 'managed_entities'
MSG_TYPE_KEY = 'message_types'
class DatabaseStateError(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
Exception.__init__(self, *args)
class MibDbApi(object):
MIB Database API Base Class
Derive the ME MIB Database implementation from this API. For an example
implementation, look at the implementation
def __init__(self, omci_agent):
Class initializer
:param omci_agent: (OpenOMCIAgent) OpenOMCI Agent
self.log = structlog.get_logger()
self._omci_agent = omci_agent
self._started = False
now = datetime.utcnow()
self._created = now
self._modified = now
def start(self):
Start up/restore the database. For in-memory, will be a nop. For external
DB, may need to create the DB and fetch create/modified values
if not self._started:
self._started = True
# For a derived class that is a persistent DB, Restore DB (connect,
# get created/modified times, ....) or something along those lines.
# Minimal restore could just be getting ONU device IDs' so they are cached
# locally. Maximum restore would be a full in-memory version of database
# for fast 'GET' request support.
# Remember to restore the '_created' and '_modified' times (above) as well
# from the database
def stop(self):
Start up the database. For in-memory, will be a nop. For external
DB, may need to create the DB and fetch create/modified values
if self._started:
self._started = False
def active(self):
Is the database active
:return: (bool) True if active
return self._started
def created(self):
Date (UTC) that the database was created
:return: (datetime) creation date
return self._created
def modified(self):
Date (UTC) that the database last added or removed a device
or updated a device's ME information
:return: (datetime) last modification date
return self._modified
def add(self, device_id, overwrite=False):
Add a new ONU to database
:param device_id: (str) Device ID of ONU to add
:param overwrite: (bool) Overwrite existing entry if found.
:raises KeyError: If device already exists and 'overwrite' is False
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def remove(self, device_id):
Remove an ONU from the database
:param device_id: (str) Device ID of ONU to remove from database
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def set(self, device_id, class_id, entity_id, attributes):
Set/Create a database value. This should only be called by the MIB synchronizer
and its related tasks
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param class_id: (int) ME Class ID
:param entity_id: (int) ME Entity ID
:param attributes: (dict) Attribute dictionary
:returns: (bool) True if the value was saved to the database. False if the
value was identical to the current instance
:raises KeyError: If device does not exist
:raises DatabaseStateError: If the database is not enabled
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def delete(self, device_id, class_id, entity_id):
Delete an entity from the database if it exists
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param class_id: (int) ME Class ID
:param entity_id: (int) ME Entity ID
:returns: (bool) True if the instance was found and deleted. False
if it did not exist.
:raises KeyError: If device does not exist
:raises DatabaseStateError: If the database is not enabled
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def query(self, device_id, class_id=None, instance_id=None, attributes=None):
Get database information.
This method can be used to request information from the database to the detailed
level requested
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param class_id: (int) Managed Entity class ID
:param instance_id: (int) Managed Entity instance
:param attributes: (list/set or str) Managed Entity instance's attributes
:return: (dict) The value(s) requested. If class/inst/attribute is
not found, an empty dictionary is returned
:raises KeyError: If the requested device does not exist
:raises DatabaseStateError: If the database is not enabled
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def on_mib_reset(self, device_id):
Reset/clear the database for a specific Device
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:raises DatabaseStateError: If the database is not enabled
# Your derived class should clear out all MIB data and update the
# modified stats appropriately
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def save_mib_data_sync(self, device_id, value):
Save the MIB Data Sync to the database in an easy location to access
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param value: (int) Value to save
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def get_mib_data_sync(self, device_id):
Get the MIB Data Sync value last saved to the database for a device
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:return: (int) The Value or None if not found
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def save_last_sync(self, device_id, value):
Save the Last Sync time to the database in an easy location to access
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param value: (DateTime) Value to save
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def get_last_sync(self, device_id):
Get the Last SYnc Time saved to the database for a device
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:return: (int) The Value or None if not found
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def update_supported_managed_entities(self, device_id, managed_entities):
Update the supported OMCI Managed Entities for this device
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param managed_entities: (set) Managed Entity class IDs
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def update_supported_message_types(self, device_id, msg_types):
Update the supported OMCI Managed Entities for this device
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param msg_types: (set) Message Type values (ints)
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def load_from_template(self, device_id, template):
Load a device instance database from a dictionary
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:param template: (dict) Dictionary of the template read from storage
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')
def dump_to_json(self, device_id):
Return a JSON encoded string of the device instance data
:param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
:return: (str) JSON encoded string representing the device instance
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in your derive class')